Texas: Micro -movie dance gesture dance young and middle school students happy learning to prevent drowning knowledge

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.06.20

Qilu.com · Lightning News, June 20th, approaching the summer, the problem of anti -drowning safety of primary and secondary school students has become a hot spot for the attention of all sectors of society. This summer, various primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Texas are richer and diverse. Let children master the knowledge of drowning in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

The Third Experimental Primary School in Decheng District, Texas City, combined with the film courses of this school to guide students to plan a group of micro -movies with anti -drowning safety scenarios. Students are on the riverside of the campus, communities, and schools. The interpretation of the story of the scenes vividly shows various drowning knowledge.

"By participating in the performance of this drowning scene drama, I have a deeper understanding of the knowledge such as' anti -drowning six", 'eight avoid', 'four do not', and 'second meeting'. We all like the way of scenarios. "Zheng Jingzhe, a fifth -year student of the third experimental elementary school in Decheng District, Texas, told reporters.

It is understood that each grade of the Third Experimental Primary School in Decheng District, Texas City will shoot small anti -drowning safety videos. The school also sings anti -drowning nursery rhymes through teaching students, held a theme class meeting and parent meeting, signing commitments, knowledge compete, set up safe mutual assistance, set up safe mutual assistance In various forms such as groups to strengthen drowning safety education.

"Through investigating questionnaires, home visits and other forms, more than 190 key students in the school's anti -drowning work were detected, and one -on -one visit to the class teacher was used to investigate the hidden dangers of drowning safety safety. During the period and holidays, the teacher will inspect in the dangerous waters to effectively protect the safety of students' lives. "Guo Shanfeng, President of the Third Experimental Primary School in Decheng District, Texas, said.

Since the beginning of summer, Texas has launched the city's anti -drowning video exhibition. At present, there have been more than 100 teachers and students and parents of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens to actively submit to the event. The video is carried out in various forms such as nursery rhymes, gesture dance, allegro, scenario drama, emergency drill, etc., allowing children to learn the knowledge of drowning safety in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

"This year we have carried out more diversified prevention of drowning safety education. During the event, we will put the knowledge of anti -drowning in the minds. The holiday is coming, and we will launch the majority of family members and social forces to participate in this work together, and continue to carry out anti -drowning anti -drowning anti -drowning Video recording and broadcasting, carrying out swimming public welfare training, etc. to ensure the safety of students and allow them to spend a safe and happy holiday. "Ou Jie, Chief of the Safety Management Section of the Texas Education and Sports Bureau, told reporters.

Lightning News reporter Zheng Xiucheng Liu Jia Dezhou Terrace Meng Xiaoqian reported

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