Ministry of Education: Transfer 501 off -school training institutions to various places to deal with

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.16

From July 25th to August 5th, the Ministry of Education, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Market Supervision Administration, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the General Administration of Sports, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Emergency, the People's Bank of China, the Taxation Administration, the CBRC, etc. Subtract "work coordination mechanism member units and set up 11 joint working groups to go to Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Shaanxi , Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang, including 20 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities), and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps investigations and guide off -campus training "supervision seedlings" summer special operations to ensure that special actions are carried out solidly and achieved practical results.

During the survey, the working group held a symposium to participate in the "double reduction" work coordination mechanism in the survey province to listen to the introduction of off -school training and special action work; focus on the provincial capital cities and the masses of the provincial capital cities and the masses of the public training institutions for the summer period. In the 20 key cities, we adopted the "four nor two direct" methods to conduct field inspections in 122 counties (districts, municipalities). By checking the archives, check the information publicity bar, the training environment, and communicate with the person in charge of the institution. Training institutions qualification certificates, training content, training objects, training time, charging management, pre -charging fees supervision, employees, advertising management and control, fire safety, refund of fees, etc., guide standardized training behavior; Mutations, training institutions such as illegal charges conducted unannounced visits, and dug up problem clues. The clues of illegal training discovered by Mingqi -made unannounced visits to 501 off -school training institutions were transferred to various places to check and deal with them one by one.

The research and development show that in accordance with the deployment of off -campus training and governance work in various places, it quickly acts, carefully organizes, carefully organizes, and takes multiple measures to carry out comprehensive investigations on outstanding issues such as hidden mutation of discipline training, malicious price increases for non -disciplinary training, and "difficult refunds" such as the public. Remediation; Overall, the previous "hot training" problem has not occurred before the half of this summer vacation, and the phenomenon of invisible variation of discipline training has been well controlled, non -disciplinary training services are stable, training refund disputes have been effectively resolved, off -campus training and governance trend Positive.

However, it was also found that some illegal training issues still exist. Individual institutions and individuals conduct training in the name of "one -to -one", "high -end housekeeping", "crowdfunding private education", "research travel" and other illegal training; some institutions have paid time charges, not using contract demonstration text, and pre -collection funds are not fully amount. Supervision and other issues; some disciplinary training institutions that have been reduced "fake cancellation and real operation". In addition, due to the transfer of invisible mutations in some discipline training, the difficulty of investigation and punishment has increased the difficulty of investigation and punishment, and the task of governance is still arduous, and it takes a long time.

In response to the situation and the problems of the investigation and the problems of discovery, the working group provided opinions from various survey provinces, requiring the work mechanism of the work mechanisms of illegal training, discovery, identification, and investigation of invisible mutation in various places, and the establishment of illegal issues discovered. The rectification table accounts one by one to continue to create a high -pressure situation to crack down on illegal training; the second is to continue to pay attention to non -disciplinary training prices, strictly prevent malicious price increases and sky -high training, and infringe on the interests of students' parents. , Effectively avoid the problem of "refunds" caused by training institutions due to no money to refund, and go all out to win the "consolidation" of off -campus training and governance to ensure that the majority of primary and secondary school students have a peaceful, pleasant, meaningful holiday. , Escort the healthy growth of children!

(Source: Official Website of the Ministry of Education)

【Edit: Wang Rongfei】

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