Look at it!The National Computer Level Examination begins on the 23rd

Author:Guizhou Daily Time:2022.06.19

In accordance with the spirit of the relevant notifications of the Ministry of Education Examination Institute, in order to ensure the normalization of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic prevention and control, the national computer -level examination (hereinafter referred to as NCRE) in September 2022 was carried out.

1. Exam and registration time

(1) Exam time: September 2022 NCRE (66th) Exam time is from September 24th to 25th. If the examination cannot be opened normally due to the epidemic, our hospital will notify separately.

(2) Registration time: June 23-July 4th. The specific time is arranged as follows:

1. Registration online: June 23 (Thursday) at 10:00 am to 17:00, July 4th (Monday).

2. Online review: The online review time of the test site is the same as the registration time.

3. Online payment: June 23 (Thursday) 10: 00-July 5th (Tuesday) 17:00.

4. Printing for admission ticket: Start at 9:00 am (Monday) on September 19, 2022.

2. Registration method and registration website

Candidates' registration website published by the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education for online registration, payment, and print admission ticket. Entrance (public network): https://ncre-bm.neea.cn.

3. Registration work regulations and arrangements

(1) Application level and subject

1. Those who have the basic knowledge of computer can select the corresponding level of exams according to their actual situation. Each candidate for a single exam can be reported up to 3 subjects. It is strictly forbidden for candidates to apply for the same subject or apply for the exam in different provinces. Repeated registration candidates will be dealt with in accordance with violations.

2. Third and fourth -level subjects are no longer limited to completing the exam on the first day of the exam.

3. Added secondary OpenGAUSS database program design (subject code 68).

4. In2022, two subjects were suspended in two subjects including the third -level Linux application and development technology, and the fourth -level Linux application and development engineer. In the second half of 2021, the 4 -level Linux test was passed, and the results were retained until March 2023.

5. The Examination Outline and Tutorial Capital in 20122 are shown in the China Education Examination Network.

(2) Candidates apply for exams

Candidates implement the principle of nearby exams. The school students who have set up test sites must apply for the school at our school and must not apply for the exam across the school; candidates who have not set up test sites for social candidates may choose the following test sites to apply: Guizhou University (South Campus), Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Liupanshui Normal University, Anshun College , Guizhou Engineering Applied Technology College, Tongren College, Kaili College, Qiannan National Teachers College, Xingyi National Teachers College, Zunyi Vocational and Technical College.

(3) Candidates registration requirements

1. Candidates themselves log in to the registration website within the prescribed time. They enter the registration information and upload photos and apply for review according to the operation procedures and requirements.

2. Candidates must carefully fill in the information to confirm themselves and upload photos in accordance with regulations. If you fill in the information, you will be responsible. Candidates uploaded the photos on the admission ticket. If they do not meet the requirements or cannot be confirmed as candidates themselves, candidates will not be able to take the exam.

3. Photo information standard:

(1) The photo should be a recent positive color -free color certificate of the candidate.

(2) The upper and lower heads of the imaging area are required to be empty 1/10, the head accounts for 7/10, the shoulder accounts for 1/5, and the left and right empty is 1/10. The maximum image of the collection is 192 × 144 (height × width), and the size of the imaging area is 48mm × 33mm (height × width).

(3) Photo files should be JPG format.

Four, others

1. During the registration period, the test sites should be arranged to accept the candidates' registration consultation, and the relevant information should be announced in time.

2. The Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education has launched a NCRE electronic certificate, and all candidates who meet the conditions for evidence will obtain an electronic certificate. In the pilot period in 2022, candidates can apply for a paper certificate at the same time when signing up.

3. The Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education will continue to promote candidates' face recognition identity verification. In September 2022, the examination covers all the test points.

4. In the province's NCRE registration work consultation telephone 0851-88154290, contact person: Teacher Yang, Teacher Feng.

(Source: Guizhou Provincial Admissions Examination Institute) Editor: Cheng Guihong

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