Civil engineering major has become a "Xintiankeng"?Employment "escape" has not happened

Author:Scientific network Time:2022.08.03

Text | "China Science News" reporter Wen Cai Fei

In the construction unit, there are various colors of "helmet".

Generally speaking, the white hat represents management or supervisor, red hats represent technical personnel, and yellow hats represent the construction staff.

Ten years ago, like his classmates around, Xiao Qi's biggest expectation was to "do not bring a hat" after graduation -entering a real estate company, "do not need to pick up ash at the construction site, and the income is considerable." After graduating, he would pay as expected.

There are three main students in civil engineering: real estate companies, design institutes, and construction units. Real estate companies are almost the first choice for most civil engineers.

Xiao Qi "stepped on the right". Later, the schoolmates and schoolgirls were employed. It was impossible for "without hats". Many people wanted to retreat and wearing "white hats" next to them, but the reality was wearing a "red hat".

The changes in all this are all in 10 years. About 5 years ago, a "encountering cold" signal appeared in the application of civil engineering. This year, Tongji University ’s civil engineering major in Henan has dropped from 667 to 564 points last year, and the minimum score of the file has dropped from 1730 last year to 43,252.

In addition to Tongji University, civil engineering majors such as Jilin University, Anhui University of Architecture, China University of Mining (Beijing), and Northeast Forestry University have also encountered different degrees of ranking or unpleasant. These have pushed the application of civil engineering to the "cold winter".

Once the popularity became a big unpopular, what exactly was the civil "cold"?

After "hot", return to rationality

Ten years ago, real estate companies' school recruitment was extremely prosperous.

"Almost no recruitment with other units. Those who queue up and handed their resumes extended from the booth to the entrance of the gymnasium. No unit could compete for this' Big Mac". "Xiao Qi recalled.

Behind the prosperity is the infrastructure and real estate heat brought by the national infrastructure.

In 1998, the State issued 100 billion yuan in Treasury bonds for farmland water conservancy, railway transportation, post and telecommunications, urban infrastructure construction, etc.

The 4 trillion yuan investment plan introduced in 2008 mainly invests in the construction of affordable housing, accelerating major infrastructure construction and urban power grid transformation of railway, highway, airports, and water conservancy.

Before 2008, there were 392 undergraduate colleges and universities with civil engineering, with a total of 572 in development.

"The starting threshold for civil engineering is not high, mainly mathematics, mechanics and other courses, but it is not easy to open it. At the beginning of this century, the civil engineering major has sprung up. Open an artificial intelligence major. "Huang Hua (a pseudonym) of the School of Civil Engineering, a university in the east, said with emotion.

"The college graduates of civil engineering began to engage in civil architecture in the 1990s were very lucky, because the Great Infrastructure began in the early 1990s and slowed down in the early 1920s, just to run through the golden age of a person's career. "Xiao Qi said with a word from his peers.

The popularity of the industry has attracted more and more high -scoring candidates, and even the "provincial champion" has made civil engineering as the first choice. There are also people who "win". Xiao Qi's roommates played games in the dormitory for several years. After graduation, they were still leaving by real estate companies.

The comfortable office and annual salary are one million yuan, which briefly forgot the original face of civil engineering -shuttle in the dust and knocking sounds, eat and live with the workers, and follow the project to leave home ...

"It can be said that the ten years of gold in real estate have disrupted the layout of the talent industry and misleaded the occupational positioning of civil engineering." Huang Hua said, "Now it is" in the cold ', but it is actually a "cold", but it is actually it is, it is actually it is, it is actually it is, it is actually it. The rational return of disorderly state will allow the needs of talents in the civil engineering field to return to the position. "

However, the situation is not optimistic.

