Although the road is far away, the line is coming; Dan Fudan, the success will be successful!These words, they wrote down for you ...

Author:Fudan University Time:2022.06.21

The heart of Tao Li,

Spring Wind and Rain

Strict love each other, Run Jeze people

Care for students' hearts with personality charm

Open student wisdom with academic accomplishment

10 Teacher Fudan was elected as

2022 undergraduate graduates

"Good teacher in my mind"

Facing this constant change

Challenge world

Their suggestions for us

What is it?

she says

Adhering to lifelong learning

Constantly break through yourself

Mentality and ability

He says

Face any problem

Don't feel obvious, it is obvious

It's worth reflecting

she says

In the wave of the great era

Work hard to be a good person

Be kind

Keep your love for humans and the world


When you leave, listen to the side ear

There are some words

They want to give them to graduates

They remember, your difficult and pursuit

Graduate of 2022

Along the way, it's not easy to experience too much

As a teacher

Looking in the eyes, anxious in my heart

This experience of joint victory and challenges

It will be accompanied by young students

Continue to grow

The experience of online teaching has put forward higher requirements for teachers

Each class should talk more about dry goods

Make deeply attract every classmate with teaching

They are their thinking and giving

Common experience, co -responsibility

Volunteer service, study scientific research

The day of concentric resistance

Teacher accompany you together

The epidemic is aggressive, the doctor is not afraid

A special sealing experience

Go closer to the teachers and students

More deeper understanding of the mission of the doctor

They are rejoicing, your confusion and persistence

Bring the problem and ring the teacher's door

Think about it, answer questions and confuses

It's the time when the teacher is the happiest

Don't be afraid of the road, tough

Stick to school

The teacher also came from the students all the way


Will it be or stick?

Rigidity and truthfulness, rather

This is the tradition and magic weapon of Fudan

They are accompanied by your coming and the road

I learned the sea before

They accompany


They look forward to

Path of life

Long -term obstruction

They wish you--

Strong inner heart, heart love, awe of heart

Be a person with temperature

Humanistic feelings, scientific spirit

It is worth remembering

Personal growth

Link tightly with national rejuvenation

Be a respected good doctor

Be a talented person who is useful for society

Health, life support

This is the common oath of doctors and medical students

Hope you like yourself, like others

Can be liked by others

Can also like to be liked by others

Keep your heart calm and think independently

Learn from the people around you, say less and do more

Responsible for social responsibility

Insist on integrity

If you are isolated because of your integrity

Hope you can persist

No matter what kind of life you take on

Take every step seriously and well

Strive to create a better future

"Even the highest mountains

It's not closer to the sky than the deepest valley

No place than another place

Have more sky "

Although the road is far, the line is coming

Dan Fudan, the success will be successful

May the 2022 Fudan graduate

Happy graduation, the future is big

Source: Party Committee Student Work Department

Payment: Rong Media Center

Text: Cao Ying

Responsible editor: Yin Menghao

Edit: Xu Yuan

- END -

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