Where did the 5 people go?

Author:Central Plains Shield Time:2022.06.20

"29 people and 24 people in the class successfully studied". Such a class rushed to the hot search today, causing attention.

The class is the 2018 Grade of Northwest University (the first) Huada Gene Innovation Class, which is called the "real school fighter class" by netizens.

According to Northwestern University officials, 24 of the 29 students in the class were successful or the postgraduate entrance examination was successful.

Bao Yan: 20 people (4 straight students, 16 masters) Baoji to Peking University, Chinese University of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Technology, Northwest University of Technology, China Agricultural University, and Chinese Academy of Sciences Biological Physics Institutes or scientific research institutions such as the Institute of Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Qingdao Biological Energy and Process Research Institute. Postgraduate entrance examination: 4 people's postgraduate entrance examinations were successful, 3 of them were admitted to the University of Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 1 person was admitted to the Institute of Science and Engineering of the deep -sea science and engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Except for the 24 people who have succeeded in the research or postgraduate entrance examination, how about the remaining 5 students who are curious about?

China Youth Daily reporters were informed that the four of the five students were applying for further studies, and the schools they finally attended were not fully determined; the other one had been OFFER who went to Huawei to work.

Netizens like to like them: the future is expected!

(Source: China Youth Daily)

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