Coming to the pass of the 1920s, the "Statistics of the Transportation Industry Development Statistics of 2021" released by the Ministry of Transport showed that as of the end of 2021, my country's high -speed railway business mileage reached 40,000 kilometers and highway mileage was 169,000 kilometers.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, from 2000 to 2020, my country's urbanization rate jumped from 36.2%to 63.89%. my country's economy is in the stage of changing from high -speed growth to high -quality growth.

"With the change of the national development model, the social needs of graduates of civil engineering are narrowed, resulting in the reduction of employment demand correspondingly," said Ye Zhiming, a professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of Shanghai University.

In addition, with the improvement of living standards, more and more young people are yearning for high -end industries.

Huang Hua found in the enrollment that "Family in the age of the only child, parents and candidates do not care too much about which college's civil engineering majors ranked first, but instead put the current working environment and work pressure on work pressure First, there are many misunderstandings about civil engineering majors. "

These quiet changes have led to the rapidly listed "biochemical ring material civil engine" Tiankeng specialty.

Is the civil engineering "earthen and wood"?

Young and handsome civil engineering graduates have been engaged in civil engineering for two months and become vicissitudes of middle -aged uncle; cousin was transferred to Civil Engineering in Central South University. Suddenly it was filled with a large number of civil "dismissal" videos.

The feeling of "Opinion Leaders" on the Internet is very different. Researchers at the School of Civil Engineering of Chongqing University recalled that in the Chinese Journal of Science, in everyone's traditional cognition, civil engineering is generally considered to be the bottom of the scientific food chain. However, "in scientific research, we deeply feel that civil engineering is not the bottom, and it provides rich scenes for the application of artificial intelligence." If your concept is still "building a house", it will be behind.

Today's civil engineering is more of the concept of "new infrastructure", involving seven major areas including 5G base stations, UHV, intercity high -speed railway and urban rail transit, new energy vehicle charging piles, big data centers, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet.

Remembrances, in the concept of new infrastructure, civil engineering can be involved in more areas. For example, how can float wind turbines maintain stable under the sea and waves at sea, how to replace the steel concrete to better achieve corrosion function, and 3D printing technology can print a house.

my country's digital technology in civil engineering is also very exciting. The enterprise that takes one step first has its scientific and technological innovation capabilities that are on people's eyes.

Country Garden has turned the robot to build a house into reality, and the robot completes the interior spray paint, concrete fabric operation, and automatic cleaning of garbage.

The Shanghai Construction Engineering Group models through the BIM (building information model) technology to allow the building structure of the roof to see it in the computer. The technical models of each professional engineering have been "collision experiments" in the overall building model in advance.

The China Construction Eighth Bureau builds a platform that runs through the entire life cycle of engineering construction. The digital smart center developed by its development has become the "combat command center" of the entire construction site.

Of course, it brings new problems -if the house is built by a robot, will there be less manpower in the future? This has also become one of the basis for some universities to gradually reduce the scale of civil engineering enrollment.

Huang Hua believes that "the perspective of civil engineering in the future should be more oriented to the whole life cycle, and manpower can make a difference in operation, maintenance, and management. This is a field that civil engineering has less involved before."

He hit a metaphor. If the real estate is compared to the "newborn", the whole life cycle of civil engineering is "all departments of the hospital".

For example, under what circumstances do bridges need to be limited? How to control the temperature of the space inside the gymnasium and exhibition hall? How to evacuate the crowd in the community?

These contents seem to be a major in public management and artificial intelligence, but in fact, civil engineering majors have more innate advantages. "If many facilities are considered from construction, the use of later use will be more convenient. It should not be just completed, and hand over management and maintenance to unprofessional people." Huang Hua said.

Ye Zhiming added that in fact, due to the slowdown of infrastructure in developed countries, the civil engineering major in colleges and universities has already narrowed the scale of enrollment, and its research direction has also shifted to "maintenance" of traditional buildings, rather than "construction". Although the name of civil engineering is retained, the discipline content is very different from domestic universities.

Undergraduate talent training has not come to "catch up" changes

Is the times become too fast and make people caught off guard? Or is the civil engineering major too slow and can't keep up with the times?

