Just now, the Ministry of Education's press conference conveys these important information!

Author:China Education News Network Time:2022.06.21

June 21,

Ministry of Education

The fifth press conference of the "Ten Years of Education" series,

Introduce the achievements and development of compulsory education since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

What are the main points of the meeting?

Watch with Education Xiaoxin

Another milestone! Realizing the basic balanced development of the county in ten years

The reporter learned from the conference that there are currently 207,000 schools, 158 million students, and 10.57 million teachers at the stage of compulsory education in my country. It runs good education on the healthy growth of hundreds of millions of children and children. Lu Yugang, director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, introduced that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, my country ’s compulsory education has seriously practiced behaviors of the party and education for national education. For strategic tasks, to promote fairness and quality as the focus, focus on serving national strategic needs, focus on the hope of the people's urgency, continuously improve the policy security system, reform and innovate, overcome difficulties, and strive to meet the people from "having" there is "having". The good expectations of "learning to learn".

"From 2012 to 2021, the compulsory education in my country has achieved the basic balanced development of the county in only 10 years, and has become another new milestone in the history of compulsory education in my country's compulsory education." Lu Yugang said.

Over the past ten years,

Compulsory education to fulfill the promise of "one cannot be less"

When it comes to "comprehensive realization of compulsory education", Lu Yugang introduced that from 2012 to 2021, the net enrollment rate of primary schools across the country increased from 99.85%to 99.9%, and the gross enrollment rate at the junior high school stages remained above 100%. "During the compulsory education stage, the family members of poverty alleviation have been dynamically cleared. The long -term dropout problems have been solved historically." Lu Yugang said.

Lu Yugang emphasized that the Ministry of Education conscientiously implemented the major political tasks of poverty alleviation, focused on compulsory education, and improved the long -term mechanism of controlling the joint insurance joint insurance, strengthening cross -departmental data comparison and accurate arrangements, the key areas of the supervision of the supervision of the supervision, and practically done it. Persuading to return to school to ensure that drop -out students can find, persuade them, and retain them. "Especially in the original deep poverty -stricken areas such as the" Three Districts, Three States ", have unprecedented efforts to control the control of dropouts. For example, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan has persuaded more than 60,000 students to drop out of school to ensure that one of them must not be less. Plan, effectively guarantee the equal acceptance of educational rights for children and adolescents of disabled children. The enrollment rate of compulsory education for children with disabilities for disabled disabilities exceeds 95%. In 2021, a total of 922 million students in special education in the country were increased by 541,000 in 2012 and an increase of 142.8%. "Lu Yugang." Lu Yugang. " Say.

Ministry of Education: In the past ten years, fiscal compulsory education has increased by more than 1 trillion yuan

Lu Yugang pointed out that the funds for fiscal compulsory education from 2012 to 2021 increased from 1.17 trillion yuan to 2.29 trillion yuan, and the proportion of national fiscal education funding has always remained above 50%.

Lu Yugang said that over the past ten years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made important instructions on the reform and development of compulsory education. The Party Central Committee and the State Council made a comprehensive system deployment of compulsory education, and successively issued the "Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Reform and Development of the Integrated Reform and Development of Urban and Rural Compulsory Education in the County" and "The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening Education and Teaching Reform to improve the quality of compulsory education. "" Opinions of the General Office of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on further reducing the opinions of students' homework burden and off -school training burden during the compulsory education stage "and other important documents, and follow the layout planning, school construction, funding investment, teacher team, school management, quality evaluation, etc. Improve the compulsory education policy guarantee system. Economic and social development planning, financial capital investment, and public resource allocation are preferentially prioritized to ensure compulsory education. The main responsible comrades of party and government at all levels of provinces, cities, and counties have personally grasped compulsory education, forming a good atmosphere of a good atmosphere in which the whole society attaches great importance to and supports compulsory education.

In the past ten years, the total number of full -time teachers in compulsory education has increased by 1.48 million

Lu Yugang said: "In the past ten years, the total number of full -time teachers in compulsory education has increased from 9.09 million to 10.57 million, an increase of 1.48 million, and the proportion of teachers of bachelor's degree or above has increased from 47.6%to 77.7%, which generally meets the basic needs of education and teaching."

