Let the youthful flowers bloom in places needed by the motherland -Heavenly Vocational Teachers to help the high -quality development of vocational education in the West

Author:Tianjin Vocational and Technic Time:2022.08.13

On August 13th, the "China Education News" special report of the Tiandian vocational teachers transported high -quality professional teachers in the western level, helping the high -quality development of vocational education in the western region to achieve remarkable results.

The full text is as follows:

Not long ago, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University's 2022 graduate Todhongshan chose to go to the west at the time of graduation and became a teacher at the Tarim Vocational and Technical College of Xinjiang. He said: "Youth is brilliant due to grinding, and life is sublimated by struggle. I tightly lift my arms with the west of the motherland. , To be new youth with ideals, responsibility, and responsibility in the new era. "

Itongshan is a microcosm of many graduates from vocational and technical universities in Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University. Over the years, the school has adhered to the development of national vocational education development strategies, breeding the "master of craftsmen" with the "craftsmanship", and focused on cultivating a large number of "go, use, stay, and feel affectionate" for western vocational colleges. High -quality vocational teachers, accurately help the high -quality development of vocational education in the western region, and achieve remarkable results.

Go to work in the West to become the active pursuit of graduates

"I am willing to take root in the frontier, work hard, and realize my dream like this golden puppet forest ..." On the stage, the drama "Golden Populus Populus Forest" is being staged; under the stage, college students are crying. The prototype of this educational poverty alleviation drama is Ma Shunwu, a prototype of the protagonist of Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University in 2018.

In 2018, after the three and a half months of internship teaching in the first kindergarten of Minfeng County, Hefeng County, Xinjiang, Ma Shunwu, who faced graduation, made an important decision: work in Xinjiang. Since then, his fate has been closely linked with this land. Two years later, the drama "Golden Populus Populus Forest" adapted from his deeds toured in various universities in Tianjin and set off a wave of work in the west to the west.

The power of the example is endless. In September 2020, Wang Qing, a student of Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University, as a member of the school support group, went to the Hetian Vocational and Technical College for internship support. During the internship, she explained the theoretical knowledge, real application, and hand -drawn practice expansion to the expansion of the expansion, and was highly evaluated by the school's leaders and students. Shortly after the teaching returned, Wang Qing applied for graduation and stayed in Xinjiang. In April 2021, he signed an employment agreement with the Hetian Vocational and Technical College. She said: "In 2018, Ma Shunwu, the senior Ma Shunwu, stayed in Xinjiang after teaching, and he was the role model for me. I also had to be the inheritance of the spirit of Populus Popularity. Where you need! "

In recent years, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University has given full play to the role of social practice education orientation and guided students to study in the western region. Since 2012, the school has organized student volunteers for 9 consecutive years to go to 12 mountain primary schools in Yunnan, Guizhou, Ningxia and other places to carry out the "Dream Aid Action", participating in more than 210 students, more than 4,200 students who have been taught and benefited from teaching. 10,000 yuan. Since 2018, a total of 4 batches of 236 teachers and students have been dispatched to Xinjiang Hetian Vocational and Technical College, Celem Vocational School, Yutian Middle Vocational and Technical School, and Minfeng County Vocational and Technical School, creating Tianjin's specialized aid education brand.

At the same time, the school formulates the "Opinions of Graduate Employment in the Western Region and Grassroots" to equip graduates with employment instructor "one -to -one", encourage students to actively participate in special plans such as the "Western Plan", "Three Branches and One Support"; Establish an information database of employment demand for vocational colleges in the western region, and send a "A letter to the Double Teachers" teachers "to vocational colleges in the western region every year, push the resume of outstanding graduates, invite employment conferences, and continuously consolidate and expand The employment market in the western region; the "Western Grassroots Employment Scholarship" for graduates from employment in the west, and awarded the honorary title of "New Long March Alerts".

Serving the west and rooting grassroots has become the lofty spiritual pursuit of a heavenly vocational college university. In the past 10 years, the school has transported 2,590 vocational teachers for vocational colleges in the western region, which has effectively promoted the high -quality development of vocational education in the western region.

Excellent graduate becomes the mainstay of the Western Vocational Education

In Shiquanhe Town, Tibet, at 4,300 meters above sea level, there is a secondary school -Ali Middle Vocational and Technical School in Tibet, and 33 outstanding graduates from Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University taught here.

"I hope that everyone will concentrate on reading, elaborate people, take root in the frontiers, work hard, live up to the grace of their alma mater, and strive to contribute to the development of vocational education in Tibet." In September 2021, Zhang King Kong, secretary of the party committee of Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University, went to Tibet. Investigate and conduct counterpart support in the Ali area. During the investigation of the Ali Vocational and Technical School, Zhang Kinggang told his graduates.

"The graduates of the Tennis Vocational Teachers are practical and willing to work in all positions distributed to the school after they come to Ali. Everyone works very hard in high -altitude areas. The mainstay of the school's development. "Bai Madeji, the vice president of Ali Middle Vocational and Technical School, highly evaluated the outstanding performance and outstanding contributions of the 33 graduates in the school.

