Jimu Time Comment | Shijiazhuang No. 1 Primary School can wear Hanfu to school every Thursday. Traditional culture is worth encouraging to enter the campus.

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.20

Ji Mu News commentator Qu Jing

In order to promote the excellent Hanfu culture, starting from March 24 this year, Hebei Shijiazhuang No.1 Primary School sets every Thursday as a traditional cultural Hanfu Day. Children can voluntarily wear Hanfu to school. (According to China Youth Network on June 17)

The school's creation has aroused the support and praise of many netizens. The scenes presented in news videos are pleasing. The children are wearing clothes under the campus, clear and elegant, danced, colorful, full of children's innocence and cuteness, and they also see the chic and elegant flowers of traditional costumes. Wonderful.

"Hanfu Day" event "Hanfu Day" event

In recent years, "Hanfu Hot" has swept the major domestic scenic spots, especially some antique places. Many young people in Hanfu can be seen every holiday, and they can take pictures to take pictures to add brilliant scenery.

Some places have held "Hanfu Show" and "Hanfu Culture Festival", which not only provides Hanfu enthusiasts with platforms that communicate with each other, but also show the gorgeousness of Hanfu to the public. It's just the joy of seeing, but willing to wear it in person and try it.

And "Tang Palace Night Banquet" and "Only Green and Green", such as Chinese classical and beautiful art programs, have brought opportunities to promote Hanfu. In the beautiful interpretation of the dancer, the beauty and diversity of ancient costumes have produced a strong attractiveness, more people's hearts, and gradually become the enthusiasts and promoters of Hanfu.

West Wang Elementary School wearing Hanfu collective morning reading

The charm of traditional clothing is natural, because it contains the aesthetic and wisdom creation of the Chinese nation, which is the embodiment of China's "supreme country" and "state of etiquette", so it will naturally attract the attention of Chinese people, stimulate the Chinese people National pride.

Regarding the longing and pursuit of traditional beauty, regardless of men, women, and children, in October last year, the 77 -year -old "Hanfu Grandma" Liu Weixiu appeared in China International Animation Festival. Since the elderly are dressed, of course, children are also dressed.

Traditional clothing is the daily wear of ancient people, not only traveling or special occasions. Letting children go to school daily, not only to make children's school life more colorful, but also adds a bit of classical charm to modern campuses, allowing teachers and students to accept the influence of traditional culture.

Of course, school organizations are definitely not simply changed clothes. Many netizens are worried that the so -called "voluntary" can be really voluntary? Is it that every child's home can afford Hanfu? Will it cause vanity and comparison? There is such concern, one is because they are very concerned about the children, and the other can also see that many netizens still don't know enough about Hanfu.

In fact, there are many affordable Hanfu on the e -commerce platform, so that Hanfu is no longer in the "niche" circle, but is more facing the public. As for how to avoid comparison and isolation, when the school is needed to organize such a theme days, it is only necessary to treat Hanfu as a carrier of traditional culture, not just focusing on the clothing itself. Not only should we encourage children to take costumes, but also let them know the ancient meaning, understand the historical stories behind Hanfu, to read classical poems, appreciate literary and artistic and artistic methods such as ancient calligraphy, calligraphy, music, And the wind bone. In the end, let them know that the most important thing is not the gorgeous and valuables of clothes, but "poetry with poetry."

In a word, it is worth encouraging to hold such activities that parents and students like to see on the campus of elementary school, promote Hanfu, promote traditional culture, and cultivate the cultural atmosphere of campus. Only when more and more people are regarded as a daily life that wearing Hanfu as "treasure and heavy" rather than "showing personality", Hanfu can better adhere to the cultural core, inherit cultural blood, and allow traditional classical beauty and etiquette. The beauty and virtue of virtue integrate into life and carry forward.

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