Teachers are the foundation of teaching. Lu Yugang pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has insisted on the construction of the teacher team as the basic work. Improving the preparation standards for faculty and employees of primary and secondary schools, especially rural schools, and implemented urban and rural, regional overall planning and dynamic management. Improve the supplementary mechanism of teachers, and use a variety of channels such as the "special post plan", public funding teachers, and retirement support for a large number of high -quality teachers in rural areas in the central and western regions. Establish a system of teacher exchange rotation system and promote the flow of outstanding backbone teachers towards rural and weak schools. To strengthen the training of capacity quality, the "National Training Plan" has accumulated more than 17 million principals and teachers, greatly improving the level of education and teaching and teaching and teaching of rural principals and education and teaching in rural teachers. Institute the wages of teachers in accordance with the law, ensure that the average salary and income level of compulsory education teachers is not lower than the average salary income level of local civil servants, improves the living subsidies of rural teachers, supports the construction of 433,000 sets of rural teachers' turnover dormitory, and strives to create a good quality, dedication, and dedication. Teachers who have rooted in the countryside.

In the past 10 years, the school has exceeded 26,000 schools

Tian Zuyin, director of the Education Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Education, said that in the past 10 years, the Office of the Education Supervision Committee of the State Council has organized a total of 4,000 national supervisors and relevant experts to participate in field inspections, almost traveled to each county in the country, and more than 26,000 schools were inspected. Hold more than 10,000 seminars, conducted questionnaires for more than 1.4 million people, and more than 10,000 issues listed on the list of local feedback issues. The first is strict review. The data of compulsory education reported by the provincial -level county at the provincial level strictly reviewed the data of various indicators for the basic balanced development of the provincial -level compulsory education to ensure that the standards were implemented to start on -site inspections.

The second is to conduct in -depth local inspections. After the inspection team arrived at the local area, both verified the documents and related data, but also went deep into the school to check the situation; both discussed and exchanged with the local government and relevant departments, but also visited the community to listen to the opinions of the people; Methods to understand the satisfaction of the people.

The third is timely feedback. After the inspection of each province was over, the feedback meeting of supervision and inspection was held locally. The feedback on the national supervision group attaches great importance to the local government. There are 21 provincial governments of provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities) to attend the feedback meeting and personally deploy rectification work.

The fourth is to urge rectification. The Office of the Education Supervision Committee of the State Council issued supervision and inspection opinions to the Provincial People's Government Office of the Provincial People's Government, pointing out problems and rectification within a time limit. The rectification of each province was publicized on the official website of the Provincial People's Government and accepted the supervision of the whole society.

The gap between the basic running conditions of compulsory education schools has narrowed sharply

Tian Zuyin said that the basic balanced development of compulsory education in the county has consolidated the results of the "two foundations".

"Basic equilibrium was launched under the background of a comprehensive implementation of 'two bases'. Due to the limited conditions at that time, the foundation of the" two bases "in many places was very weak and the rebound pressure was high." The status of compulsory education is more prominent, and the results of the "two foundations" have been effectively consolidated. From 2012 to 2021, the net enrollment rate of school-age children across the country further increased from 99.85%to 99.9%. During the junior high school stage, the gross enrollment rate remained above 100%, and the nine-year compulsory education consolidation rate increased from 91.8%to 95.4%. In 2021, the poverty -stricken students from the national compulsory education stage dropped out of school to achieve dynamic clearance. In particular, the old and western revolutionary areas, ethnic areas, remote areas, and poverty -stricken areas have further improved the level of compulsory education on the basis of the "two bases".

The results of the national monitoring review in 2021 showed that the basic balanced development level of nearly 3,000 counties across the country has generally reached the national standard requirements (the comprehensive differences in the comprehensive differences in the comprehensive differences in elementary and junior high schools must be less than or equal to 0.65 and 0.55, respectively). From 2013 to 2020, the inter -school comprehensive differences coefficients from the country decreased from 0.724 to 0.435, a decrease of nearly 40%; the inter -junior high school comprehensive difference coefficients dropped from 0.547 to 0.319, a decrease of nearly 42%. In general, the school gaps and urban and rural gaps in the basic school conditions of compulsory education schools in the county have shrunk significantly.

Increase funding, maintain nutrition, build schools,

Compulsory education is guaranteed

According to Lu Yugang, from 2012 to 2021, the average primary school student expenditure increased from 7,447 yuan per student to 14,458 yuan per year, and the average expenditure expenditure of junior high school students increased from 10,218 yuan per student to 20,717 yuan per year. After many bidding standards for public funding for students, it has reached 650 yuan and 850 yuan in the unified elementary schools in the east and central and western regions; the average public funding subsidy standards for special education in compulsory education are increased to 7,000 yuan, which is 8-10 times that of ordinary students. "Two exemptions and one supplement" (exempt from academic fees and provide textbooks for free, and issue living subsidies for students with economic difficulties) to achieve full coverage of urban and rural students. Students of family economic difficulties should basically help students, and give priority to the establishment of files, low guarantee, low -support, special poverty support, orphans, disability and other students in the scope of funding.

