[Education] Dan Xinyu Tao Li Zhewo New Flower ‖ Mu Lianfa

Author:Fang Zhi Sichuan Time:2022.08.19

Dan Xinyu Tao Li Hot Blood and Wive New Flower

Mou Lianfa

Teachers' work was in the past, but it has cultivated the tomorrow of the motherland; the teaching of teachers in rural classrooms has achieved achievements in all directions in the motherland. The reason why teachers are great is to consume themselves forever and illuminate others. He was originally a village substitute teacher with a monthly salary of only tens of yuan. Although his salary was meager, he had no regrets. In a few years, dozens of substitute teachers like him have abandoned the teachings one after another. Only he still adheres to the three -foot podium. In the meantime, he took the civil servant exam and was selected for the interview. The family encouraged him to take the exam the next year, but he gave up because he wanted to be a teacher. In order to realize the teacher's dream, he studied at ease and studied at an open mind. Later, he became a preparation teacher, and his love and persistence of education have never changed.

Although he has suffered from chronic laryngitis for many years, he still loves dedication on the front line of teaching and worked hard. If the temperature is low, it is easy to catch a cold and aggravate the condition. If you encounter work hours and do not have the time to see a doctor, he will go to the private clinic at night. When you lose, it is a week, but the condition has not improved. The doctor told him to speak as little as possible. But while teaching, he taught him, never asked for leave, did not delay a lesson, and still taught children to learn in the classroom every day.

The teacher is a beautiful cultivator, a beautiful sower. The teacher used the beautiful sunshine to nourish with the beautiful rain dew. Normal education and teaching work is ordinary, but he practiced "ordinary but not mediocre" with practical actions, and insisted on broadcasting hope to illuminate the path of children. Over the years, he has always taught knowledge, led left -behind children to know the world, and lay the foundation for them to be good. In the classroom, he should try his best to be vivid and interesting as much as possible. The teaching methods are flexible, and various measures are taken to improve the children's language literacy and ability. In response to the shortage of extracurricular sources of rural schools, he has repeatedly applied for free books such as "match public welfare" to let children read, let the scent of incense infiltrate their heart field, and let the children grow in the fragrance of books. Especially in the practice class, he adopted methods such as publishing or participating in the competition to stimulate children's interest in writing, improve their writing ability, and be deeply loved.

Kung Fu is reluctant to work hard, and get a lot of hard work. He instructed the children to participate in more than a hundred articles at all levels or publishing more than a hundred articles, participating in various Chinese written tests and examination results.

Addition, subtraction and multiplication, the dedication made by the teacher! The teacher used the knowledge of the knowledge to open the ideal flowers of the rural children; using the soul to clear the springs, and educate the students of the students. In 2016, he took the initiative to ask for the more remote rural cold water primary school support, and mainly served as the Chinese teaching and class teacher in Class 3 (1). Most of the children in this class are left -behind children. He understands the specific situation of each child through various forms, establishes left -behind children's files, and then targeted in teaching practice: helping knowledge for students; Children, habitual development of education; psychological guidance of "problems" children ... After a year of unremitting efforts, the class has a new look: the class style is positive, the study style is strong; the students are disciplined, they love labor, talk about civilization, and understand politeness ... … Be rated as a school demonstration class and get praise from everyone. The day before leaving the teaching school, some parents spontaneously organized to the school, retaining his second school year and then supporting teaching, making him very pleased and moved!

The sincere love of the teacher can awaken the child's confusion, can nurture the children's confidence, can destroy the child's ideal Zheng sail ... In the early autumn of 2018, his class transferred a "double difference" girl with poor cultural knowledge and poor habits. Essence In order to change her, he often pulls her family with her; give her tutoring homework; celebrate her birthday; when she is sick, bring the fruit to her house to visit ... At noon one day, when he tuned her homework, she asked her to see her father Video working on the construction site. Suddenly, her expression became serious, and slowly lowered her head ... From then on, he found that she was no longer naughty in class, and occasionally answered the question; it was much more correct than before ... She often plays with her classmates, games, cleaning ... she retrieves confidence.

Love is the best education. He is willing to teach every child with all his enthusiasm and love. A child Xiao Wu suffers from indirect epilepsy and needs to take medicine for a long time and keep physically and mentally happy. In order to protect the child's mind and reduce his psychological burden, he often talks with Xiao Wu to paint, talk about family, and talk about life. In the Chinese class, he asked Xiao Wu Lang to read the wonderful clips in his composition and give him the opportunity to show him; in physical education, the game activities of Xiao Wu liked to make him experience the joy of the event ... everyone's love warms Xiao Wu, everyone’s love has warmed Xiao Wu, Later, the child slowly became optimistic and cheerful.

At that time, he led the left -behind children Liu Min to see a doctor at the town health center, and paid medical expenses ...

That time, Liu Ye had a cold and vomiting, he was cleaning up ...

At that time, he used the lunch break, walking for several kilometers, and sent to the countryside to Zhang Ping's house ...

A classroom, sowing love, letting go; three -foot podium, lit your dreams and bloom. One inch of Dan Xinbu Li Li, full of blood and new flowers. For more than 30 years, he has not forgotten his original intention, keep his mission in mind, adheres to rural education, is unhappy, persisted in pursuing, hard work, and devoted youth and years to left -behind children.


Source: Sichuan Provincial Local House Work Office

Author: Mu Lianfa (Teacher of Changling School, Wanzhou District, Chongqing City, Literary Works Sanjian website, micro -journal, journal, teaching and research articles scattered newspapers).

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