After the three schools merged, the new campus of the Senior Technical School in Neijiang City, Sichuan, will be put into use in September this year

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.21

Cover reporter Huang Xiaoqing

On August 20th, at the junction of Hanyang Road and Han and Chongqing Avenue in the Neijiang Economic Development Zone in Sichuan. The new campus of the Neijiang Senior Technical School is being prepared before school. In September this year, the school will usher in the first batch of students.

The total area of ​​the school covers an area of ​​about 239 acres, and the total planned construction area is about 110,000 square meters. The construction of gymnasiums, football fields, multi -functional lecture halls, comprehensive buildings, training buildings, teaching buildings, dormitory buildings, canteens, training workshops and realities The training building has been completed.

According to Zeng Bing, the principal of the Senior Technical School of Neijiang City, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Neijiang City Senior Technical School is a national key public technical school. The school is integrated and established. The school currently has 11 professional and vocational education counterpart college entrance examinations. It has the National Vocational Skills Appraisal Institute and Coal Mine Safety Training Center.

"At present, the school has signed a school -enterprise cooperation agreement with more than 30 large and medium -sized enterprises." Zeng Bing said that after completing the relocation, relying on more complete hardware conditions, the school will also conduct skills training such as society and enterprises. Training more than 10,000 middle -level skilled talents.

This summer, Liu Yanhua, director of the school's General Affairs Office, has been busy at the project site. Watching the project has completed the final finishing work a little bit, he is looking forward to the new campus. "When the school started in September, all students of the three schools would move over, and this year, it expanded a part of the original basis." Liu Yanhua added that the new campus can accommodate 5,000 students in the school, which will be full year by year.

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