As a typical traditional major, the material mechanics, structural mechanics, theoretical mechanics, etc. involved in civil engineering are the theories that mature two or three hundred years ago. These theories do not lose their practical significance due to ancient times, and major civil engineering accidents are not related to basic theory.

The relationship between cutting -edge disciplines and traditional disciplines is subtle. More than 10 years ago, the artificial intelligence development around civil engineering had already existed. Civil engineering also tried to integrate with other professional and non -traditional breakthroughs. They found the application docking point and the market for the market for just a few years. This rapid collision made many universities "back".

"In graduate training and teacher scientific research, colleges and universities focus on high -level and high -level research directions, but they have not had time to apply it to undergraduate training, because we did not expect development to be so rapid." Huang Hua told "China Journal of Science.

This table is now in the application of BIM (architectural information model) technology, sponge city construction, underground pipe galleries, green construction, and new energy development trends, but the content of the undergraduate teaching has stopped in the previous generation of textbooks.

This has to be mentioned that the special nature of civil engineering -is extremely standard. This major not only has various construction specifications and standards, but also has an engineering education professional certification standard under the framework of the Washington Agreement. As of 2021, the civil engineering major of 110 colleges in my country has passed the engineering education major.

It is necessary to comply with standards and not be tired of standards, which is difficult to balance in talent training. Ye Zhiming told the China Science News that in the new concept formed in scientific research, teachers can be taught at most as cases as cases and cannot be implemented as teaching standards.

Bold innovation needs to bear a lot of risks and responsibilities. For example, Shanghai's landmark building Jinmao Building, large -scale and deep infrastructure in construction, through scientific research and research, break through the relevant specifications and standards, and then solidify the relevant exploration into national construction specifications. However, breakthroughs like this are not common.

The change and breakthrough of a discipline also takes the same cycle. Huang Chao, an associate professor at the School of Economics and Management of Harbin University of Technology, told the Journal of China that a cycle was at least 5 years.

Unlike many majors, civil engineering is also facing another special conflict. Ye Zhiming pointed out that if graduates of civil engineering are engaged in related occupations, they will face a qualification certificate for structural engineers. The quality of the examination belongs to the category of higher vocational education, but now it is placed in ordinary higher education, making it difficult for everyone to have a clear understanding of it.

Even if the professional teacher does not necessarily have professional qualification certificates such as structural engineers, the scientific research content and teaching content he do are not in line with vocational education. It's confusion.

Many civil engineering graduates have spoiled. After graduation, they have dealt with migrant workers on the construction site after graduation.

After the "lying" life of "without hats" for many years, Xiao Qi resigned and went to the construction unit to wear a "white hat". Pay attention to standardized practice and improvement of craftsmanship. " For example, people in actual projects are not involved in the study of many schools.

"What we value most is experience. Students are best to learn from the project." But in the past few years, Xiao Qi did not see a junior intern who came to follow the project.

A graduate graduated from a major in the central university's civil engineering told the Journal of China. Many times, colleges and universities may bring students to the internship site. The summer is hot and cold in winter, and all kinds of dirty. "Students have seen it on the construction site of the internship, and many people come back to retreat, bluntly 'too bitter'."

On the construction site, high -tech applications are a minority after all, and high school students and even undergraduates are rare. This further deepened the professional impression of "earth and wood" in the minds of the public.

"Can we change a learning with a sense of science and technology and application scenarios?" Ye Zhiming gave an example. Teachers can bring students to test images with drones, build digital city models, etc., or let BIM technology more in teaching scenarios in teaching scenarios more In the middle, such learning students will be interested in.

The future highlight is intelligent+

Fortunately, the phenomenon of "escape" civil engineering has not occurred in the "export" stage.

According to data from the Michael Research Institute's "2022 Michaels -College Employment Annual Index", 90 % of graduates of the 2021 civil engineering engineering have stayed in their own industry.