During the investigation of the Tibetan Technician College, the secretary of the party committee of the Tibet Technician College said affectionately: "During the difficulties of the college, the professional wealth of the dedication and hard work of the graduates of the Ceremony is the spiritual wealth of the school. Cherish the opportunity to further deepen cooperation with the Corporate Division, hoping to explore and practice the road to the training of high -skilled talents with the support and help of Tianjia University. "In recent years, 13 graduates from Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University have become Tibet. Teacher at the Technician College. Wang Shuang, a graduate of 2019, is one of them. She said: "Thank you for the training of his alma mater and the teachings of the teachers. . "It is understood that in order to establish and improve the mechanism of the counterpart assistance, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University set up a special working group in the west and west parts of the East and West. Members, regular research and promotion of school pairing, mutual teachers, group assistance, vocational education quality upgrade and other key tasks. Establish a regular research mechanism for members of the school's leadership team, and lead teams to vocational colleges in Ali, Hetian, Hetian, Xinjiang, and Gansu in batches in batches to find out the needs of counterpart assistance to study and formulate assistance measures. Establish a number of experts in Ningxia, Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places to conduct field inspections, in -depth understanding of the needs of western vocational teachers, adjust the school talent training plan, improve the talent training model, and cultivate the talent training model to better train Western vocational education adaptive talents laid a solid foundation.

In order to carry out the school's counterpart assistance and co -construction more smoothly, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University implements the "Plan for the Western Vocational College of Western Vocational College" and signed a "East and West Collaboration" agreement with vocational colleges in the western region to build a comprehensive, multi -level, and wide field of fields Assistance mechanism.

The school supports the Tibet Vocational and Technical College, and sends 5 cadres and teachers to Tibet to support it, allocate 500,000 yuan to build a car professional training room, and donate a car failure simulation software worth 250,000 yuan. Patient training 150 professional teachers in the Hetian area of ​​Xinjiang, allocated 3.268 million yuan to conduct internship support and competition skills guidance. For two consecutive years, 50 students were sent to 4 universities including Hetian Vocational and Technical College to conduct internship support, and 10 teachers were sent to school to follow -up training for vocational colleges. 10 teachers participated in the training reserve competition. Selected excellent students to go to the Gansu Yaman Peili School in batches, and the Lanzhou Vocational and Technical College in Gansu Province. Help Gansu Longdong College to accelerate the construction of disciplines, sign the "Joint Training Master's Graduate Framework Agreement" with Longdong College, and establish a dual -school connection and cooperative vocational education technical skills talent training system.

Docking from the western demand from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoietic"

In June of this year, Liang Shuang, a public -funded secondary vocational teacher at Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University, completed his four years of studies and returned to a secondary school in his hometown -Ningxia Transportation School to teach. In the past few days, Liang Shuang is seriously studying the teacher's skills and psychological books. She said: "It's about to go to the podium. I want to improve the ability of self -regulating emotions as soon as possible, and better be competent for secondary vocational teachers. The development of vocational education contributes its own strength. "

It is understood that in order to accelerate the cultivation of public -funded secondary vocational school students, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University adopts the education model of "government departments fund, demand guidance, selection of best admission, orientation employment", connect with the needs of teachers in the western vocational schools, and accurately formulate training Plan, implement tracking, differentiated training, and effectively promote the assistance model from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoietic", from "support" to "quality improvement".

The school graduate Dawa is also a public -funded teacher. After graduating in 2019, Dawa came to the Middle Vocational and Technical School in Ali District, Tibet to teach. Since then, she has taken the initiative to apply for a remote branch of a remote branch of more than 4 hours from the main campus. Over the past few years, Dawa has spilled youth and sweat on the Snow Plateau. She said: "Although the living conditions here are difficult, I have educated students to determine Gao Yuan and bravely to explore unknown areas. Fate with the people. "

According to statistics, as of now, the school has trained 2,130 public -funded secondary vocational teachers for Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan and other provinces, including 817 public -funded secondary vocational teachers from 34 ethnic minorities, and 99%of graduates have returned to their original homes. The teaching of vocational schools has enhanced the matching of the number of vocational teachers and the needs of vocational education, promoted the balanced development and equity of regional vocational teachers, realized the accurate supply of vocational teachers in the western region, effectively solved the shortage of vocational teachers in the western region Dilemma.

At the same time, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University has played the advantages of the national key construction vocational education teacher training base to carry out "menu", "customized" and "modular" training for teachers in western vocational colleges. As of now, the school, Tibet Technician College, Tibet Ali Middle Vocational and Technical School, Xinjiang Hetian Vocational and Technical College, Gansu Yamanbi Li School, Guangxi Fangcheng Port Professional School, Guizhou Province Jinsha County Secondary Vocational School in 6 western regions in the western region The colleges and universities have established teachers training bases, and 560 teachers of vocational colleges have been trained, which has effectively improved the level of school running in vocational colleges.

In order to solve the problem of insufficient local vocational colleges when teachers came to Tianjin to receive training, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University launched the "university -government department -vocational school" alliance, and the education authorities and secondary vocational departments of 4 western provinces including Guizhou and Gansu. The school cooperates to implement the top -post replacement training project. Each year in the western provinces, a certain number of teachers from secondary vocational schools in the belonging to the territory will go to the school to participate in business training. As of now, a total of 605 outstanding students have been in the western vocational school to work in an internship, which has been highly recognized by the western provinces and schools. This model has solved the problems of heavy teaching tasks in the western region and difficulty in training training, and laid a solid foundation for the cultivation of future famous teachers and leaders who adapt to the development of vocational education. At present, this model has been promoted in more than 130 vocational colleges in 11 provinces across the country. The school's party secretary Zhang King Kong said that in the next step, the school will improve the training mechanism for public -funded secondary vocational school students, cultivate more high -quality teachers for the west, and continue to deepen the implementation of vocational colleges, Tibet Vocational and Technical College, Gansu Shan Shan, Dan Peili School and other western vocational colleges have the opposite assistance to cultivate more high -quality vocational teachers and high -level technical and technical talents for the western region. (Chen Xinran)

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