Zhongtie Water Conservancy Hydropower Planning and Design Group Co., Ltd.

Author:China Railway Time:2022.08.11

CICC Water Conservancy Hydropower Planning and Design Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Railway Water Conservancy Design") is a second -level enterprise in China China Railway Co., Ltd. It has more than 10 Class A certificates issued by the State Council's industry authority. Qualification units, national high -tech enterprises. According to the needs of business development, some managers are publicly recruited.

1. Recruitment time

School recruitment: from now until August 15, 2022

Social recruitment: long -term

2. Basic conditions for registration

1. With the nationality of the People's Republic of China, support the party's line, policy and policies, and abide by national laws and regulations.

2. Adhere to professional ethics and righteousness.

3. Has a solid professional theoretical foundation, as well as good communication skills, analysis of problems, and practical skills.

4. Has a strong sense of responsibility and team spirit.

5. Good health.

3. Recruitment post information

For specific post information, please click "Read the original text" at the end of the text or scan the QR code at the end of the text.

Fourth, recruitment procedure

1. Job application

Talent recruitment columns through the official website of Zhongtie Water Conservancy Hydropower Planning and Design Group Co., Ltd. (http://www.jxsly.com/resources/rczp/index.html), select posts, fill in personal information (including personal information, educational experience, etc. At the same time, upload PDF documents, PDF documents must include personal resumes, ID cards, graduation certificates, degree certificates, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, practicing qualification certificates, English and computer level certificates, personal award certificate, work performance certificate scanning and other related materials The above registration materials need to be arranged in order to make a complete PDF document uploaded to the registration system).

State (border) foreign qualifications and degrees must obtain an overseas degree, degree certification letter and relevant certification materials for the Chinese Study Abroad Service Center of the Ministry of Education before applying. If you encounter a resume delivery problem at the time of registration, please call 0791-87357024 to contact the relevant staff to solve it. Telephone consultation time: Monday to Friday from 8: 00-12: 00 am, 14: 00-17: 30 pm.

2. Evaluation, recruitment

After the qualification review and interview assessment, the subject of the proposed hiring is determined. After the recruitment and hiring publicity, there is no objection, and the physical examination is organized, the physical examination is qualified, and the formal recruitment will enjoy the six insurances and two golds, dining subsidies, official vehicles, double rest, paid annual leave, birthday benefits, winter heating benefits, high temperature allowances, "three sections of three sections Welfare "excellent welfare benefits.

Contact and contact information: Ms. Li 0791-87357024 Mr. Chen 0791-87357029

Recruitment information consultation QQ group: 367904261 (plus group need to remark colleges+names)

Company website: http://www.jxsly.com

Mailing address: China Railway Water Conservancy Hydropower Planning and Design Group Co., Ltd., No. 1038 Beijing East Road, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province

Postcode: 330029

Long press to identify the QR code

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