Reporting time adjustment in the freshman of the university in Ramand, specific details →

Author:Gansu daily Time:2022.08.28

Lanzhou Jiaotong University

All students have a suspended return to school and will all implement online registration and teaching activities. The start arrangements are as follows:

All graduate students, undergraduates, and college students at level 2022 shall complete the registration online from September 4th to 5th, and complete the selection of courses online from September 6th to 7th to prepare online learning. On September 8th, I participated in teaching activities online.

All graduate students, undergraduates, and college students are requested to complete the report online from September 1st to 2nd, and complete the selection of courses online from September 3rd to 4th to prepare online learning. On September 5th, I participated in teaching activities online.

Specific time to school depending on the development of the epidemic, students are requested to pay attention to various notices issued by the school in a timely manner.

Lanzhou University of Technology

The 2022 graduate students and undergraduate freshmen have not been in the school for the time being. According to the requirements of the admission notice, the registration procedures will be completed on September 1st and 2nd.

On September 5th (Monday), I participated in online teaching activities, and the school academic affairs office and graduate school coordinated teaching arrangements.

Specific school hours according to the development of the territorial epidemic, notice in advance.

Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics

The 2022 undergraduate freshmen come to the school report to the time adjustment: August 29 and August 30, and online education from August 31 to September 2. Specifically, the school reports to the time to be determined, and the school will notify the school date at least 10 days in advance.

Lanzhou City College

Level 2022 freshmen (including college students, ethnic minority pre -students, ethnic minority pre -transfer students, and second bachelor's degree students) are not currently not available. Online enrollment education was carried out from September 3 to September 4th, and home participation in online teaching activities on September 5th. The specific time for the school will be notified by the school according to the epidemic prevention and control situation.

Northwest Normal University

Related Links:

Northwest Normal University began to report on September 12!

Lanzhou Resources and Environment Vocational University of Resources and Environmental Technology

According to the current epidemic prevention and control situation, the notification of students from the school of 2022 in the fall semester of our school is as follows:

Level 1. 2020 students will not return to school for the time being.

2. The 2021 students are postponed to return to school. Online teaching activities have been launched on August 29. The undergraduate students are set to return to school on September 7th.

Third, the 2022 -level book and the specialty of the college completed the online registration payment prediction on August 26 and 27. The school reported on September 9, 10, and 11, and launched online education and teaching activities on September 12.

4. All students shall not go to the school in advance, and the relevant epidemic prevention and control work before and after the school shall strictly follow the "Notice of the Gansu Provincial Department of Education on the opening of colleges and universities in the fall semester of 2022" " The requirements of the beginning of the year and the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control of the year and the "Student Notice" are implemented.

Lanzhou Petrochemical University of Petrochemical

In order to do a good job in the opening of the 2022 autumn semester, the school is scheduled to officially start on August 29. Students will not return to school for the time being.

(1) Xigu Campus

The first batch: September 13th, the 2021 provinces who meet the conditions of the return school report, and report to the 2020 provinces that meet the conditions of the return school on September 14;

The second batch: September 19th, the 2020 and 2021 levels of foreign students who meet the conditions of the return school report.

(2) New District Campus

The first batch: September 13th, the Department of Energy Engineering, the Department of Energy Engineering, the Department of Materials and Civil Engineering, and the Department of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering, the 2021 provinces who meet the conditions of the school report on September 14th. , Department of Economic and Management Engineering, the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering to report to the provinces with the conditions of returning to school;

The second batch: September 19th, the 2021 provincial students who meet the conditions of the return school report.

(3) Silver Campus

The first batch: September 17th to 18th, the 2021 provinces who meet the conditions of the return school report;

The second batch: September 26th, the 2021 -level province students who meet the conditions of the return school report.

(4) Grade 2022 freshman report requirements

Grade 2022 is born online from September 13th to 14th. On September 15th, he participated in online teaching activities. According to the situation of the territorial epidemic situation, the specific return to school will be notified separately.

Lanzhou Bowen University of Science and Technology

According to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, in order to ensure the physical health and life safety of teachers and students, the school strictly implements the measures of "peaks to start school". In principle, organize students to return to school in an orderly manner. The specific time and batches are arranged as follows:

1. On September 5th, students in level 2021 and level 2020 returned to school;

2. September 6th students return to school in 2019;

3. Back to school on September 7 for students outside the province;

4. September 9th to 10th is reported by the new students in the province of 2022;

5. September 11th was reported by the 2022 province.

Source: New Gansu · Daily Comprehensive

Editor in charge: Yang Yang

Supervisor: Mu so strong

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