Go to the "time rain" of the grassroots employment at the grassroots level of college graduates

Author:Nine Pai News Time:2022.08.13

【Source: Nine Pai News】

A few days ago, the Ministry of Education and other departments jointly issued a notice to guide and encourage college graduates to go to grass -roots employment, and to build merits in the most needed places in the motherland. Among them, the "three branches and one support" plan recruit 34,000 college graduates; the "Special Plan" recruits 67,000 people in the country; the "Western Plan" recruits 36,700 people. The heavy "central grass -roots project" reflects the central government's emphasis on the employment of college graduates this year, and it contains the deep care of the government and society to college graduates. As Kuxia is about to pass and autumn is coming, this national employment is a rare "timely rain" for college students who have not yet been employed this year.

If governments at all levels, universities, and human resources institutions can take actions quickly, take various powerful measures, implement the central grass -roots projects, and drive local projects in accordance with their actual projects. College students will emerge in their employment opportunities this year. But this is only the objective conditions of employment. Only when college students are at the grassroots level to see the action and the implementation can they truly complete the employment concept of this year. Therefore, guiding and encouraging college students to go to grass -roots employment, focusing on why college students should go to grass -roots employment, and what guarantees and benefits of employment at the grassroots level.

What should college students think of this "timely rain"? It is necessary to specify the correct concept of success, career view and employment. This is a national grassroots employment promotion action, focusing on the key education, hygiene and social governance of rural rejuvenation. Even in large and medium -sized cities, it is mainly the grassroots community. This is a rare opportunity for college students who have not employed this year. The introduction of the central grass -roots project is to solve the problem of employment. In fact, it is the active deployment of human resources layout in my country's economic and social development. Here, there are both social needs and market laws of human talent elements. Only when people follow the law can there be more opportunities for survival and development. Finding the path of life that suits you in the law should become a rational understanding of college students with knowledge and culture; after two years of new crown epidemic impact, it not only gives employment, but also brings temporary difficulties to other undertakings. We must believe The road is twists and turns, and the future is bright. If we need to overcome our own difficulties at the grassroots level, then this difficult period must be the most useful and precious period of our life growth, which is also the law of growing alone. I believe that as the country has spent this difficult period, the entire society and our generation will have a better future. For some outstanding college students who are interested in serving the grassroots and actively reporting the society, the central grass -roots project is an opportunity for realizing dreams. The majority of rural and grass -roots positions are the stage for our dedication to youth.

However, this time to promote grass -roots employment operations, after all, it was millions of young people. Although the priority is to solve the current employment of college students, they may consider their long -term life path. In this regard, some concepts are necessary to define clearly, notifying that college students should "keep" and "root the grassroots", and maybe it should be emphasized that college students who are employed at the grassroots level must be at the grassroots level, to faithfully perform their duties, comply with the prescribed service period For most people, there are no reasons, no time limit, and "one -size -fits -all". In a development society, there will be more opportunities and paths suitable for everyone to develop. Everyone's wishes and dreams should be respected. To clarify some abstract concepts, it will dispel many people's misunderstandings and unnecessary fear, and reduce unnecessary bonds for college students to go to the grassroots level.

At the same time, it is necessary to vigorously promote the protection and benefits of college students at the grassroots level. This is more targeted and influential than why college students go to grassroots. In recent years, college students' treatment and various guarantees are gradually being established and improved, but various provisions are only scattered in various documents, and the requirements of some places are not specific and stable. It is necessary to integrate policies such as treatment, welfare, insurance, subsidies, and preparation of the central grassroots projects, and systematized and organized. If it is not sound, it should be improved, and those who are missing must be supplemented. In view of the normalization of national civil servants' recruitment and public institutions recruitment system, the "three branches and one support", "western plan", "special post recruitment" and local similar projects and these systems are systematized and prioritized. The selection system of civil servants held from various departments and departments should consider opening the door to college students working at the grassroots level. Essence These guarantees and benefits are not enough in the past. To vigorously promote these policies and regulations, it will inevitably promote the establishment, supplement and improvement of these policies. These policies should be propagated by college and human resources departments to every college student who has not yet been employed this year, and through social publicity channels, try to let college students' parents know as much as possible, let every unit who receives college students know and let the policy publicize in place.

After solving why you should go to the grassroots level to find employment, and to employment in the grassroots employment, there are two problems that guarantee and benefits, it will form an endogenous motivation for college students to employment at the grassroots level and become a conscious action.On this basis, combine the support of the current employment with the future entrepreneurship, and combine the guidance of more college students to employment at the grassroots level and encourage outstanding college students to build work at the grassroots level.Recent benefits and long -term harvests.The copyright belongs to the original author and pays tribute to the original

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