In the first lesson, Mr. Qiu Yong said that

Author:Tsinghua University Time:2022.08.22

On the afternoon of August 18th, in the New Tsinghua Academy, the youthful faces were brightly charming in the autumn of Tsinghua Garden. Qiu Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, took the first lesson for "Birth and Extinction, and worked hard to become an outstanding talent", and taught the first lesson for the 2022 undergraduate freshmen.

Qiu Yong taught the first lesson for the freshman

"We must have a great change in the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the world's centuries. In the torrent of development. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes have made rapid progress, the new crown pneumonia epidemic is popular in the world. Deeply complex changes in the domestic and foreign environments are undergoing a significant increase in unstable uncertainty. my country's development practice fully proves that adhering to the party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for defeating various risks and challenges. We must vigorously promote the spirit of the great party building and adhere to the promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization.

Looking back at Tsinghua's more than a hundred years of journey, Qiu Yong emphasized that Tsinghua teachers and students have been pregnant with the patriotic feelings of "shame strong" since the establishment of the school, and always have the fate of the nation and the same pace with the times. From the modern Chinese higher education miracle created by the Southwest United University to the shouting of deafening and deafening of the "One Two Nine" campaigns, from the founding of "red and special, comprehensive development" after the founding of the New China, the characteristics of teaching and educating people are explored to the spring breeze of reform and opening up The horn of creating a world -class university has taken the lead in launching comprehensive reforms in colleges and universities in 2014 to 2020 to carry out online teaching under the epidemic situation. Tsinghua people have taken a road to build a world -class university in China with practical actions. Always adhering to the party's leadership, the pragmatic style and hard work of the hard work, the spirit of the continuation of the history of Tsinghua University.

Classmates listen carefully

"Tsinghua has confidence to provide greater support for the growth of students." Qiu Yong pointed out that since the new era, Tsinghua has entered the best development period. The school has implemented the core strategy of strengthening talents, continuously deepened the reform of education and teaching, continuously promoted the cross -disciplinary integration, and solidly promoted the global strategic broadening of school running. It adheres to the first -class undergraduate education is the background of first -class universities. The quality of school running has continued to improve. Essence On the eve of the 110th anniversary, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the school to inspect to fully affirm the achievements and excellent traditions of Tsinghua's school for more than a hundred years. Facing the future, the school formulates and implement the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" plan and three 2030 medium and long -term strategic plans, compiles a new round of "double first -class" construction plan, strives to start a new journey, and strives to make new ones for national development and human progress. More contribution.

Become a Tsinghua native, how to spend the four years of college for four years? The keywords given by Qiu Yong are "self -improvement". "Self -strengthening is the spiritual background of Tsinghua people." Self -strong, strong, victory. The self -strong Tsinghua people will always take the country's first, and the people are the first; they will never be afraid of wind and rain, and always maintain an endless attitude in adversity. "Innovation is the best manifestation of self -improvement." To self -improving, you must innovate; Qiu Yong said that since 2020, in the face of the severe test of the century's epidemic, the school's party committee has adhered to the people's supremacy and life first, adherence to teaching and educating people is an indispensable responsibility, and coordinate the school's forces to promote the prevention and control of the epidemic and reform and development. At present, the epidemic of new crown pneumonia continues to be complicated and severe. Students must always tighten the epidemic prevention and control "safety" strings and jointly protect the Annan Garden of Anning.

"Newcomers who shoulder the mission and pursue excellence, be an idealist who has action, and use learning and growth as an unspeakable responsibility, and never give up the efforts of pursuing meaning." Qiu Yong finally encouraged the students to say that I hope everyone confidently everyone confidently To embrace this era full of unlimited hope, starting from me, starting from now, transforming confidence in achieving great rejuvenation and creating a better future into a firm action for the motherland, nation, for the people, and human beings Become an outstanding talent who is so on, live up to the era, live up to Shaohua, and live up to the eager expectations of the party and the people!

Lecture scene

Listening to the teaching of Mr. Qiu Yong, the students were deeply encouraged and excited. Wu Yixuan, a law school, said that he was amazed by the rich connotation of the word "Tsinghua" and moved the deeds of self -reliance on the new students of the two -character class. For the first school, Li and Han said that as Tsinghua people in the new era, they must dare to take the mission and dedicate the society and serve the people as their duties that cannot be given up in their lives. Miaoshuo Miaoshuo said that in the next college time, he must be self -improved, unrequited, and strive to write new wonderful stories. Huang Jinchun, the Department of Machinery, said that he has always been supported by party and state policies on the road to study, and finally entered the dream university. In the future, it will be more self -improved and strive to grow into an outstanding talent.

Wen | Qu Tian

Photography | Li Pai

Capture | Han Wenrong

Edit | Qu Tian Lu Ting

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