Yan Jinhai: Study of young people such as college graduates and other young employment and entrepreneurship work

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.06.20

Recently, Yan Jinhai, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and chairman of the autonomous region, hosted a executive meeting of the autonomous region government to study some policies and measures, power guarantee, and reserve grain management of college graduates such as college graduates.

"Several policies and measures for further employment and entrepreneurship such as college graduates such as further universities" have a total of ten articles, which mainly include supporting enterprises to stabilize their posts, vigorously promote employment outside the region, encourage grassroots employment, support independent entrepreneurship and flexible employment. In addition, From expanding the scale of apprenticeship, simplifying job hunting employment procedures, establishing a graduation and registered registration system, and providing "one person, one file", "one person and one policy" precision service, provide corresponding policy support for college graduates. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the supply side, take multiple measures to expand the posts, and go to the insurance market to promote innovative practices such as "group -style" employment, and guide college graduates to employment and employment multi -channel; focus on the demand side, fully support employment employment Entrepreneurship, grab the critical period of employment of college graduates, provide "one person, one file", "one person, one strategy" precise service, strengthen employment and entrepreneurial information release and docking, and provide job information for targeted and precise Implement the responsibility of work, and take employment and entrepreneurship as a "first -leading" project at all levels and departments, and jointly fight the "tackling battle" of employment of college graduates.

The conference conveyed the spirit of the National Television Conference of Energy Insurance for Peak Summer Energy Insurance, and studied the electricity confession plan during the winter and Mingming and the "14th Five -Year Plan" during our district, and the Zheku 50MW wind power project of Zheku County, Tibet, Tibet. It is pointed out that the implementation plan must be accelerated to ensure that the new power supply construction is in place, the grid scheduling potential, and the normal insurance supply work; the policy must be scientifically implemented, and the support guarantee is actively provided; Starting, driving a good atmosphere of saving electricity.

The meeting pointed out that the opportunity to introduce the "Measures for the Reserve of the Tibet Autonomous Region" as an opportunity to gradually step out a new way for food reserve of "flying ground grain, strict grain management, sufficient grain storage, and scientific food". To accelerate the advancement, we must adopt a "flying ground" model to build a group of rice, wheat and other grain supply bases, and create a "through traffic" from "base" to "granary"; The prevention system of prevention must be carried out regularly. It is better to store dynamic calculation and evaluation.

The meeting pointed out that the "Pacific Tax Law of the People's Republic of China" will be implemented from July 1 this year, and it is necessary to release the "Notice on the Implementation of the" Printing Tax Law of the People's Republic of China "in a timely manner. In the next step, we must learn and implement the tax law system, strengthen the implementation of the law, help to relieve the enterprise, implement the scope and requirements of various reductions and exemptions in accordance with the law, and realize non -application, direct enjoyment, and enjoy.

会议研究了“十四五”时期综合交通运输发展规划,指出,要下大力气补齐短板,打通“大动脉”、健全“流通网”、打通“致富路”、串起“生态线”、 Extend the "strong border road" and keep the "safety customs", give full play to the role of comprehensive transportation in the "four creations", and provide strong support for the long -term security and high -quality development of the region.

Source: Tibet Daily

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