Go to study abroad!Create a high -quality teacher, Loco is acting!

Author:Luoyang Vocational College Time:2022.08.12

Recently, Luoyang Vocational College of Science and Technology held a pre -education and teacher farewell meeting for 20 teachers who were about to go to Belarus to study for a master's degree. Dr. Liu Libin, the principal, and Zhao Bing, the vice president, and other leaders. The person in charge of the Personnel Department, the School of Continuing Education, and the teachers of studying abroad attended the meeting in the form of online+offline.

At the meeting, the teachers made a brief explanation on the current college, studying professional, and studying and studying plans to study in Belarus. Based on her own experience in studying abroad, Liu Libin conducted pre -guidance from the aspects of political literacy, personal safety, health and safety, cross -cultural exchanges.

He said,

During the study abroad, we must make full use of the high -quality educational resources of overseas colleges, expand international vision, enhance language ability, and be active communicationists of Chinese culture, excellent spokespersons of national image, keep in mind the mission, strictly work hard, rigorous, pragmatic, inspirational Duking, excavating your own potential, studying hard, and striving to grow into outstanding talents with international competitiveness, showing the responsibility and responsibility of youth with practical actions. He also instructed the teachers of studying abroad to tighten the string of life and safety at all times, effectively take various personal preventive measures under the epidemic, and return to the school.

Zhao Bing said,

The school is very concerned about the development of young teachers, and the improvement of teachers' education is very useful for the personal development of teachers and the development of the school. From the actual needs of young teachers, from the introduction of overseas resources, to the adjustment of policy and follow -up treatment adjustment, it provides teachers with huge economic funding and policy support for teachers' education. I hope that teachers will pay attention to their own health and work hard, learn to return to China as soon as possible, and make bricks to Loco's double -rise.

Qin Bei, a full -time teacher of the School of Information and Digital Engineering, went to Belarus teacher to speak. He said,

To study abroad, it represents not only the image of the Luoyang Vocational College of Science and Technology, and goes abroad, and it represents the image of the country. Teachers must abide by laws and regulations, study hard, unite students, help each other, and return to China as soon as possible.

The teacher who participated in the Master's Program of the National University of Blestiphekin, Belarus, has overcome the language barrier after more than a year of online study. Next, they will go to Belarus for the next stage of study.

It is reported that since 2020, the school has vigorously promoted the internationalization strategy in order to meet the needs of teachers' academic qualifications, actively expand channels, and reserve high -level talents for the transformation of the school. With the strong support of the school leaders, the school set up an international exchanges and cooperation offices in the School of Continuing Education, and introduced the high -quality international education of world -renowned universities such as the University of Siya, University of Malaysia, the University of Ulshan University in South Korea, the University of Murcian University in Spain, and the Russian People's Friendship University. For resources, more than 40 teachers have been actively participated since the project was launched. Teachers who went to the Poister International University in Malaysia also arrived at their destinations recently.

The teacher education improvement project is an important measure to create a high -quality teacher and improve the overall international education level of the school, which shows the school's attention and attention to the improvement of young teachers' degree degree. In the next step, Luoyang Vocational College of Science and Technology will continue to pay attention to the development and growth of school faculty and employees, provide comprehensive service guarantee and policy support for young talents in the school, build a talent foundation for high -quality development of schools, and strive to cultivate higher quality professional and excellent excellence Young talent team.

Text | Feng Lulu

Edit | Hou Yanyan

Capture | Liu Chang

School Division | Hu Xiaowen

Review | Xiong Yao

Produced / Brand Communication Center Continuing Education College

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