College philosophy and social sciences: building a comprehensive development system for students, academic, and disciplines

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.08.19

On May 17, 2016, a symposium on the work of philosophy and social sciences pointed out that it is necessary to implement the overall development strategy of philosophy and social sciences centered on educational talents, and build a comprehensive development system for students, academic, and disciplines. To speed up the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, in the final analysis, it is to build an autonomous knowledge system in China. As an important force in my country's philosophy and social sciences, it is necessary to contribute to the self -cultivation of talents in my country and the establishment of China's independent knowledge system.

Promote the self -cultivation of talents in philosophy and social sciences in universities, focusing on the "integration", that is, "a comprehensive development system for students, academic, and disciplines." To this end, one is to scientifically grasp the logical relationship of the three. "Students" are fundamental. All the work of colleges and universities, including academic development and discipline construction, must be carried out around the Ethics people. The process of educating students is often a motivation for promoting academic research and discipline development. "Academic" is the foundation, with uncertainty and relatively independent academic research content, which often promotes scholars to form a different research direction in the process of academic research, laying the foundation for the formation and development of disciplines. "Disciplines" are support. After the development of academic research results is relatively mature, they often classify according to certain rules and convert them into relatively stable academic systems, which in turn forms disciplines. The effectiveness and level of talent training are the fundamental criteria for the construction and academic development of the subject. The second is to innovate talent training model. Universities, especially "double first -class" universities, should follow the laws of economic and social development and talent growth laws, continuously deepen the reform of the system and mechanism of the talent development, improve the full chain training system of excellent talents, adhere to the creation of talent and entrepreneurial teams in the first -class academic field, and create a first -class outstanding talent team Reserve forces and reservoirs. We must pay attention to cultivating talents independently in practice, encourage more college graduates to go to the front line of scientific research and production to innovate and entrepreneurship, go to the national key areas, important industries, and important positions, and cultivate a number of cross -cutting cutting -edge disciplines with leading effects High -level compound talents and basic research talents. It is necessary to focus on strengthening the cultivation of high -level international talents with independent innovation capabilities, creating good conditions for talent strengthening international exchanges, learning, and practice, and creating a top talent team with world influence. The third is to promote cross -disciplinary integration. At present, many domestic universities have made a lot of useful attempts in the intersection of disciplines, such as exploring the reform of the Ministry of Division, but in reality Based on; cross -fusion between different disciplines is not completely spontaneous and naturally realized. The PI team needs to further run in. It is necessary to earnestly use the interdisciplinary cross -integration as a pusher, through the construction of the academy, and strive to break the barriers to the flow of innovative elements such as knowledge, technology, and talents, continuously optimize resource allocation, and focus on improving the level of academic innovation and talent training. The fourth is to penetrate all aspects of teaching practice. It is necessary to guide the needs of practical needs, lead students' participation as the lead, and guide students to use discipline teaching and academic education results to find problems, analyze and solve problems in various aspects of education, scientific research, and internship practice. It is necessary to actively mobilize the enthusiasm of the talent cultivation of colleges and institutions and enterprise units, promote integrated allocation of projects, bases, talents, and funds in key areas, promote the in -depth integration of industry -university -research and research in the way of platformization, projectization, and ecologicalization. Training and research on the practical platform and base of shared talents in the area, which fundamentally solve the structural contradictions of talent training and social needs, and promote students' self -growth.

The deployment of one point, the nine points were implemented. The key to promoting the self -cultivation of the talent and social science talents of colleges and universities is to "implement". First, we must pay attention to the construction of the teachers, strengthen the cultivation of teachers' backbone, and cultivate teachers into the unified person who is a "person" who is good at "preaching" and "ethics". It is related to the major issues of the party and the country's overall, fundamental, and critical issues to come up with real skills and achieve good results. Strive to transform research results in a timely manner into teaching resources for teaching and educating people, and truly support high -quality talent training at high levels of scientific research. The second is to improve the multi -evaluation mechanism. It is necessary to deepen the reform of education evaluation in the new era, adhere to the "break the five Wei", and accelerate the establishment of a talent evaluation system guided by innovative value, ability, and contribution, improve the diversified evaluation methods such as classification evaluation, value -added evaluation, and long -term evaluation, and comprehensively and accurately reflect the results Innovation level, transformation application performance, and practical contribution to economic and social development. It is necessary to follow the laws of scientific research activities and improve the classification and evaluation system of free exploration and task -oriented technology projects. The third is to activate the vitality of various talents. It is necessary to strengthen the design of integration systems for talent training, selection and use, and further eliminate obstacles to institutional mechanisms that restrict the development of talents. Strengthen the investment in talent training, clarify the performance goals of talents, and improve the efficiency of talent training. It is necessary to formulate the development plan for talent training, and consider the organic connection between talent training and talent policies, talent plans, and major tasks of reform and innovation.要提升人才服务精准化水平,建立健全时间、精力、薪酬、住房和子女入托入学保障机制,让人才把主要精力放在教学科研上,努力推进自主人才培养,构建自主知识体系,将高校打造成Important talent centers and innovation highlands in the field of philosophy and social sciences.

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