Ye Zhiming analyzed the employment of graduates of Shanghai college for 12 years. Data show that in 2008, there were more than a thousand undergraduate graduates of civil engineering major in Shanghai universities. In 2014, it was more than 1,400, and more than 900 in 2020.

Nearly 50%of the undergraduate graduates of civil engineering stay in the construction industry, about 30%go to scientific research and technology, leasing and service industry, 6%in the real estate industry, 4%in the manufacturing industry.

"It is also a major in civil engineering. The employment flow of graduates of different colleges and universities shows different characteristics. The" double first -class "college graduates are more flowing to scientific research and technology industries, and most colleges and universities are construction industry." He said.

The universities also made corresponding adjustments to the "cold" of civil engineering. Tsinghua University puts civilian, water conservancy, and marine engineering categories on batch admission of early approval and poor students, and stipulates that it cannot be transferred.

Some of the "double first -class" universities such as Chongqing University have incorporated civil engineering in engineering test classes.

Universities such as the University of Electronic Science and Technology and Jimei University have revoked civil engineering majors, and colleges and universities such as Shanghai University have reduced the recruitment quota of civil engineering.

Huang Hua believes that the next adjustment should be more targeted, but it is by no means simply withdrawing it.

Historically, Harvard University had canceled geography and missed the geographical town. Geography was once known as the "mother of science" and gave birth to many "children" such as climate, botany, zoology, ecology, and meteorology.

Although Harvard University later restored geography, it also missed a series of vigorous revolutionary incidents in the history of geography, such as theoretical revolution, behavior revolution, and information revolution.

Sun Jun and Pan Yujun, a professor at Yunnan Normal University, wrote that a revelation of Harvard geography incident was that they must give full attention to the new direction.

For civil engineering, intelligent construction is a highlight of the future. Enterprises urgently need civil engineering+software engineering, civil engineering+communication technology, civil engineering+mechanical electronic engineering and other composite talents.

In 2017, Tongji University opened the first intelligent construction major in my country. There are currently 64 undergraduate colleges that have opened the major in China.

Ye Zhiming reminded that it is easy to increase professional directions or rename, but it is difficult to give professional new content and cross the discipline.

For example, the contradiction between the increase in credits and the upper limit of the credits, the proportion of traditional courses to intelligent+courses, how to not violate the design specifications, but also introduce cutting -edge content into undergraduate teaching. They are all issues that should be considered in the change of talent training.

"The way out is that colleges and universities must not only give traditional professional courses content, curriculum settings, internship practice and other reforms to use new connotations, but also should also change the professional series of courses from the isolated learning of a door course to a systematic knowledge learning in talent training. That is, to complete the realm of the realm of seeing every tree 'to' to 'to' to see a forest, to realize the study of specific curriculum theory to control the entire civil engineering discipline or engineering concept. "Ye Zhiming emphasized that Ye Zhiming emphasized Essence

With the intelligent application and the return of unpopular majors, the future may be expected.

Huang Chao took the industrial and commercial management as an example. In the past 30 years, the major has also gone through the process of "heat" to "cold", and gradually "heating up". "Many majors have a mature process of ups and downs, and in the process of continuous and stable development in the process." And for the "post -00s" yearning for high -end and "not wearing hats", future technology forces may help them help them. Wishes. For example, the prefabricated parts of the construction industry are built like building blocks, the parts are made in the factory, and then they are brought to the scene to assemble. This can only appear in the movie in the past, but now it has gradually developed into reality.

Like professional development, people's development must be synchronized.

"How many 4 years have a lifetime? The rest of the way will be left by himself." Before the interview, Xiao Qi, who had just got off work and took off the "white hat", said with emotion, "With lifelong learning ability, it can adapt to the future changes in the industry's changes in the future. And development is also one of the most cultivated capabilities in the 4 years of undergraduate. "

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