Changning, a kindergarten, teaches you to perform "young connection" at home

Author:Shanghai Changning Time:2022.08.08

"Young Connection" is an important transitional stage for children to enter elementary school from kindergarten. The second kindergarten of Xianxia Road, Changning District summarizes the precautions of "young connection" for parents, and cleverly integrate them into daily teaching and activities. One after another, rich, interesting and diverse children's activities, cultivate and enhance children's comprehensive ability, and help them enter elementary school life more calmly.

"Actually, the preparation of enrollment is not that the child starts to start in elementary school, but that the scientific connection has been incorporated into the entire process from when entering the kindergarten. It is the gradual accumulation of the child's development stage." Li Yan, deputy director of the kindergarten, told reporters that the development of children's living habits, the cultivation of learning ability, the development of core literacy, and the desire to explore the study of curiosity are preparing for the admission of elementary school. At the stage of the big class, the kindergarten can let the children truly and in -depth understanding of primary school life through various activities such as visiting, experience, communication, and exploration, and to generate longing for elementary school life and successfully enter elementary school life.

To this end, the teachers of Xianxia Road Second Kindergarten specifically summarized some precautions for "young connection" for parents. Let's take a look!

Let your child know: Primary school is beautiful

Parents should tell their children that going to elementary school is a happy thing. TA will know new teachers and friends, and can also learn various new knowledge. If conditions permit, you can bring the child's "cloud tour" primary school to make TA look forward to and longing for the new school life; you can also play the role -playing game of "teacher and student" with the children to help children preliminary understanding of elementary school students Identity and campus.

Let go properly and develop children's independence ability

In life, parents should gradually let go of the idea of ​​"one -handed work" to allow their children to complete some things independently, such as organizing books toys, packing tableware after meals, brushing their teeth and wash face, etc., and gradually cultivate children's independence. In addition, when the child expresses that he wants to do something by himself, parents should fully believe that the child is "able to do"; when TA makes mistakes seek help, parents should respond in time to guide their children to find the right direction.

Teach your children to know the time, establish the concept of time

If you want to help your child establish the outlook on time, parents can try to present the time "real", such as using an hourglass, countdown electronic meter, or posting on the dial, so that children can clearly perceive the flow of time and understand the length of time. Furthermore, parents can also agreed with their children to complete the "task" duration, such as how long it takes for children to feel reading and finishing stationery; they can also buy a alarm clock for children to let TA gradually learn to supervise themselves and develop cherish time to cherish time. quality.

Cultivate children's interest in learning, think more and express diligently

The agreed time to read parent -child reading with children can read more stories and basic scientific picture books, and guide children to describe the content of the story to exercise the child's understanding and expression ability.

Parents can also ask their children to ask their children, discuss and deal with some practical problems, and improve TA's ability to solve the logical thinking and problems.

Let children perform tasks appropriately and develop a sense of rules

In order to help children understand the rules, parents can arrange some simple tasks to their children in their lives, and agree on time, practices and steps to gradually exercise their children's understanding of the rules and the execution of tasks.

In addition, the whole family can also negotiate to establish some "rules of life", perform carefully, and reward and punish clearly. Note that the formulation of family rules must be from less to more, from shallow to deep, and the whole family must maintain consistency!

Encourage children to meet new friends and develop social ability

In the case of conditions permit, children can contact the brother and sister in the community to play with them; or let the children take the initiative to make new friends when going out; encourage children to greet them politely, chat with people, and improve TA's social capabilities. Of course, while guiding children to express their thoughts as clear as possible, let TA learn patiently and understand others' words -this is very important in associated with teachers and classmates!

Do parent -child exercise often, exercise children's physical fitness

Using daily leisure time, parent -child can perform more sports, such as playing, skipping rope, etc., to exercise children's physical fitness and stimulate TA sports interest. Also note that it is necessary to ensure that the child has sufficient sleep (about 10 hours a day). Sleeping well, it is easier to develop a good habit of getting up on time. A healthy and energetic physique and full spirit can help children better adapt to elementary school life.

Encourage children to participate in labor, cultivate patience and sense of responsibility

In daily life, you can ask your children to participate in labor and take on some of the family affairs. For children's efforts and results, parents must give positive and positive evaluations in a timely manner to enhance the motivation and enthusiasm of TA to continue to participate. If the child's performance is patient and meticulous, there are beginnings and endings, they must also fully affirm, praise and encourage, and further consolidate and strengthen the child's good quality and sense of responsibility.

Improve children's emotional management ability

Parents should always pay attention to their children's psychological state, respond in a timely and effective requirement for their children's reasonable requirements, and help the TA society properly control and express emotions. Parents should also pay attention to their "example effects", try to maintain emotional stability, and maintain good parent -child relationships with their children. You can also read some picture books about emotional management with your children, such as "My Emotional Monster" and "Feifei are angry", which will also be very helpful for guiding children to correctly understand and cope with their emotions.

Safety education must not relax, let children remember key information of the family, such as the location of the site, phone, and home. Remind children: When going out, be sure to abide by traffic rules, cross the road to see red and green lights; do not walk with strangers; do not eat food given by strangers; do not leak privacy information to strangers. In addition, parents have to tell their children: in school, some dangerous things cannot be done. For example, they cannot run on the corridor, stairs and classrooms, and they cannot play with sharp objects such as pencils and classmates.

As early as the beginning of this year, the Teaching and Research Team of the Second Kindergarten Class of Xianxia Road formally joined forces with the first -year teaching and research team of the primary school primary school. Affected by the epidemic, the children started the study and life of the home home, and the second kindergarten of Xianxia Road cleverly integrated the results into various activities of the children, making the children's home life more colorful.

I am the master of my activity. Not long ago, the graduation ceremony of the large class just held, and the teacher gave the active rights and planning rights to the children to guide the children of the kindergarten class to organize, plan, prepare, and participate in the whole process. The communication and collaboration capabilities are improved to improve their comprehensive quality.

The song "Listen to me, thank you" made for parents

In addition, the Second Kindergarten of Xianxia Road also held a parent -child sports meeting to encourage children to exercise in the home condition and actively participate in exercise, develop good habits of daily exercise, reduce dependence on electronic products. During the period, good work and learning habits were formed; the six -one night meeting was held to exercise the children's organization, coordination and social ability, and enhanced the children's self -confidence through video display; Safety education activities include transportation safety, fire safety, electrical prevention, earthquake prevention and disaster prevention, drowning prevention safety, etc., penetrate safety education into life education, exercise children's response ability and increase safety knowledge.

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The picture comes from the second kindergarten of Xianxia Road, Changning District

Text: Li Bo

Edit: Li Bingqian

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