Fujian Province's high move admission work ended 201,900 candidates for admission

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.08.21

The Provincial Education Examination Institute released the news yesterday that the enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities in Fujian Province, which lasted 48 days, successfully ended. A total of 201,900 candidates in the province were admitted to colleges.

Compared with the previous number of candidates published by the Provincial Education Examination Institute, the number of candidates was 92.6%this year. However, the Provincial Education Examination Institute has not announced the number of undergraduates this year. The draft published by the published manuscript: This year's high -handed admission work in Fujian shows the continued growth of the number of undergraduate admission, and the high -level university admission results are happy. In the case of increasing, candidates' "learning" needs have been guaranteed, and some high -level universities have increased the enrollment plan in Fujian to further meet the desire for "learning" for candidates.

In terms of professionalism, the Provincial Education Examination Institute said that this year's military, public security (judicial), medical, and normal colleges have been favored. The "four economies" should refer to the digital economy, marine economy, green economy, and cultural tourism economy.

In terms of admission lines, the minimum submissions of most colleges and universities have not fluctuated significantly compared with last year, and the general trend is closer. Candidates volunteer fill in scientific reason, and the distribution of students is more reasonable. For example, the conventional volunteer satisfaction rate (output rate) of general undergraduate batch of undergraduates reached 97.7%. The absence of the source.

The Provincial Education Examination Institute also said that this year Fujian's high recruitment achieved "zero mistakes, zero complaints, zero violations of discipline", and achieved sunlight, high security, and warm high recruitment.

(Xiamen Daily reporter Xun Yan)

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