Education News | Xi'an Lianhu Second School holds a teacher to join the meeting

Author:Shaanxi Education Release Time:2022.07.31

With the orderly advancement of school construction, the establishment of the Teacher Teacher Teacher of Lianhu Lake Second School in Xi'an has also been fully completed. On the morning of July 30, all new teachers gathered in the lecture hall No. 1 of the school to attend the meeting meeting. The school leaders and heads of various departments attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Vice President Du Hongmei read out the list of new teachers and linked the names of more than 50 teachers with the second school of Lianhu Lake. ; Vice President Yang Lu led all the teachers to conduct a collective oath, and the vow represents the ideal and beliefs of each two schools. Then Li Zengyu and Wang Jun, two new teachers, spoke. They expressed the excitement and glory of joining the second school of Lianhu Lake. They also said that they would grow together with the Lianhu Second School and create the future!

Finally, President Ma Weidong spoke. From three aspects of emotional feelings, career development, and ethics, he took the first lesson for all new teachers. From the first time he entered the construction site of the second school of Lianhu Lake, he told the teachers that the feelings of the school should be specific and tender; The school is developing with and shared destiny; he hopes that everyone can internalize the style of teachers and morals into conscious behavior, and use higher standards to do every work.

The new chapter of the Lianhu Second School, with determination to create the future! All the two schools will work together to contribute their own strength to the faster and better development of Lianhu Education!

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