Lei Chaozi: The high -quality education system for building digital support is the way to educate the country.

Author:Beijing News Time:2022.08.07

Lei Chaozi said that promoting the transformation of digital education and building a high -quality education system supported by digitalization is the only way for our country to move from educational power to educational power.

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Beijing News reporter Liu Yang Editor Miao Chenxia school against Lu Qian

What is the significance of educating digital transformation? What is the implementation of the State Education Digitalization Strategic Action? How will it advance in the future? On August 7, at the 2022 Beijing Newspaper Finance Summer Summer Education Forum, the Director of Science and Technology and Information Technology of the Ministry of Education Lei Chaozi delivered a keynote speech. Lei Chaozi said that promoting the transformation of digital education and building a high -quality education system supported by digitalization is the only way to achieve education from basic equilibrium to high levels of equilibrium, from educational power to educational power.

Director of the Department of Science and Technology and Information Technology of the Ministry of Education Lei Chaozi.


Promoting education digital transformation is an important strategic task for building digital China

Lei Chaozi has deeply understood the significance of the transformation of education digital, accurately grasped the important deployment of the national education digital strategy, fully affirmed the four aspects of the construction of the national smart education public service platform, and accelerating the comprehensive realization of the digital transformation system. Share the promotion of the State Education Digital Strategy Action.

Lei Chao explained the significance of educational digital transformation from two aspects of international situation and domestic development. He introduced how the countries developed online education from infrastructure, resource supply, teacher training, and performance system to promote the transformation of education digital. From the perspective of domestic development, Lei Chaozi said that promoting education digital transformation is the inherent needs of high -quality development of education.

"From the perspective of the decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, promoting education digital transformation is an important strategic task to build digital China." Lei Chaozi introduced that after years of continued efforts, my country's education informatization has achieved leapfrog development and has achieved significant significance Effective. The construction and application of "three links and two platforms" have made significant progress, teachers' information technology application capabilities have been greatly improved, and major breakthroughs in education informatization application models have laid a solid foundation for the realization of the transformation and upgrading of the digitalization of education.

Lei Chaoyi emphasized that in a large population like China, only by making full use of big data and AI information technology to build a network of network, digital, personalized, and lifelongization, can everyone learn, learn everywhere, and always learn everywhere Learned learning society. Only by achieving refined resource allocation and scientific decision -making based on intelligent technology can we significantly improve the level of education and governance and provide key support for the education of the people's satisfactory education.


Focus on the construction of a national smart education platform to achieve lifelong learning and education modernization

At the National Education Work Conference in 2022, Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng proposed to implement the State Education Digital Strategy Action. In the "Key Points of the Ministry of Education in 2022", the implementation of education digital strategy is also listed as a key task. It proposes to strengthen demand traction, deepen integration, innovate empowerment, and application driver, actively develop "Internet+education", accelerate education figures Transformation and intelligent upgrade.

Lei Chaozi introduced the deployment of the Ministry of Education's implementation of the national education digital strategy. Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Education focuses on the construction of a national smart education public service platform, and launches the implementation of the national education digital strategic actions, and has made great efforts to help school assistance, teaching assistant, management, research, and politics. Model, new form.

"The strategic pattern of implementing the national education digital strategy action is based on basic education, vocational education, and higher education. According to the introduction, promote domestic education and teaching elements into the architecture of the national smart education public service platform in accordance with the semester, effectively extend the channel for life -long learning of the whole people, and actively build a service pattern for students, teachers, schools, and social members. Efforts to make the national smart education platform into a platform for student learning and exchanges, teachers' teaching and education and preparation platforms, platforms for school running schools and cooperation and exchanges, platforms for education, quality and development and development, and explore networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, and networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, and networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, networking. Digitalization and intelligence, realization of personalized learning, lifelong learning and educational modernization platforms, contributing wisdom and strength to the development of world -class digital education with the world's world -class digital education.


