The publicity of the "Three Branches and One Support" of Longnan City in 2022

Author:Longnan Wenxian Rong Media Cen Time:2022.08.16

Longnan City selected and recruited ordinary college graduates in 2022

At the grassroots level to engage in the "three branches and one support" work to be publicized

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Selection of Ordinary College Graduates in the Graduate of General Universities in the Grassroots" of the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department and the Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Finance.In the review and other links, in 2022, the city's graduates of ordinary colleges and universities went to the grassroots to engage in the "three branches and one support" work.If you find the impact of admission to admission, we can reflect through the form of telephone, correspondence, visit, etc., and we will carefully accept and investigate and verify.If there is no problem of affecting admission, it will be reported to the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security for approval in accordance with relevant regulations.

Publicity time: August 15, 2022 -August 19th

Acceptance Department: Longnan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Acceptance phone: 0939-8236221

Longnan City Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

August 15, 2022

(Source: Longnan People's Society)

Edit: Mi Juanxiu

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