100!New District Supplementary Recruitment Excellent Teacher

Author:Lanzhou New District Release Time:2022.08.13

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Lanzhou New District 2022 Supplementary Recruitment Excellent Teacher

Public sue

In order to further strengthen the construction of the teachers, optimize the structure of the teacher, supplement the teacher's gap, after research, Lanzhou New District intends to supplement 100 outstanding teachers, and the relevant matters will be announced as follows:

1. Recruitment plan

Plan for 100 people. Among them, 4 people in junior high school, 8 junior high school mathematics, 5 junior high school English, 28 primary school Chinese, 40 primary school mathematics, and 15 primary school English. For details, please refer to the "Lanzhou New District 2022 Supplementary Recruitment of Excellent Teacher Plan Forms".

2. Recruitment conditions

(1) Qualification conditions

1. Selected teacher

(1) Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, abide by the Constitution and Law;

(2) The age selection personnel should be 40 years old and below (born on August 13, 1981);

(3) Selected personnel academic qualifications must be the degree and degree of the country (border), which is a degree and degree in the country (inclusive), or the corresponding degree, or obtained the corresponding degree in the National Education Sequence University (including) and obtained the corresponding degree or more.

(4) Selected personnel must have the corresponding section and above corresponding subject teacher qualification certificates;

(5) Entering Chinese teaching must hold a Putonghua certificate of secondary A and above, and other disciplines hold the second -level B and above Putonghua certificate;

(6) In order to compile teachers in the job and get first -level teachers and more titles;

(7) The honorary titles of prefecture -level teaching teachers, outstanding teachers, subject leaders, backbone teachers, outstanding class teachers, backbone class teachers, teaching rookies and other honorary titles;

(8) Body conditions with normal performance of duties;

(9) The following circumstances can be appropriately relaxed:

Obtained educator -type teachers, excellent teachers, special teachers, famous teachers, famous class teachers, provincial gardens, discipline leaders, backbone teachers, youth teaching experts, outstanding teachers, the honorary titles of honorary titles, and outstanding teachers graded by the provincial and above education administrative departments College colleges, majors are unlimited, and age can be relaxed to 45 years old (born on August 13, 1976).

Graduates who have a full -time bachelor's degree in universities in the "double first -class" universities and graduates of the corresponding degrees or graduates of the full -time master's degree or above in ordinary universities and graduates of the corresponding degree and obtain corresponding degrees.

2. Selected and hired teachers

(1) Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, abide by the Constitution and Law;

(2) The age undergraduate of the selection and hiring should be under the age of 30 and below (born on August 13, 1991), and graduate students should be 35 years old and below (born on August 13, 1986);

(3) Elected employees must be the degree and degree of the same degree and degree in the national (border) of the national education sequence university (inclusive) or above, or the country (border) certified by the Ministry of Education;

(4) Selected employees must have the corresponding section and above corresponding subject teacher qualification certificates;

(5) Entering Chinese teaching must hold a Putonghua certificate of secondary A and above, and other disciplines hold the second -level B and above Putonghua certificate;

(6) The major of the selection and hiring personnel should meet the requirements of the disciplinary post;

(7) Body conditions with normal performance of duties;

(8) Fresh graduates of the 2022 teachers can "go to posts and then verify". Any college graduates who meet the requirements of the teacher qualification examination registration and teacher qualifications on the requirements of ideological and political quality, Putonghua level, and physical conditions can be Go to the post first, then take the exam and obtain the qualifications of teachers. Candidates are affected by the epidemic in 2021 and 2022 in the qualification examination of primary and secondary school teachers (2021 and 2022 primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination written examination transcripts or interview transcripts "affected by the epidemic" column "yes") Education and teaching work, take the exam and obtain teacher qualifications. The college graduates who first go to the job agreed to the one -year period. Those who have not obtained the teacher qualification certificate at the end of the deadline will no longer be hired.

(2) The situation that must not be applied

1. The party membership of the Communist Party of China was expelled;

2. Those who have been punished for criminal punishment;

3. Person who was expelled from public office;

4. If the suspected violation of discipline is being accepted the review of the relevant special organs, it has not yet concluded;

5. During the punishment period or not affected the period;

6. Classified as a joint disciplinary target for dishonesty in accordance with the law;

7. Due to violations of regulations and disciplines in the recruitment of civil servants and public institutions, during the ban period;

8. The non -fresh college graduates, active soldiers, staff members, civil servants (including the staff of the civil servant law management unit) who have not been full and the service life of the service life;

9. Integrated into the Lanzhou New District Teachers' Recruitment Testing Trust Intrearent Trust;

10. Other circumstances stipulated in laws and regulations.

3. Recruitment program

Publishing announcement → registration → qualification review → interview → physical examination → publicity → processing procedures

4. Application process

(1) Release announcement

The recruitment announcement was released in China Lanzhou New District (http://www.lzxq.gov.cn/) and WeChat public account "Lanzhou New District Release".

(2) Registration

This recruitment adopts an online registration method. The applicants must take the registration or subsequent qualification review of the original information from 9:00 on August 14, 2022 to 17:00 on August 17, 2022 Form, pack it in a compressed file format and send it to the designated email: [email protected] (the compressed package naming method is: application position+name+contact information, such as: primary school Chinese Zhang 3380931111). The required information includes:

(1) In 2022, Lanzhou New District supplemented the registration form and commitment of outstanding teachers. The signature must be handwritten for myself, scanned into a PDF format;

(2) My ID card and graduation certificate, degree certificate, teacher qualification certificate, professional title certificate, Mandarin grade certificate and various award -winning certificates.