The National Smart Education Platform effectively helps "double reduction" and "stop classes and stop school"

On March 28 this year, the National Smart Education Public Service Platform was officially launched. Introduction of Lei Chaozi, in the past 4 months, the Ministry of Education has vigorously gathered high -quality digital education resources, continued to optimize public service matters, promoted platform applications in depth, continued to improve the cohesion and influence of the platform, and obtained the majority of teachers and students, schools at all levels at all levels, and various schools at all levels. Active evaluation and full recognition of all sectors of society.

The Lei Chaozi further introduced that when the national smart education public service platform was officially launched, it integrated and integrated the national primary and secondary school smart education platform, national vocational education smart education platform, national higher education smart education platform, and national 24365 college student employment service platform. In the follow -up, combined with national needs and major hotspots, the four major sections of the "Beijing Winter Olympics Spirit", "Fighting Epidemic", "Psychological Health", "Summer Teacher Train", including "Beijing Olympics Spirit", incorporated the rich in moral education, sports, aesthetic education, labor education and other rich. Digital education resources have expanded government services such as examination services, academic degrees, and studying abroad services. And guide nine provincial -level smart education platforms that piloted the provincial pilot to access the national smart education portal. The platform links 529,000 schools, facing 18.44 million teachers, 291 million teachers and students and social learners. It brings together 34,000 basic education curriculum resources, 6628 vocational education online boutique courses, and 27,000 high -quality courses in higher education. As of July 28, the total view of the platform has exceeded 3.2 billion times, and the total number of visitors has reached 470 million. Enriching after -school service resources and meeting the needs of diversified education, the national smart education platform also effectively helps "double reduction". Lei Chaozi said that during the prevention and control of the epidemic in some areas in the first half of this year, the platform supported the "suspension of classes" in Shanghai, Jilin and other places, and "stopping classes and non -stop teaching" to effectively serve the overall situation of resistance. The platform also comprehensively supports employment and entrepreneurship. The national 24365 college student employment service platform adds 7.44 million new positions to provide graduates and employers with 365 days of continuous employment services every day.

"At present, the positioning of the National Smart Education Public Service Platform is becoming more and more accurate, the functions are more comprehensive, the development and utilization of resource construction are continuously enriched and enhanced, the attention continues to rise, and it is well received by the society. Li Chaozi said. "Lei Chaozi said.


Accelerate the comprehensive realization of digital transformation in the education system

In the future, the Ministry of Education will accelerate the comprehensive implementation of digital transformation in the education system. Lei Chaozi said that the second phase of the National Smart Education Public Service Platform has been successfully completed, but this is only a small step in the digital strategy of national education. In the future, the Ministry of Education will continue to push the digital transformation of education to deepen in accordance with high -starting point integration, high -efficiency integration, high standard integration, and high -quality integration.

First of all, the top -level design planning will be combined with the innovation of application practice, and the demonstration leader and digital transformation of smart education construction and application demonstration will be strengthened. Continue to expand the scale of resource application and construction and development, promote the continuous continuous continuous, and strive to achieve full coverage of 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Secondly, promote the high -quality and balanced educational resources, make efforts in assistance, explore the teaching assistant, deepen the aid, break through in research, promote politics, and gradually explore the effectiveness of existing education and online education space. Combined, serving learning society and lifelong education.

In terms of high -standard integration, the introduction of Lei Chaozi will combine the integration and integration of educational resources with the security and reliable operation of the smart education platform to allow the network to cross the space, let the number beyond the time, let the high -quality resource spread barrier, and use digital to empower the digital empowerment. , Use intelligent quality, use platforms to manage platforms to ensure efficiency, intelligence, standards, and specifications.

In the future, the International and Regional Digital Education Alliance will also be established to initiate international initiatives of digital education to vigorously enhance my country's education quality and international influence.

"Informatization has brought a rare opportunity for the Chinese nation. We will take the implementation of the national education digital strategy action as the main line, and to seize the huge opportunities created by digital technology, comprehensively promote the transformation of education digital, put institutional advantages, scale advantages, digital digits, digital digits The technological advantage has transformed into a new advantage to promote the high -quality development of education, showing our responsibilities and responsibilities in the process of the construction of a strong education country. "Lei Chaozi emphasized.

Editor on duty Kang Hee

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