Anhui university ranking in 2022: 15 universities are the first choice, and the University of Science and Technology is not easy to enter

Author:Gossip university Time:2022.06.19

Anhui Province, located in the East Troupe of my country, is connected to Jiangsu, Henan Province, Hubei Province, Zhejiang and other provinces. The strategy of economic development in the country must be connected with several major domestic economic sectors. Economic development potential. However, as far as the number of college entrance examination candidates is concerned, the number of applicants for college entrance examinations in Anhui Province in 2022 reached 600,000, second only to Henan, Hebei, Sichuan, Guangdong and other provinces, ranking among the forefront of provinces across the country. However, as far as colleges and universities apply for cost -effectiveness, the cost -effectiveness of Anhui universities is higher than that of Henan Province, Hebei Province, Guangdong and other provinces.

So, for more than 120 universities in Anhui Province, which college is worth choosing to apply for candidates and parents in 2022? Which universities performed better in 2022? Below, let's take a look at the competitiveness ranking of universities in Anhui Province in 2022. How much is your school ranking? For candidates and parents for reference.

The Chinese University of Science and Technology is strong, ranking 1st in Anhui Province, and 8th in the country

China University of Science and Technology, the full name of the University of Science and Technology of China, is located in Hefei City, Anhui Province. It is a national key university directly under the Chinese Academy of Sciences that is mainly cutting -edge science and high -tech. In 2017, he was selected as a "double first -class university" world -class university construction university. It is one of the members of the C9 Alliance of the top universities in China. It is one of the best universities in my country except Tsinghua University and Peking University. The University of Science and Technology of China, founded in 1958, was listed as a key university in the country in 1959, and moved to Hefei City, Anhui Province in 1970, which laid the tone to become the highest school in Anhui Province. In the fourth round of the Ministry of Education's discipline assessment, a total of 28 disciplines of the University of Science and Technology of China entered the list. Among them 6 disciplines in the study, ecology, and software engineering obtained A-score. In addition, there are also disciplines such as geological, atmospheric science, and mechanics to enter the list, which is an advantageous discipline of the University of Science and Technology of China.


Anhui university ranking in 2022 strength ranking

From the perspective of the discipline on the list, although there are relatively few disciplines of the University of Science and Technology of China, as far as the discipline is concerned, there are a large number of high -quality disciplines, and they are concentrated in basic disciplines of science and engineering. The sustainable development of technology has a very important role, which also casts a low -key and stable school style and school style of the University of Science and Technology of China. This is unique in the contemporary impetuous academic environment. It is the first choice for candidates and parents to choose to apply for an Anhui province.

These 15 universities are the preferred choice for colleges and universities in Anhui Province

In addition to the University of Science and Technology of China, universities worth applying for in Anhui Province also include 14 universities including Hefei University of Technology, Anhui University, Anhui Normal University, and Anhui Agricultural University. The forefront of colleges and universities. Among them, Hefei University of Technology and Anhui University are the former 2111 Engineering University, ranking among the top 100 universities across the country, and are typical representatives of universities in Anhui Province. Hefei University of Technology has the reputation of the "four small dragons". It is an old -fashioned mechanical school. It ranks 3rd among my country's industrial universities, second only to Harbin University of Technology and Northwestern University of Technology. , Have a high degree of recognition, have deep industry heritage and discipline accumulation.


Anhui university ranking in 2022 strength ranking

In the ranking of private universities in Anhui Province, Anhui Xinhua College ranks first in the list and 20th in the country's private universities. It is the best private university in Anhui Province.


Anhui university ranking in 2022 strength ranking

In the ranking of higher vocational colleges in Anhui Province, Wuhu Vocational and Technical College ranks first in the list, and the fourth place in higher vocational colleges in the country. It is the best vocational college in Anhui Province.

What do you think of above? Does the above ranking meet your expectations? Welcome everyone to communicate.

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