Stop evil and Yangshan refuse to bully -Tianzhu County Chengguan Primary School carried out the third ethical lecture hall activity side

Author:Tianzhu County Rong Media Cent Time:2022.06.17

"In the past, many students were exported to dirty and bad words. Some students always rampant and domineering, liked to solve problems with violence, bullying weakness, and even fighting groups. These phenomena have a shadow on the quiet campus."

"Classmates, civilization and order are an essential society in any society. Let us all be a tolerant and friendly person who talks about civilization and discipline, and build our friendly and harmonious campus!"


On June 16, Chengguan Primary School launched the third ethical lecture on the theme of "stop evil and promote goodness and refuse to bully". Representatives of teachers and students in the fourth grade of Chengguan Elementary School participated in the event.

"Anti -bullying, to do it, the most important campus is the most important. Students are not difficult to help grow up the friendship ..." With the children's pleasing voices, the moral lecture hall activity kicked off the song "The Campus Bullying Song".

"Total Campus Bullying and Building a Harmony Campus", "Opposition to Establish Friendship and Harmony Campus" ... In the storytelling link, the four students represent the stories that happened from the school to explain their understanding of campus bullying and responding measures in detail. And call on everyone to unite and resist campus bullying together.

"Protect yourself, eliminate violence, cherish life, start from me, start now!" When the right fist was raised, and the shouting of the oath sounded through the campus, the students' eyes were particularly firm.

During the sensing session, the class teacher in the fourth grade analyzed the reasons for the existence of campus bullying, the harm of the campus, and the measures to prevent campus bullying from multiple aspects, so that children can understand the nature of campus bullying. In other ways, the effective method of encountering the school bullying is vividly explained.

Through the theme of the moral lecture hall, students fully recognized the harm of campus bullying, and recognized that the contradictions between the school should properly handle the contradictions with classmates, help each other, learn to think in other ways. The help of parents and schools should be self -prevention and protection when facing bullying.

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