Meiletang, the principal of Henan Vocational and Technical College, led a team to the Norfut Hotel in Zhengzhou Airport to conduct a "visit to the enterprise and expand work" for investigation

Author:Henan Vocational and Technical Time:2022.08.14

On the afternoon of August 11, Meiletang, the principal of Henan Vocational and Technical College, led a team to the Norfut Hotel in Zhengzhou Airport to conduct a "visit to the enterprise" for investigation. Vice President Wang Hao, members of the Cultural Tourism College and backbone teachers accompanied.

At the symposium, Meiletang introduced the school's development history, professional construction and talent training to the enterprise. He said that the school adheres to the school -running philosophy of "innovation, quality, openness, integration, and development" and the educational concept of "student -oriented, standing tree people", seize the great opportunities for the country and Henan Province to support the development of vocational undergraduate education, combine the combination The Provincial Party Committee put forward the requirements of "accelerating the establishment of high -level vocational education", constantly condensing the characteristics to highlight the advantages, improve the vocational education system to strengthen the integration of production and education, and strive to create an educated environment that "everyone can achieve talents and everyone can do their best", forming formed The unique highlights of the river vocational duty. He hopes that through this "visiting enterprises to expand the post", while broadening the employment channels of graduates, both schools and enterprises should further establish a cooperation mechanism of in -depth cooperation, close combination, complementary advantages, and common development. In -depth docking, eventually form a "win -win" situation of common development, sharing resources, and common growth.

Wang Hao focused on the training of talents and employment of graduates. He hopes that through this "visiting enterprises and expand work", comprehensively inspect the quality of talent training in the school, in -depth analysis of the development trend of the travel industry and the situation of talent needs, and jointly find the shortcomings of school talent training and employment services. Improve the level of teaching, deepen the integration of production and education, and build a higher quality high -quality employment platform for graduates.

Chen Chao, general manager of the Norfut Hotel in Zhengzhou, welcomes Meiletang and his party, highly praised the quality of school talent training, and reviewed the cooperation of both schools and enterprises. He said that enterprises attach great importance to the continuous exchanges and cooperation with the school, and provide the school to provide the school to provide more internships and employment positions. I hope that the school can deliver more high -quality hotel management talents with strong professional capabilities and high professionalism for enterprises.

Subsequently, Meiletang and his party visited the hotel, and conducted in -depth talks with the hotel leaders on corporate culture, talent training and employee training. (Correspondent Guo Li)

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