"Eat melon, eat melon, the top of the future!" Please eat watermelon for free from the graduation ceremony of colleges and universities

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.17

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client June 17th News On the morning of June 16, the 2022 graduation ceremony of Wuhan Biological Engineering was held. Through the on -site participation and watching the live broadcast, graduates ended their lives.

At the ceremony, the principal Wang Yanqiao encouraged the graduates to have the ambition to "stir up the water, the waves to fly the boat", and must have the perseverance of "moving forward and never discarding". I must have the persistence of "inspecting the autumn, excellence". The historical mission of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation "has made the dream of youth resonated with the Chinese dream in the same frequency, and strive to become a dream -width -in -minded person in the new era.

President Wang Yanqiao's message graduates. Correspondent Chen Chong

The most eye -catching at the scene was the more than 300 fragrance and rounded watermelon prepared by the school. "Come, eat melon, eat melon!" "Put the melon on your head, the future top!" After the ceremony, the graduates wore a robe, tasted sweet watermelon in the summer sun, and shouted "refreshing".

Graduates eat melon happily at the scene. Correspondent Chen Chong

According to reports, this is the leader of the school's rural rejuvenation team, under the leadership of Luo Qunshu, the secretary of the village, using the watermelon planted by the greenhouse. Earlier, Luo Qunshu was the deputy secretary of the party's general branch of the School of Computer and Information Engineering. In July 2021, he took over the rural revitalization baton and came to Fujiamiao Village, Baimiaohe Town, Baimiaohe Town, which was assisted by the school. Essence When he was in school, he had a close relationship with the students. The graduation season was caught up with Guushuang. He would transport the watermelon he had cultivated to the school and shared it with the graduates.

Graduates eat melon happily at the scene. Correspondent Chen Chong

"I have witnessed the appearance of this classmate's concentration of learning and hard work, and also witnessed your time when you sweat and dream. I hope that you will be overlooking in the future!" Wishes to the 2022 graduates. Students can not only taste on -site, but also take a melon free of charge as a graduation gift.

"In addition to saying goodbye to the graduation season, there are also blessings and gifts from Secretary Luo's warm heart." Graduate Yang Yali said: "The delicious watermelon echo the feeling of the summer during the graduation season, but also means that the cumilizer is falling, symbolizing that we are about to leave, Campus, the next stop of life. I will also use Secretary Luo as an example to go to the place where the motherland needs. "

(Changjiang Daily reporter Chen Xiaotong correspondent Ren Liqiong Cheng Xiaolu Ye Tao)

【Edit: Zheng Xiaoxiao】

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