Weinan Vocational and Technical College: 2022 General College Admissions Propaganda and College Entrance Examination Volunteer Reporting Live Interview Points

Author:Shaanxi Education Release Time:2022.06.21

Time: June 17, 2022 10: 00-10: 45 (scan the code can be read back)

Speaker: Bai Lu, deputy director of the Admissions Office of Weinan Vocational and Technical College Admissions and Employment Office

Live theme: school introduction, professional consultation, enrollment policy

The main points of live interview:

1. Basic situation

Weinan Vocational and Technical College is located in Weinan City, Dongda Gate, Shaanxi. It faces Huashan in the east and Xi'an in the west. The scenery is beautiful and the transportation is convenient. The college is a full -time public general college, which is "national civilized units", "national high -quality college construction units", "nation's first batch of 1+X certificate system pilot institutions", "pilot units of modern apprenticeship systems of the Ministry of Education" "Shaanxi Province Demonstration Higher Vocational College", the Weinan Vocational Education Group led the unit.

The college has cultivated more than 100,000 technical and skilled talents for the society, and is widely distributed in various industries such as education, health, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, etc., and many well -known alumni have emerged. The college researcher Liu Shoushan's more than 4 million character monographs "Summary of Chinese Medicine Research Literature" opened a precedent for modern Chinese medicine research. In recent years, the college has hosted the Shaanxi Provincial Vocational College Care and Pension Service Skills Competition for three consecutive years. Adhering to the compliance, training and training of full -time general education and adult continuing education, and jointly conducting modern long -range education with universities such as Shaanxi Normal University, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, and other universities, providing students with a wealth of diversified choices.

The college has two campuses: high -tech and Chaoyang, covering an area of ​​880 acres. The two campuses are 5 kilometers away. There are more than 1,6700 students and 942 faculty members, including 531 full -time teachers, and 202 part -time teachers, Shaanxi Province Science and Technology Star, Provincial Teaching Teachers and other provincial and municipal titles at or above 23 talents. 219 experimental training rooms, 5 national training bases, 20 provincial training bases, and 215 off -campus training bases.

2. Admissions major

开设三年制高职专业48个、五年制高职专业6个,涉及医药卫生、公共管理与服务、食品药品与粮食、教育与体育、农林牧渔、生物与化工、财经商贸、旅游、 Culture and art, transportation, electronics and information, equipment manufacturing, resources and environment and safety, civil engineering, including 14 professional categories and 30 professional categories. Including 3 national backbone majors: Chinese medicine, nursing, and traditional Chinese medicine; 7 provincial first -class majors: Chinese medicine, nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, animal husbandry and veterinary, preschool education, construction engineering technology, automobile manufacturing and experimental technology; 5 provincial levels level Key majors: Chinese medicine, nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, animal husbandry and veterinary, preschool education.

3. Admissions plan and enrollment province

In 2022, there were 2,942 high school college entrance examination enrollment programs, of which 456 were enrolled in foreign provinces. There were 17 enrollment provinces except Shaanxi. Among them, Henan, Gansu, Sichuan, Shanxi and other enrollment plans were sufficient. In addition, in the face of the five -year high -vocational enrollment students in the middle school entrance examination in Shaanxi Province, the enrollment majors include nursing, giving birth, preschool education, animal husbandry and veterinary, e -commerce, automobile manufacturing and experimental technology. plan. In the past three years of higher vocational students, I studied at the Chaoyang Campus and the next two years at the High -tech Campus.

In terms of professional selection, it is recommended that students try to understand as much as possible and choose to report majors in combination with interest. Those who want to adjust their professional after admission will give a professional opportunity within the prescribed time after school.

Fourth, employment situation

The college has established a stable employment relationship with more than 600 enterprises and institutions. Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other developed areas of developed areas are targeted with high salaries. Carry out an order -style training, and you can get employment when you enter school. Provide graduates with internship positions and sufficient employment opportunities. The college set up an innovation and entrepreneurial fund to support students to start their own business while learning. Establish a special fund for students in family difficulties and carry out "one -to -one" assistance to ensure 100%employment of students in difficulty. Over the years, the employment rate of graduates has stabilized above 97%.

The college holds a large -scale campus double -election meeting and a double -selection meeting in a combination of online and offline each year. At the same time, through the promotion, enlistment of enlistment, three branches, one support, and western plans, high -quality employment is achieved.

5. Tuition and funding policies

Except for calligraphy and painting art, public cultural services and management, the tuition fees of 10,000 yuan/year, and the tuition fees for other majors are 6,500 yuan/year.

The college fully implements the national award and school aid policies, helps students with economic difficulties to complete their studies, and implements funding measures such as "scholarships, scholarships, student loans, difficulty subsidies, and exemption tuition fees". Ensure that students with economic difficulties are admitted smoothly. National Scholarship: 8000 yuan/year; National Inspirational Scholarship: 5,000 yuan/year; State Aid: 2800 yuan/year (general), 3800 yuan/year (special poverty).

6. Come and accommodation conditions, community activities

The college dormitory is 6-8 people, 6 people are going to bed, 8 people are paving up and down, each dormitory is equipped with air conditioning, heating, and independent bathroom. There are two cafeterias in the East Restaurant and North Restaurant. The school has a wealth of community activities, including animation communities, roller skating associations, and Hanfu Associations.

Seven, application conditions

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