The Ministry of Education is the latest!It's about college students' employment and return home

Author:Yancheng Published Time:2022.06.17

The State Council joint defense and control mechanism held a press conference to introduce the employment of college students and the return work of returning home at 3 pm on June 17

Liu Peijun, deputy director of the Sports and Art Department of the Ministry of Education and the first -level inspector, said that this summer is coming, and college students will return to the school to enter a new stage. How to ensure that college students return to their hometowns smoothly, it has a certain policy foundation, mechanism foundation, and experience foundation.

Not long ago

Comprehensive Group of the State Council joint defense joint control mechanism

According to the changes in the epidemic

Timely optimization adjustment and release

College epidemic prevention and control policy

Support students who are willing to return home in some areas to return home

Orderly leave school and return home, safe and healthy home

During this period, joint prevention and control mechanism at all levels,

Relevant departments and universities have formed

Policies, mechanisms and work experience that support students return home

● Clarify the two policies for students to leave school and return home. According to the policy spirit issued by the Comprehensive Group of the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism on June 3: returning students who meet the conditions are exempt from centralized isolation observation; students who need to be isolated are indeed needed to avoid centralized isolation costs. Policies are clearly required: In areas with outbreaks, if there is no epidemic in colleges and universities, after the implementation of closed management for more than 7 days, students can hold 48 hours of kernel acid test negative proof and relevant certificates issued by colleges and universities. Implement the "point -to -point" closed -loop method to return home. College students who meet the above conditions no longer concentrate their isolation, and implement 7 days of health monitoring after arriving at home. If there are abnormalities, the local community and epidemic prevention and control departments should be reported in a timely manner. If the students who return to the country do need to be isolated, the localities should be exempted from centralized isolation costs. The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council clearly requires that all localities must convey step by step and implement the policy of departure from school step by step.

● Establish two mechanisms for coordinated work in various places. The first is the "province" docking mechanism for the departure place -return to the countryside. The two places joint defense and control mechanisms are connected one by one, statistical statistics, and timely pushing the information from students who leave the school in a timely manner. Special requests to return to the countryside must ensure the conditions of accommodation and accommodation, and meet the necessary needs such as students' lives and medical treatment. The second is the emergency coordination mechanism of "provincial-school-provincial" from the school gate to the home gate. Departure -Return to the Rural Land Co -defense and Control Mechanism with the three parties where the students are located to establish a contact, in real time, scheduling and coordinating the resolution of students' emergencies on their way back to their hometowns.

● Fresh two channels for students' reflection of the situation. Students encounter problems and special needs on the way back to school and return to the two main channels: First, they can reflect the situation to the school counselors, class teachers, or the department of the school where they are located; Public consultation calls reflect the situation. At the same time, in areas where there is no epidemic, students who leave the school and return to their hometowns will be implemented to the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures.

Current, summer is approaching

A new round of peaks that are about to welcomes students from returning home

The support that has been formed currently supports to leave school and returns home

Policies, mechanisms and experience

Suitable for students who are about to return home in the summer

In the next step, the Ministry of Education will undergo co -direction of joint defense control mechanisms at all levels, and in conjunction with various departments to guide and promote the promotion of in various regions and colleges and universities to make good use of existing mechanisms and experience, continue to refine the implementation of students' departure policies, strengthen supervision and inspection In accordance with the requirements of the current national epidemic prevention and control "nine inaccurate" regulations, focus on correcting the failure to implement the policy of leaving home, especially to restrict the unreasonable and unsatisfactory practices of students' return to their hometowns. Strictly implement the policy of returning home without leaving the last mile; sincerely help students go home without leaving the last mile. Back to home, go home safely, go home safely, and make new and greater efforts through a healthy summer.

Campus recruitment and employment

In principle, in areas with epidemics, there are no new epidemic situations in the city where the university is located for 7 consecutive days and above, and campus recruitment activities can be organized;

In areas with no epidemic, universities implement the normalization measures for local epidemic prevention and control, and continue to do a good job of campus recruitment activities as needed;

Universities and employers that do not meet the conditions for recruitment in the school shall actively hold online recruitment activities.

Wu Aihua, deputy director of the Student Department of the Ministry of Education, introduced that universities in various places must strictly implement the "Four Inconsistent" discipline requirements-

It is not allowed to force and induce graduates to sign employment agreements and labor contracts in any way;

Not allowed to issue the graduation certificate and degree certificate with the signing of the graduates;

It is not allowed to persuade graduates to sign a false employment agreement on the grounds of accounting;

The graduates are not allowed to take the internship and trainee certification materials as employment certification materials.

Source: CCTV News, Health China, News Broadcast

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