Help the development of manufacturing industry workers to consolidate the foundation of manufacturing skills

Author:Human Resources and Social Sec Time:2022.06.20

Manufacturing is the pillar industry of the national economy, and it is an important manifestation of national creativity, competitiveness and comprehensive national strength. The manufacturing industry provides a material foundation for modern industrial society, and provides advanced equipment and technology platforms for information and knowledge society. The manufacturing industry reflects the productivity level of a country and occupies a very important share in the national economy. In the process of accelerating the construction of a strong country, the role of industrial workers cannot be ignored. Today, China is even more needed to have a high -quality skill talent than at any time in history. my country's economy has shifted from a high -speed growth stage to a high -quality development stage. It not only needs a large number of innovative R & D talents, but also requires a large number of high -skilled talents that master the stunt and exquisite technology, a high -level skill team.

Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the State -owned Assets Supervision Commission jointly issued by the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council reflects the care and care of high -skilled talents of the party and the country for manufacturing high -skilled talents, and consolidating the working class Leading class status, enhancing the sense of gain, accomplishment, and happiness of high -skilled talents in manufacturing, establishing a glorious social style and dedication to the glory of labor, cultivating and practicing the core values ​​of socialism, with great practical value, demonstration function and demonstration function and demonstration function. Guidance.

In the manufacturing enterprise, a new apprentice system for Chinese characteristics enterprises is fully implemented. The apprentice system has a long history in my country. It is a very traditional technical training and inheritance model, especially for manufacturing workers with higher technical and experience. According to the principles of government guidance, enterprises, and colleges and universities, the new apprenticeship system adopts the "enterprise and school dual system, engineering integration" model to jointly cultivate apprentices and promote corporate skills training. The new apprenticeship system is mainly to cultivate intermediate workers, senior workers and technicians, and senior technicians that meet the needs of manufacturing enterprises. The training content mainly includes operating skills, professional knowledge, professional literacy, safety production specifications, and craftsmanship. Compared with a single school education, the new apprenticeship system is more in line with the rules of skill training. This model uses the most innocent and simple teaching method of vocational and technical education, which reflects the "middle school" and "engineering science" The principle of integration. The new apprenticeship system is an important measure for the training of innovative skills talents in my country's manufacturing enterprises in the new era. It has deepened the integration of production and education, school -enterprise cooperation, innovated the training model of talent talents with Chinese characteristics, and played in the cultivation of corporate backup skills and promoting industrial development. A positive role, comprehensively implementing justice. Manufacturing enterprises will use this as a starting point to strengthen the training of skill talents, continuously expand the influence and coverage of the new apprenticeship system of the enterprise, and then provide solid Talent support, strengthen the development of industrial workers.

Strengthen the selection and appraisal of high -skilled talents in manufacturing. Select a batch of high -skilled leaders and high -level technicians such as high -skilled leaders and specialized technicians such as high -skilled leaders such as high -skilled leaders and other high -level technical positions (positions). Wait for the selection and commendation project to apply for the national skills master studio. This measure will further enhance their incentives for high -skilled leaders and promote their continuous role of demonstration and guiding role. In order to improve the level of skill talents, unblock the professional development channels of skill talents, and improve the incentive policy of skill talents, in order to inspire more workers, especially young people to take skills and serve the country, and cultivate more high -skilled talents and big country craftsmen. This is from the perspective of the design of the top -level design, focusing on the formulation of party and state policies, and effectively reflects the party and the government's care and love for outstanding workers. Strengthening the selection and appraisal of high -skilled talents in manufacturing, which can further consolidate and strengthen the position of the leadership of the working class, stimulate the owner's consciousness of high -skilled talents, demonstrate the important role of the outstanding group of workers' class, cherish the honor, maintain the nature, and continue Giving the leading role of demonstration can also make all workers fully feel the rich returns of hard work, honest labor, and creative labor, seeing the brilliant prospects of labor creation, labor creation, labor to achieve life, and consciously implement the core values ​​of socialism. With the lofty spirit and noble character of leading talents, spurring themselves, glowing with enthusiasm for labor, thick craftsmanship culture, adhere to professional ethics, take hard work, honest labor, creative labor as a conscious behavior, cultivate the loving labor, work, and work. High -quality workers.

The launch of the "Plan" is conducive to accelerating the cultivation of high -quality skill talents that are urgently needed for high -quality development in the manufacturing industry. On the one hand, it is to expand the longitudinal development channel of high -skilled talents, so that more technicians, senior technicians, special technicians, and chief technicians have constantly constantly constantly Professional growth space for upward development; on the other hand, expand the space for horizontal development, and launch new measures for high -skilled talents in terms of treatment and inspiration and guarantee. Establish a higher sense of professional identity and honor, cultivate more industrial workers with superb skills, superb skills, and excellent "craftsmanship", and inspire more people, especially young generations to take skills and employment, promote the formation of people People are eager for talent, everyone can work hard, everyone can achieve talents, and everyone can show their talents to provide talent support for Chinese manufacturing and Chinese creation, and promote the high -quality development of my country's economy. (Author Lu Xindi, Senior Technician of Daoyitz FAW (Dalian) Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.)

Editor in this issue: Zhang Zixuan

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