[Micro Video] Gansu college "one school, one policy" ensures safe and orderly in autumn school

Author:Gansu released Time:2022.08.29

Recently, colleges and universities in our province have successively released the opening arrangements in the autumn semester, and organized students to return to school in an orderly manner. At the same time, a number of universities adjusted the entrance time for the start of the 2022 freshman this fall semester this fall to ensure that the school was safe and orderly.

At the gate of Lanzhou University, teachers and student volunteers guided the students to return to school to queue in an orderly manner for "sweeping and four investigations" and disinfected the luggage of the returning students. At the same time, the school also set up multiple nucleic acid testing points to ensure that students enter the school safely.

The school also made clear arrangements for undergraduates, graduate students, and freshmen to return to school. It is safe and orderly to ensure that the normalized epidemic prevention and control is ensured through the wrong time and peaks. In order to allow students to eat well, school restaurants integrate specialty foods in various places and provide students with a good dining environment.

It is understood that Lanzhou University of Science and Technology, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, and Lanzhou Urban Academy also adjusted the start time of this fall semester this fall.

Source: visual audiovisual Gansu client

Edit: Du Ying Editor: Zhu Wang School Review: Wang Xuexiang

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