The latest list is announced!

Author:Youth Hubei Time:2022.06.21

At the end of the college entrance examination, the friends will enter the stage of query scores and fill in volunteer.

Recently, the Ministry of Education released the latest list of national colleges and universities. As of May 31, 2022, a total of 3013 colleges and universities across the country, including 2,759 ordinary colleges and universities, including 1270 undergraduate institutions, 1489 colleges of vocational (college); 254 adult colleges and universities. This list does not include high schools in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, there are 130 ordinary colleges and universities in Hubei and 13 adult colleges.

Ordinary College (Hubei Province)

Adult College (Hubei Province)

Shaoguang lives up to the youthful mind

I wish all college entrance examinations in the gold list title name

I have been admitted to the university you like!

Editor | Luo Lu (Wuhan Vocational and Technical College)

Nuclear review | Wang Junwen

Editor -in -chief on Duty | Dai Hengye

Laiyuan | Youth Hubei Comprehensive Finance from Hubei Release, Ministry of Education website, etc.

(Click on the picture to view the full text)

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[Youth Hubei] Submitting mailbox: [email protected]

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I wish the gold list title!

- END -

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