The nutritional improvement plans to benefit 37 million rural students each year, and the physical health qualification rate of beneficiaries has increased from 70.3%in 2012 to 86.7%in 2021. In 2020, 15 -year -old boys and girls in rural areas are nearly 10 higher than in 2012, respectively. Cm and 8 cm.

At the same time, implementing major projects such as "comprehensively improving the basic school conditions for compulsory education in poor areas", the central government has invested more than 400 billion yuan in cumulative investment, driving local investment exceeding 1 trillion yuan, and focusing on solving the problem of "weak rural and urban crowding" problem , Large the gap between the conditions for running schools in urban and rural schools.

According to Lu Yugang, from 2012 to 2021, the average student teaching and auxiliary room area of ​​compulsory education schools in the country increased from 3.7 square meters to 5 square meters. The value of the instrument has increased from 727 yuan to 2285 yuan, the Internet access rate increases from 25%to nearly 100%, the proportion of large classes has decreased from 17.8%to 0.71%, and the proportion of oversized classes has decreased from 6.6%to 0.01%. The basic conditions for compulsory education have been significantly improved, and problems such as dilapidated houses and Chasepu are basically solved. In particular, many schools in rural areas in the central and western regions have achieved qualitative leaps.

Comprehensive governance group boxing direct education difficulty point pain points

"In the past ten years, we have adhered to the people -centered education. By deepening comprehensive reforms, we have strived to crack the hot and difficult problems of the people's concern." Lu Yugang said. According to Lu Yugang, the reform of compulsory education enrollment enrollment has been deepened, and the policy of exemption from the nearby enrollment and the "citizen recruitment" policy will be fully implemented. Cross -regional examinations are tipped, "occupying pit classes", and "sponsorship fees" and other illegal enrollment behaviors will be comprehensively standardized. The school fever has cools sharply, and the opportunity for enrollment is more fair.

Second, we will improve the entry policy of migrant children who are migrant children who are "two -master, two -in -entry, and residence permits as the main basis." Public schools accounted for 90.9%of the proportion of government degree services for government purchases.

Third, the "double reduction" work has been promoted without unprecedented efforts, and the training behavior of off -campus training is vigorously standardized, the role of the main position of school education is strengthened, the burden reduction and quality should be paid to strictly control the total amount and duration of students. Students learn better to return to campus, and students' burden of studying and studying is significantly reduced. Standardize private compulsory education, optimize public private structure, and further strengthen the basic public service attributes of compulsory education.

Fourth, the school management standards are introduced to stimulate the vitality of school running, implement the autonomy of schooling in primary and secondary schools, actively promote the group running schools, and effectively expand the coverage of high -quality educational resources. Introduce the management measures of primary and secondary school students, and build a national unified academic information management system for primary and secondary school students. Strengthen students 'sleep, mobile phones, readings, examinations, physical management and online game governance, strengthen mental health and life safety education, and effectively protect students' physical and mental health.

Ministry of Education: The quality of compulsory education in my country has entered the world's advanced ranks

Lu Yugang said: "The national compulsory education quality monitoring results show that students generally have positive life values, and about 80%of students' academic performance reaches medium or above. From one side, reflect the quality of compulsory education in my country into the world's advanced ranks. "

Lu Yugang introduced that in the past ten years, he has insisted on using Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to cast souls, comprehensively implement the party's education policy, and actively build an educational system for comprehensively cultivating morality and body. Formulate the "Guidelines for Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools", continue to carry out theme education such as "learning new ideas, doing good successors", "from the history of elementary school party, forever with the party", etc., and form a number of effective moral education work such as "first lesson" The carrier guides students to plant the emotions of loving the party, patriotism, people, and socialism. Adhere to the five education, revise the compulsory education curriculum plan and curriculum standards, and vigorously promote the prescribed courses of the state. Students' physical health generally shows a trend, and art education has been significantly strengthened. The labor education system of primary and secondary schools has gradually improved. A number of labor education experimental areas and practical bases have been established in various places to carry out labor education in an all -round way. Deepen the reform and innovation of classroom teaching, improve the teaching and research system, set up an basic education teaching guidance committee, strengthen the promotion and application of outstanding teaching achievements, and improve scientific education and experimental teaching. Implement the national education digital strategy, build a national primary and secondary school smart education platform, promote the sharing of high -quality educational resources, effectively serve the "suspension of class", implement "double reduction" and high -quality development of basic education. The "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Compulsory Education" is issued to build an evaluation system guided by development quality education. Pay more attention to the coordinated education of home schools, and the concept of scientific education has gradually become popular.

