100 public welfare degrees are waiting for you!In 2022, the "Dream Plan" of Chaozhou City was launched

Author:Chaozhou released Time:2022.08.13

Recently, in 2022, the "Dream Plan" of Chaozhou City was officially launched. It will help 100 outstanding young people who have subsidized 100 migrant workers or farmers to participate in the form of adult higher education education and college learning in the form of correspondence. Essence

According to reports, the "Dream Plan" of Chaozhou City, as the brand's brand work of the new generation of industrial workers, has been launched since 2011, and has been successfully implemented for 11 years. Over the past 11 years, 973 outstanding young people who have worked or farmers in our city have entered academic qualifications through continuing education courses of universities such as Peking University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, South China Normal University, Northeast Agricultural University, Hanshan Normal University, etc. The upward channel for the growth and development of young industry workers has also become a "base project" for the party group to cultivate the backbone among young industry workers. Since 2019, the Youth League and Municipal Party Committee has further jointly jointly launched the city's village (community) cadres and reserve candidates for the "Dream Dream Plan". As of now, a total of 196 "village officials" have successfully passed the project. In 2022, the Municipal Dream Office will cooperate with Han Shan Teachers College to continue to fund 100 outstanding young people who work in tide workers or farmers to participate in the form of adult higher education undergraduate education and college learning.

The reporter learned that the "Dream Dream Plan" tuition fee is 5,000 yuan/person. Among them, the provincial financial subsidy of 2,000 yuan/person, the municipal finance coordinates 2,000 yuan/person, and the admission trainees need to pay 1,000 yuan. This "Dream Plan" will cooperate with Han Shan Teachers College. The professional setting will continue to tilt from skill -oriented majors, covering various majors such as cooking and nutritional education, computer science and technology, preschool education, and human resource management. From now until the 30th of this month, those who are interested and eligible can register and register on the official website of the Dream Plan, choose "Chaozhou City" for voluntary application, and from September 1st to 5th, the adult Registration for the college entrance examination.

(Chaozhou Daily reporter Huang Qiong)

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