About the announcement of the public selection of teachers in the open selection and hiring teachers in Lanzhou New District in 2022, the list of people entering the interviewer, the public selection and execution executive entry to the interviewer list

Author:Lanzhou New District Release Time:2022.08.04

About the announcement of Lanzhou New District in 2022 Public Office of Kindergarten

Public selection of teachers' written test results and enter the interview

List of personnel, public selection and hiring executive president to enter the interviewer list notice


According to the "Announcement of the Public Election Executive and Teachers' Announcement of Public Election Executive Entry Executive Entry Executive and Teachers in Lanzhou New District in 2022", "Lanzhou New District 2022 Public Office of Public Parks Public Selection of Teachers to Increase the Written Examination Relations Announcement" For qualification review, apply for written tests for the teachers, and now the public examination results of the public selection and hiring teachers in Lanzhou New District in 2022, and the list of interviewers, Lanzhou New District 2022 Public -run Kindergarten Public Election Executive Presidents entered the interviewer list to announce the list of people. Essence (See attachments)

Recently, it will organize on -site interviews in Lanzhou New District. Please apply for candidates to continue to pay attention to China Lanzhou New District (http://www.lzxq.gov.cn/) and Lanzhou New District Talent Network (https://www.lzxqrc.com/). And the WeChat public account "Lanzhou New District Release", the interview time and relevant requirements will be released uniformly through the above platform.

Entering interviewers need to reduce out -of -going flow and not go to the domestic medium and high risk zones. If they cannot participate in the interview due to the requirements of epidemic prevention work, the candidates shall bear their own responsibilities.

Consultation Tel: 0931-4911309

(Please call 8: 30-12: 00 14: 30-18: 00 during working days)


1. Lanzhou New District 2022 Public -run Kindergarten public selection and hiring teachers' written test results and list of interviewers

2. Lanzhou New District in 2022 Public -run kindergarten public selection and executive executives enter the interviewer list

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