"The reform and development of the past ten years not only improved the level of compulsory education, but also effectively promoted the fairness of education, enhanced the national quality, enhanced the people's sense of happiness and happiness. The solid foundation. "Lu Yugang said.

2895 county -level administrative units have passed national supervision and evaluation

Tian Zuyin said that after unremitting efforts, by the end of 2020, 2809 counties (including cities, municipalities, and other county -level administrative district -level administrative district -level administrative district -level administrative district -level administrative district -level administrative districts nationwide throughout 2020 have passed the national supervision and accountable. 96.8%of the county's number of counties meet the requirements of the State Council as scheduled. In 2021, the Office of the Education Supervision Committee of the State Council overcame the impact of the epidemic and continued to promote the basic balanced development of county compulsory education. acceptance. By the end of 2021, 2,895 county -level administrative units across the country have passed national supervision and evaluation. This is another important milestone in my country's compulsory education after the "two bases".

It is reported that the basic equilibrium supervision and evaluation include county -level self -assessment, municipal review, provincial evaluation, and national identification. It is carried out in order. All will cause supervision and assessment and identification to be suspended.

President of Beijing Primary School: Grouping of schooling in public schools to cool down school heat selection fever

Li Mingxin, the principal of Beijing Elementary School, said that the group -based school -based schooling of public schools has been recognized by more and more practices from the development of new things to this day.

According to Li Mingxin, in 2011, with the support of the Education Commission of the Xicheng District, Beijing Elementary School took the lead in setting up the first educational group formed by the city's first public school, and began the useful exploration of group running schools. Beijing Elementary School proposed that group running schools should reflect the purpose of "concept consensus, resource sharing, complementary advantages, and brand co -construction". In the following 10 years, in Beijing's Xicheng, Fangshan, Daxing, Tongzhou, and Fengtai branch widely disseminated the advanced education of schools in education. Thoughts, management concepts and school experience, sharing high -quality educational resources have attracted the "return" of many students in the film, which greatly suppresses the continuous heat selection heat selection heat. It is reported that in the group running school, Beijing Elementary School proposed "from prescribed actions to cultivating cultural leadership strategies, from the team training strategy that emphasizes' blood transfusion 'to" blood transfusion' to "blood -making", from transmission methods to characteristic creative curriculum teaching construction strategies " Essence Therefore, the home visit culture that "persist 100 %, a cannot be less" has gradually formed, and the "four seasons courses" loved by students are widely transplanted. The event promotes the professional growth of each teacher. Through the stimulation of school vitality, the group members 'schools have developed quality in the aspects of teachers' team construction, curriculum teaching construction, and school cultural construction. The group running school does not have the situation of "strong tea becomes light tea". Instead, through the establishment of a mechanism platform, "new tea" is continuously added to more schools, making the group members of the group a characteristic "multi -flavored tea".

Shandong: Compulsory education over 10 years

Feng Jikang, deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education, introduced the relevant situation of the province at the meeting.

In the past ten years, the conditions for running the school for compulsory education have continued to improve. The general public budget education expenses of general public budget education in Shandong Province increased by 76%. The construction area of ​​school buildings increased by 86%, and the value of teaching instruments of the average student increased by 186.2%.

In the past ten years, the teacher team of compulsory education school continued to optimize. The number of full -time teachers increased from 644,200 to 784,400, an increase of 21.8%; the proportion of bachelor degree or above increased from 52.78%to 84.14%, and the proportion of senior teachers increased from 7%to 14%. 180,000 teachers of exchange rotation.

In the past ten years, the high -quality development system of compulsory education has improved. Comprehensively strengthen the party's leadership, and the compulsory education schools achieve the full coverage of party organizations and party work. Start the implementation of the "Nine Congress" of the comprehensive reform of basic education, and build a "five education" work pattern. We will deepen the reform of the education supervision system and mechanism, carry out the evaluation of government education performance for years, and the responsibility for compulsory education has been effectively implemented.

"Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Shandong Province has thoroughly studied and implemented the important discussion of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education, especially the spiritual requirements of the important instructions when inspecting Shandong. For the satisfaction and sense of obtaining compulsory education, strive to achieve a leap from the era of "learning 'to". "Feng Jikang said that in the next step, Shandong Province will fully implement the party's education policy and implement the fundamental fundamental people of Lideshu people. Tasks, continuously deepen reforms, improve quality, effectively run fair and high -quality compulsory education, continuously meet the new expectations of mass education, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

(Reporter Gao Yizhe Lin Huanxin)

Article Source: China Education News Network

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Editor in this issue: Wuyi

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