Principal's invitation: In the next year, no students at the scene can return to school to attend the graduation ceremony today!

Author:Shanghai hotline Time:2022.06.20

At about 14 pm on June 17, shortly after the graduation ceremony of the 2022 student of Fudan University, Huang Da, a 2022 undergraduate graduate at the School of Mathematics, posted a circle of friends: "No place has more sky than another place. After listening to the teacher, I cried when I read the poem. "In the warmth video, a teacher touched him for the graduates. "No matter where, I believe everyone can have their own sky." Huang Dazhou said.

This is an unusual graduation season. The graduation ceremony of "offline+online" also brings different memories to more than 10,000 graduates.

Singing: "Someone will always love her for me"

Huang Dazhou had always been looking forward to attending the graduation ceremony with his classmates, and did not expect to be disrupted by the epidemic. He wrote a song "Summer Regret Rescue Handbook" (English song title "Fudan Romance"), which became a warm -field MV for the graduation ceremony of this school. He wrote in the lyrics: Holding the guitar alone, sitting quietly in the light, waved goodbye to Fudan, just walk with regret, and someone will always love her for me. Fudan Fudan Fudan, deeply engraved in my soul, the century -old starry sky on the light grass, the heart of cherry trees bloom, the liberal soul is never mediocre, how to describe the language, the sun and the moonlight and the romance of Fudan.

Wang Ziyue completes the interpretation of 5 sounds alone

In addition to writing songs, there are people singing, and they are performed by one person to complete 5 voices. The 2022 graduate of the School of Management and the champion of the Fudan Song King "Dan" champion Wang Ziyue, recorded a special Akkabela's work "Dreams" for graduating partners, and achieved "his own power". Harmony in China.

Sound: Day in Fudan

Or shiny, or unforgettable. At the ceremony, the graduates told their story with Fudan.

"The rain was very heavy that day, but no volunteer temporarily canceled the registration due to heavy rain. After everyone delivered meals to a building, they hurried to the next building. Hot meals. "

Volunteers under the epidemic

"For the dance group, it may only be a real graduation for the dance troupe. "

"I used to be at 2:30 in the morning. Due to the failure of the experiment, I returned to the Jiangwan Life Park from the high molecular building to the Jiangwan Life Park. , Teacher Mei said to me that there is no difficult topic that is not a good issue, so I insist on doing it. "

"I think Fudan taught me to help others as much as possible to help others as much as possible and affect life with life."

"I chose to join the army in the freshman year. I had a typhoon transit. We quickly went to the designated place to carry the sandbags. When I carried the sandbag on my shoulders, I really felt what responsibility was."

"The experience of the Fudan Astronomy Association has made me strengthen my astronomical dream. I will go to the United States to study a doctorate degree in astronomy and continue to explore the mystery of the starry sky. I have seen the stars in many places, but the favorite is the starry sky of Guangcao."

"From 18 to 28 years old, I spent 10 years in Fudan. My first papers changed 13 drafts, which lasted for 4 years. How did I stick to it? , But I am not alone. "

"I am from Pakistan. When I was 8 years old, I was fascinated by China. After I came to Fudan, I met a lot of kind friends. I am very grateful to the teachers of Huashan Hospital and let me realize what kind of doctor I want to be."

Ding Nu: Send a farther to meet a better reunion

Graduation is a youth ceremony, and it is for a better reunion.

"In the future, as long as the conditions are allowed, students who are not at the scene can return to the school to participate in an offline graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony. We will prepare for everyone as usual to welcome everyone to prevent the students from leaving. Jin Li, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the president of Fudan University, issued an invitation at the graduation ceremony.

Jin Li spoke three points. First, take challenges as the normal state of life and life. The real world is full of contradictions and challenges. It has not changed as big as a hundred years, and as small as personal daily life is full of uncertainty. The biggest and lasting challenge in life may be how to face the challenge.

Second, use responsibility to motivate and stimulate innovation. "For more than three months, at the work scheduling meeting of the resistance headquarters that must be opened every night, colleagues hung the word 'children' to their mouths. Efforts to direction. Life has a responsible bitter place, only the joy of responsibility. "

Third, adhere to the original intention and pursue every new progress. Fighting a little new progress every day, you can eventually usher in a new weather. This is the philosophy contained in the "Fudan" school name, and it is the struggle of "Fudan, the Sun and the Moonlight".

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