Dongying Intermediate People's Court launched summer children's care service activities | Dongying released

Author:Dongying released Time:2022.08.08

Since August 5th, the summer is strong. In order to enrich the summer life of children and protect the healthy growth of children, the Dongying Intermediate People's Court and the Dongying District Martial Arts Association Children's Martial Arts Team, Dongying Economic and Technological Development Zone Community "Four Points of Sunshine" The summer care class carried out a colorful summer social practice activity. Zhang Minglei, a member of the party group of the Dongying Intermediate People's Court, and the director of the Political Department, and the relevant police officers of the Women's Federation, the retired cadre office, and the juvenile court participated in the event.

Inheriting the preaching session, Comrade Wang Mu, the retired cadre of the Dongying Intermediate People's Court, started from the inheritance of Chinese martial arts, combined with his own soldiers and executive official duties, and told children the importance of both morality, hard work, and having a healthy body. Focusing on the profound and profound Chinese traditional culture, the spirit of martial arts spirit that can be able to do martial arts, strengthen the body, strengthen self -improvement, and revitalize China, and guide children to inherit red genes and cultivate patriotism.

On the scene, the children's martial arts team members brought you a wonderful traditional martial arts performance. Tai Chi knife, tiger head double hooks, bare hands, etc. , Yingxian Yingzi won applause on the scene.

Know the law and use the law to fight for the law to be a good boy in the new era.

In the interactive law, the child's protection law was distributed to the children, and the comics handbook for preventing the criminal law of minors. Have a more comprehensive understanding of the basic knowledge of the law.

In the immersive experience session, the children led the children to visit the jury court, detained room and other trial places. They observed a court trial through video. The hammer, who experienced the sacredness and solemnity of the court.

During the entire activity, the children were orderly, lively and orderly, and raised vivid and interesting questions after another. While the police officer gave patient meticulous answers, they strengthened communication with the children. The seeds that know the law and the seeds to the good are guided by the children from small things, starting from now, and striving to be a good boy in the new era.

read more, walk more. Dongying Intermediate People's Court will continue to play its own advantages, relying on the practice base of the rule of law education, deepen the "child child's heart to the party, grow with love with affection" 2022 summer children's care service activities, provide more social practice activities for children, to be children The Guardian guardian of the leader builds a dream person and escorts the healthy growth of children and children.

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