In 2022, Huazhong University of Science and Technology enrolled 7,200 people, and the "Yangtze River Association Living Room" highly came to the first game!

Author:Yangtze River Time:2022.06.19

Moderator reporter Zhao Mengmeng

Text Editing reporter Wang Weiqi Learner Bao Meng

As an important part of "I choose Wuhan Winning Future" 2022 graduation season and enrollment season series interactive activities, the first game of "2022 high recruitment question and answer" in the Yangtze River Network came. On June 19th, Liu Hongjun, deputy dean of the undergraduate school of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and director of the admissions work office, was a guest of "Yangtze River Club", released the admissions plan, and supported voluntary reporting. Candidates across the country were welcome to apply for priority.

Liu Hongjun (middle), deputy dean of the undergraduate school of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and director of the admissions work office, and Weilibo (right), a junior student in microelectronics science and engineering in the School of Optical and Electronic Information of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the first guest of the "Yangtze River Club".

According to Liu Hongjun, the enrollment plan of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has increased slightly in 2022. The national enrollment plan is 7,200, an increase of 10, which is one of the universities with a large number of enrollment in the "double first -class" universities. "This is a good news for candidates. The specific enrollment plan and admissions majors, as well as the grouping method, should wait for the final‘ recruitment big book ’announcement.”

At the gate of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Figures of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

unique! The five types of experimental classes of the Central and Central China are the "College Entrance Examination Express" enrollment for 30 provinces across the country

"In recent years, Huazhong University of Science and Technology has set up five types of experimental classes based on 28 advantages, and enrolls in 30 provinces 'college entrance examinations' (through the college entrance examination through the college entrance examination). "Liu Hongjun said in an interview with a reporter from the Yangtze River Network in the" Living Room of the Yangtze River ".

The first is to open an experimental class of the Future Technical College, that is, the Future Technical College. Focusing on the frontier direction of first -class disciplines such as intelligent manufacturing, photoelectric information, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine. In the first three years of the experimental class, the basic training of mathematics, information, and engineering science was attached to the experimental class. The "single -person customization" class table combined with systems is used to draw teaching with scientific research and practice projects; integrate A+discipline directions such as optical engineering, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, etc., and develop smart manufacturing and smart chips based on integrated integrated intelligent robots. , Intelligent perception and other future technical fields. In the future, the School of Technology for the first time this year's college entrance examination is enrolled in direct traffic, and 40 people are planned to be selected in the school.

The second is to continue to open the Qiming Benshuo Experimental Class. Huazhong University of Science and Technology actively deployed the development of national strategic emerging industries. Focusing on traditional advantage discipline, it has set up advantageous majors such as mechanical engineering, photoelectric engineering, computer, artificial intelligence, and network security. The experimental class adopts the mentor system, small class, personalization, and internationalization training model. At the end of the year, he entered the direct stage through selection and assessment, and enjoyed the treatment of direct Bosheng.

The third is to continue the enrollment of strong base plans. In addition to the strong training policies such as separate classes, first -class faculty, first -class academic atmosphere, first -class overseas exchange training projects, students with strong base planning class students, more importantly relying on the academic advantages of school science and engineering cross -disciplinary disciplines. In terms of literacy, the masterpiece can be studied in this discipline or cross to the relevant discipline field. This year's enrollment plan is 120.

The above three types of experimental classes have adopted the "Connection Training of this Research" model to promote the connection between undergraduate education and graduate education.

Experimental and innovation experimental classes of outstanding engineers education and training plan continues to enroll in the "college entrance examination through traffic". These two types of experimental classes are collectively referred to as the "Qiming Experimental Class". They are special zones trained by innovative talents in Central China. They have been enrolled for more than ten years and are committed to cultivating future outstanding talents with innovative ability, entrepreneurial spirit and international perspective. Relying on superior disciplines or departments to build a study practice platform for cross -disciplinary disciplines, support students to carry out research and independent practice based on projects, subjects, and competitions. At the same time, they have introduced industry and international high -quality resources to carry out joint training. Experience and training plans of excellent engineers education and training plan and innovation experimental classes have two selection methods: college entrance examination direct enrollment and school selection.

The above five types of experimental classes are set in specific majors, and specific majors are determined when admission.

Wuhan Optoelectronics National Research Center. Figures of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

For national strategic needs and talent training needs, in 2022, two enrollment majors in clinical pharmacy and intelligent medical engineering

"In the past two years, our school faces the needs of national strategic needs and talent training, and has continuously increased popular majors. This year we have added two enrollment majors in clinical pharmacy and intelligent medical engineering." Liu Hongjun said.

Clinical pharmaceutical enrollment in pharmaceutical school. At present, there are 70,000 national gaps, mainly for reasonable medication and comprehensive evaluation of drugs. Ordinary pharmacy is drug research and development, and clinical pharmacy is the stage of clinical use. In the next two years, the practice training was mainly at Xiehe Hospital, and a pharmacist certificate was issued. Cultivate the basic knowledge, basic theory and basic skills of clinical pharmacy, clinical thinking, innovative spirit and international vision, and compound professional talents that can work in patients centered and reasonable medication as the core.