(3) Those who obtain academic qualifications and degrees outside the country (border) must provide relevant certification materials issued by the relevant departments of the Ministry of Education.

(4) Selected teachers must also provide proof materials that their units and the competent education authorities agree to apply.

(3) Qualification review

August 15, 2022, 8:30 to 17:00 on August 18, 2022 at 17:00.

(4) Interview

The scope of the interview personnel is determined according to the recruitment plan and the number of applicants. The interview time and place are subject to notifications. The specific arrangement is arranged in China Lanzhou New District (http://www.lzxq.gov.cn/) and WeChat public account "Lanzhou New District Published "unified announcement.

The interview adopts the form of "trial lecture+lecture". The full score is 100 points, according to the order of the interview results from high to low, determine the list of personnel entering the medical examination at 1: 1.

(5) Physical examination

1. The medical examination time and place are subject to the notification, and the specific arrangements are arranged in China Lanzhou New District (http://www.lzxq.gov.cn/) and WeChat public account "Lanzhou New District Release" uniformly announced; During the time, the medical examination is performed at the designated place, and the cost is self -care; the effective identity certificate must be carried during the physical examination.

2. The physical examination refer to the "Amendment of the General Standard (Trial) & and

3. After the medical examination work is over, the results of the specific inspection institutions will be issued by the medical examination institution. If the recruits have doubts about the results of the medical examination, within 3 working days from the date of the physical examination results, the application for re -examination was submitted to the Lanzhou New District Education and Sports Bureau (Education Examination Institute). The hospital was performed once, and the results of the medical examination were subject to the conclusion of re -examination. The re -inspection cost is taken care of by the physical examination.


If the recruitment plan is impacting the recruitment plan such as abandoning medical examinations, unqualified medical examinations, and automatic abandonment of recruitment qualifications, the default plan will be supplemented in order from high to low from high to low in order.

(7) Public announcement

According to the results of the medical examination, the personnel are determined, and the publicity is made in China Lanzhou New District (http://www.lzxq.gov.cn/) and the WeChat public account "Lanzhou New District Release" (the publicity period is 5 working days).

(8) procedures and related benefits

If the publicity period is expired and the relevant situation of no impact (employment), the procedures for the mobilization (employment) in accordance with the procedure, the specific positions will be allocated by the New District Education and Sports Bureau according to the needs.

Selected and transferred teachers into the management and management, enjoy the salary and benefits of Lanzhou New District and preferential policies for group buying housing. The selection of teachers and compilation teachers have equal treatment in wages and teachers in terms of salary benefits, evaluation of priority, professional titles, and house purchase discounts. Selected (hiring) personnel are in line with the relevant provisions of the "Lanzhou New Area High -level Talents Introduction and Cultivation Support Measures", "Lanzhou New Area Promoting Talent Gathering and Reward Support Measures", "Lanzhou New District Talent Apartment Management Measures (Trial)", and enjoy the corresponding talent treatment.

5. Other matters

(1) Epidemic prevention and control requirements. Candidates shall do a good job in various aspects in accordance with the relevant epidemic prevention and control requirements. During the implementation of the recruitment of work organization, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, the implementation of epidemic prevention measures will be implemented. If necessary, the Organization Department of the Lanzhou New District will work with the Lanzhou New District Education and Sports Bureau (Education Examination Institute). Adjust, and timely announce the announcement in the China Lanzhou New District (http://www.lzxq.gov.cn/) and the WeChat public account "Lanzhou New District". Candidates are requested to understand, support and cooperate.

(2) This recruitment does not specify textbooks and tutoring books, and does not organize or entrust any institutions and individuals to hold examination counseling training courses.

(3) When registering, the recruited person must submit the phone number in time to contact my phone in order to contact me when the supplementary situation is appearing. The consequences caused by personal reasons are responsible for the consequences of unable to get connection.

(4) Implement the integrity examination. The information provided by the recruited personnel must be true and reliable. Those who find fraud or qualifications in any link will be disqualified; if they have abandoned behaviors in the interview and subsequent links, they will be included in the list of people who recruits the exams for the test of the exams in Lanzhou New District. Lanzhou New District Teacher Recruitment Exam.

(5) This public recruitment work is supervised by the Supervision Committee of the Disciplinary Committee of the New District and publicly accepting the supervision of the masses.(6) This announcement is explained by the Lanzhou New District Education and Sports Bureau (Education Examination Institute).

Consultation Tel: 0931-8258875

Supervision Tel: 0931-12388 (to 3)

For the above phone, please call during the registration period

(8: 30-12: 00 14: 30-18: 00)


1. Lanzhou New District 2022 supplementary recruitment of excellent teacher planning forms

(Click to zoom in view)

2. Lanzhou New District 2022 supplementary recruitment excellent teacher registration form

(Code download)

3. Lanzhou New District 2022 supplementary recruitment of outstanding teacher commitments

(Code download)

Lanzhou New District Organization Department

Lanzhou New District Education and Sports Bureau (Education Examination Institute)

August 13, 2022

Source 丨 Lanzhou New District Organization Department

Edit 丨 Jia Yanhu

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