Taiyuan: Summer sports hot students are busy exercise

Author:Shanxi Evening News Time:2022.08.04

In the summer, more than half of the holiday life arranged for their children, physical exercise became an important one. The reporter learned that in order to get more scores and even full scores in the high school entrance examination sports, many expectant junior high school students used summer vacation to "make up for" sports, and other grades of students also used summer vacation to strengthen physical exercise. Enhance physical fitness.

Busy exercise busy

Since the summer vacation, in the Taiyuan Foreign Language School Stadium, which is separated from the wall of Yifen Park, no matter in the morning or evening, the sweaty middle school students can be seen everywhere, and the parents who accompany them are also secretly cheering for their children.

Parent Li Bin said that his daughter will take the entrance examination next year. The 50 points for sports are equivalent to the opening exam. If you know what, how to take the exam, how to judge the scores, what are the reasons not to get the score? "It is relatively easy to make full scores. I usually study nervously. I bring my children over every day in the summer vacation."

Although the weather is sultry, the third -time students of the junior junior are still going to exercise at the Wan Berlin Stadium every day according to the summer plan to make the final sprint for the upcoming sports junior exam. “孩子的体形偏胖,为了改善体形,提高身体素质,能够更从容地面对体育中考,我们从初一开始就鼓励他坚持体育锻炼。”妈妈李艳告诉记者,今年4月疫情期间,尽管I also insisted on exercise at home, but the early training effect decreased. Considering the school severely after the start of school, assault training was conducted during the summer. The purpose of Xiaomiao is to all the running, long jump, and sitting in front of the seat this summer, and continue to consolidate after the start of school until the middle school entrance examination next year.

"Sports from high school entrance examinations is a special subject for students with good sports, but it is a big challenge for some students who lack sports genes." Li Yan said that the running project has always been the weak item of his son. Half half, panting, and couldn't complete it at all. After long -term training, my son has been able to run 1,000 meters in 4 minutes, which has made great progress. Although the training is hard, the seedlings of the seedlings have improved significantly. The mother who accompanied him has been fully supporting, which can improve the results of the examination and enhance the training of physical fitness. In her opinion, it is two birds with one stone.

The reporter visited and found that this summer vacation, many sports training grounds in our city can see students preparing for sports entrance examinations.

Sports training fire

In addition to strengthening exercises by yourself, the corresponding training courses are also very popular. Take long jump as an example. How to practice this project with professional skills, sports training courses have become the choice of students.

The reporter learned that since entering the summer vacation, in some sports venues, the "middle school entrance examination class" opened for sports on the sports middle school entrance examination will be fully registered at the full period.

"This year's" Chinese Entrance Examination Class '15 is a period 1, each of which is 90 minutes. The current two -phase courses have ended, and the three phases are ongoing, and there are four periods. After the start of school, there are corresponding consolidation classes every week. " A training ground, Mr. Zhong, the person in charge of a sports training course.

For the role of sports training courses, many students and parents have said that despite the cost of reporting the class, there are professional guidance, and even for a period of time, there will be simulation simulation tests. Increasing, it can achieve the effect of half -effort, everyone recognizes this kind of training course.

The "command stick" role is great

"Good physical education classes, do a good job of exercise during class, and continue to get physical exercise, and can add points to sports examinations. However, normal physical education classes are really difficult to reach the middle school entrance examination for children who do not like sports or have a few congenital constitutions. The requirements. "For the practice of" additional practice "in the summer, Zhao Sen, a middle school physical education teacher, gave his own point:" Physical exercise is a gradual process. Usually exercise is very important. Especially for children with poor sports grades, it is more needed for systematic training. This is not only adding points for children's physical examinations, but also adding points to children’s health. "Teacher Zhao suggested Time and quantitative training should pay attention to high temperature weather in the summer, and do not excessively increase the amount of exercise.

In addition, the reporter noticed that the leverage of sports in the middle school entrance examination has greatly affected the parents of primary and secondary school students. Although it was out of the initial out of sports subjects, there were indeed more and more parents began to attach importance to their children's physical exercise and attach importance to strengthening their physique from an early age. Today, there are more and more elementary school students participating in sports interest classes such as basketball, football, badminton. The news of the sports reform (soliciting opinions), which appeared some time ago, has further aroused the importance of students and parents to sports.

Many parents said that strengthening exercise is to lay the foundation for sports for the sports on the one hand, and on the other hand, to let children master a skill and help children practice well.

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