Intelligent medical engineering enrolls in the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, focusing on cultivating the professional knowledge of a solid mathematical science and clinical medicine and medical engineering, and master the professional knowledge of the solid basic theory in the field of artificial intelligence. New composite professionals using artificial intelligence technology to solve the practical problems of clinical and basic medicine. National Digital Design and Manufacturing Innovation Center. Figures of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

There are tricks to fill in volunteers: Preferably about 9 universities, the professional and professional groups of the favorite college fill in the front position, fill in the professional order of the professional, obey the professional adjustment

During the interview, Liu Hongjun filled the candidates for volunteer moves. He said that the principle of parallel volunteer submission is "the score is preferred, follows the volunteer", so candidates should pay attention to the following points when applying for the exam:

First, parallel volunteer candidates can fill in multiple colleges and universities. The choice and matching of these colleges and universities is very important. It is recommended that candidates accurately positioning, not only considering "rushing one punch", "stability", and "guarantee one insurance". There is a certain gradient to increase the probability of successful submission.

The second is that for the candidates individually, if the score is high, all colleges and universities in parallel volunteers they are filled in, then the files can only be submitted to the schools that are ranked in the forefront in the forefront. Therefore, when the candidates are filled in parallel volunteers, it is best to fill in the top schools that they want to study most. Welcome to apply for the University of Science and Technology of China.

The third is parallel volunteer provinces. Every year, we encounter such candidates. They apply for popular majors and do not obey the professional adjustment. However, once parallel volunteer archives are retired by colleges, they will have a small chance of participating in parallel volunteer supplementary submission. Therefore, when the candidates fill in parallel volunteers, they recommend that the hot and cold is alternated, and it also follows the principle of stability and protection. It is recommended to choose to obey the professional adjustment.

Under the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, the professional and professional groups of colleges and universities still follow the principles of parallel volunteers, scores first, and follow volunteers. In terms of filling in the reporting strategy, it is recommended that candidates "use new uses for new use", preferably about 9 universities. If there are too many universities, there is no enough time to fully understand the talent training and professional settings of colleges and universities, and fully analyze the professional group settings of each university. It may regret it because they make blind choices without understanding. Combined with the admission of colleges in previous years, follow the principles of "rushing, stability, and insurance", fill in the top positions and professional groups of the colleges and universities in the front position, alternate hot and cold, and fill in the professional order. adjust.

In particular, it should be explained to everyone that Huazhong University of Science and Technology is a very familiar college, and talent training is very distinctive and very strong. Therefore, candidates and parents are very welcome to apply for the University of Science and Technology of China.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Library. Figures of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

There are 4 opportunities for "transfer to professional" to implement "no threshold for turning out, there is a requirement"

What are the policies to transfer to a professional? According to Liu Hongjun, Huazhong University of Science and Technology has truly practiced the educational concept of "student -centric", and established students to choose a professional personalized education system based on their own characteristics and developing their own aspirations. For the transfer of professional policies, students can apply for transfer to other majors based on their academic situation and professional interest.

College students have four opportunities to transfer majors: Starting from the first semester, students can freely apply for selection and enter various experimental classes. This year's experimental classes retain the "two tracks", which can be added to the "college entrance examination through traffic", and can also join various experimental classes such as computers, machinery, optoelectronics, and artificial intelligence through school selection. At the end of the first semester, students can apply for a major in the entire school. At the end of the fourth semester, students can apply for a major in the disciplinary category. In the third grade, students can choose their professional directions.

In 2021, there are more than 50 people who want to employment students per capita, and the ranking of employers and student relationships in employment competitiveness is the first in the world for 6 consecutive years.

How about employment, Liu Hongjun introduced: The proportion of undergraduate studies in Central China has increased year by year. At present, it is more than 60%each year. About 10%of graduates went overseas for further studies, and most of them entered the top 100 schools in the world.

For graduates who choose employment, undergraduate education with advantages and characteristics has made graduates favored by employers. Students who study in Central China are actually more important to choose high -quality employment and better development. In the 2021 graduate employment recruitment activities, as many as 1,6881 job fairs were held online and offline, and more than 50 students who wanted to employment students per capita. Essence China Central University's employment competitiveness employers and student relationship rankings released by QS issued by Huazhong University in the world are ranked first in the world for 6 consecutive years.


Candidates and parents can pay attention to the undergraduate admissions information network of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, follow the WeChat public account of "Admissions Office of Huazhong University of Science and Technology" and "Undergraduate Admissions Office of Huazhong University of Science and Technology" WeChat Mini Program.The live broadcast release and other contents, as well as the provincial and sub-professional admission information inquiries over the years; the school's enrollment consultation telephone is 027-8754228/027-87559946.The school will also open 8 enrollment hotlines in June -July.At the same time, you can also search for the "Yangtze River Network" small program or download the Yangtze River Network APP to enter the Yangtze River "Huazhong University of Science and Technology-20122 high-recruitment question and answer" area consultation.

Scan the code into the "Yangtze River Network" applet.

【Edit: Xie Yuan】

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