Lexing holiday • Warmly built the nest -the migratory bird watching Taizhou (Season 7)

Author:七 七 箬 箬 board Time:2022.08.08

In order to better meet the holiday needs of young people in the jurisdiction, effectively reduce the pressure of children and children of employees and family members, help educate "double reduction", and allow "small migratory birds" to spend a more meaningful holiday. On August 8th The Youth Activity Center and the Youth League Committee, the Women's Federation, the Customs Working Committee, and the Propaganda Office of the Youth Activity Center, organized by the "Enjoy Holidays • Warm Nesting Nests" hosted by Wenling Rural Qiqiao Ban Love Service Club - Huangyan Jiu Zixi Villa opened. Under the leadership of volunteers, the 65 "migratory birds" in the town are led by the combination of practice+research to broaden their knowledge and increase their life insights in the game.

On the day of the event, the "Migratory Birds" came early to the collection point to gather early under the leadership of their parents. After bid farewell to his parents, with his expectations, the "migratory birds" took the bus to Huangyan Jiuxi Villa. After arriving at the destination, this group of "birds" who couldn't wait to replace the swimsuit and swim trunks they brought in, played in the inflatable water park. The scorching sun could not stop their enthusiasm. In the sun, they hit water, slide, play bubbles ... laughter and laughter filled everyone's ears. Then the "muddy water touch fish" activity, the children jumped directly into the mud pits and chased the catfish hiding in the quagmire. "I caught it!" "I caught it!" The happy shouting came one after another, and I caught dozens of fish in a while. Although everyone's head, face, and body were covered with mud, it was difficult to cover up everyone's inner excitement. And joy.

At noon, the children were divided into six groups and made lunch by themselves. Some of them are washing vegetables, some cut vegetables, some of them burned fire, and they were busy. With the help of volunteers and teachers leading, the children soon ate fragrant meals. In the afternoon, the children transformed into jungle adventurers and experienced special projects such as shooting and slippery grass. The children exercised wisdom and courage in immersive interest exploration.

It is reported that the "Migratory Birds Watching Taizhou" event in Yokong Town has been held for seven consecutive years. The migratory birds are from all over the world, and nearly 500 people have participated in it. The person in charge of the event said: The current "migratory bird watching Taizhou activities" is not only an interesting summer vacation event, but also a responsibility and mission to carry children's expectations and dreams. We hope that more and more children will participate in it. In the activities of "watching Taizhou", they will be flying and developing their horizons. While exploring the world, they will establish a positive outlook on life and grow up happily in the sun.

Author: Zhu Guobing Wang Mengxiao Yang Hairong Zhu Yuxin

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