27 people were held accountable!The Ministry of Education announced the investigation of the illustration of the textbook illustrations!

Author:Henan Communist Youth League Time:2022.08.22

The Ministry of Education's investigation and processing notice on the illustration of the mathematical textbook illustration of the People's Education Press

In May 2022, the problem of illustrations of the eleventh set of primary school mathematics textbook illustrations of the People's Education Press (referred to as the Public Education Society) attracted widespread attention from society. The party group of the Ministry of Education attaches great importance to the investigation and disposal working group with the main responsible comrades of the party group and the deputy team leader of the two party groups. Experts' opinions, soliciting first -tier mathematics and art teachers, conducted carefully investigations and verification. The relevant situation is reported as follows:

After investigation, there are three main problems in textbook illustrations.

First, there is a gap between the not beautiful and upward, and there is a fundamental demand from the Lideshu people. The overall style of painting does not conform to the popular aesthetic habits. Some illustrations are ugly and their mental style is not good. It does not properly reflects the image of the sunlight of our children in my country.

The second is not serious and standardized, and even individual illustrations are even errors. The number of illustrations is too large, the level of some illustrations is not high, and individual illustrations have scientific and standardized problems.

The third is not meticulous and accurate, and some illustrations are easy to attract misunderstandings. Some illustrations are rough, some line drawing and element selection are improper, and the proportion of pictures is not coordinated. At the same time, some issues of issues spread on the Internet were not illustrated by the mathematical textbooks of human education society primary schools. The relevant departments have included it in a comprehensive investigation and rectification.

After investigation, the human education society, as a teaching material compilation unit, implemented incomplete and incomplete decision -making deployment of the central government, incompletely understanding the education function of textbook illustrations, the selection system of the illustration author is not standardized, and the implementation of the three schools and three school systems of the textbooks will not be implemented. Strictly, the internal error correction system is incomplete, and the opinions of readers are not paid attention to, and the problems of the existence of illustrations have not been carefully investigated and rectified in time. When organizing experts to conduct teaching materials for review, the Ministry of Education's Teaching Material Bureau has insufficient guidance and insufficient supervision, and the inspection and rectification of teaching materials will not be in place.

After investigation, no relevant personnel of the Education Society and the illustration author Wu Yong, and the overall design arts consultant of the textbooks had economic interest transportation problems.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Regulations on the Communist Party of China", "Regulations on the Disciplinary Disciplinary Disviation of the Communist Party of China", and the "Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant regulations, the relevant units and 27 people who have lost their duties are seriously held accountable. The specifics are as follows:

Ordered the People's Education Press Party Committee to rectify and inform criticism; the party committee secretary of the People's Education Press and the president Huang Qiang's serious warning and remembered sanctions; Dencing, exempting handling; severe warnings within the party in charge of the person in charge, remembrance, and exempting handling; giving the main person in charge of the primary school mathematics editing room serious warning, remembered sanctions, and removal of handling; given other 17 corresponding discipline sanctions to the other 17 people. And organizational processing. The Education Materials Bureau of the Ministry of Education was ordered to rectify and reported criticism; the director Tian Huisheng warned and remembered the punishment; the corresponding discipline sanctions and organizational treatment were given to five relevant personnel including the person in charge.

Corresponding treatment of the illustration author and designer, no longer hire Wu Yong, cover design Lu Yan, Lu Jingren and his studio to engage in national textbook design and illustration drawing.

I sincerely thank all sectors of society for their care, criticism and supervision of teaching materials. The Ministry of Education will adhere to the party's comprehensive leadership of the work of teaching materials, continuously improves and strictly enforces the relevant systems of teaching materials compilation, reviewing, using, maintenance, and supervision. Casting the soul, enlisted wisdom, and adapt to the quality textbooks required by the times.

Ministry of Education

August 22, 2022

Ministry of Education: Codes of Mathematics Teaching Materials of Human Education Society Primary School

Re -painting work has been completed

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the People's Education Press started in late May and completed the re -painting of the illustration of the elementary school mathematical textbook illustrations a few days ago.

In order to ensure the redemption level of illustrations, the Human Education Society entrusted the third -party authoritative professional organizations to strictly select the plug -in drawing team. Based on the comprehensive consideration of the style of the work, creative strength and other factors, 3 were selected from the 10th teams. After full demonstration, the version of the professional team of the Central Academy of Fine Arts was finally determined.

In order to ensure the quality of the textbooks, in the process of re -painting the illustration, the human education community extensively solicited the opinions and suggestions of art experts, educational experts, and front -line teachers. Parents and other groups carry out questionnaire surveys and opinions. After the illustration is completed, on the basis of strictly conducting the third trial and three schools, repeatedly reviewed and polished repeatedly. After 7 modifications before and after, it was completed 3 submitted trials. The textbook has been reviewed and approved by the expert committee of the National Teaching Materials Committee.


The newly drawn elementary school mathematical textbook illustrations are overall to reflect the style characteristics of "Chinese style", "sense of the times", "essence" and "mathematical flavor", and show the spirit of the sunshine, upward, and pleasant spirit of Chinese children in the new era. Adhere to the mainstream aesthetic orientation of the public, follow the laws of children's cognition and physical and mental development, fresh and elegant, simple and elegant, and integrate graphics.

Let more people know!

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