Unveiled!Wuhan University of Science and Technology and other universities joined hands with Huawei to set up a laboratory

Author:Wuhan Evening News Time:2022.08.21

On August 18, the "Smart Port Global Innovation Laboratory" jointly established by Huawei Company, Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd., Wuhan University of Technology, and other well -known universities, scientific research institutes and industry head enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the "Smart Port Global Innovation Lab" (hereinafter referred to as "Laboratory") unveiled in Tianjin.

Wu Chaozhong, vice president of Wuhan University of Technology, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Yan Xinping, as a representative of the laboratory members and the laboratory technical committee consultant attended the ceremony. Liang Hua, chairman of Huawei, Yang Bing, deputy mayor of Tianjin People's Government, Jiao Guangjun, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd., Chen Jun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Vice President of Nankai University attended the meeting.

At the establishment ceremony, Liang Hua, chairman of Huawei, said that the port is the bridge and link of the world's sea transportation, connecting the global trade and supply market, promoting the digital and intelligent development of the port field, and creating a green ecological port. It is also the only way to achieve high -quality development in the port.

Academician Yan Xinping, as an expert representative, said that the laboratory has important practical significance for the laboratory to accelerate the construction of smart green ports and build a port hub that adapts to the new generation shipping system. Resources, create advanced experience, develop new achievements in technological innovation, and make positive contributions to creating the "Chinese sample" and exporting "China Plan" for the wisdom port.

The laboratory will aggregate the power of the water transportation industry to create an innovative connector in the port. The participation of our school's participation in the laboratory will help track the cutting -edge technology and industry -university -research cooperation of smart ports, and promote the development of disciplines such as transportation engineering and information engineering.

During the event, Liang Hua, chairman of Huawei, met with Vice President Wu Chaozhong and his party, hoping to cooperate with the school to make full use of the academic advantages of the school, take the opportunity of joint construction laboratory to deepen talent training and scientific and technological innovation cooperation in the areas of smart ports.

(Source: Wuhan University of Technology)

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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