Zhou Yuzhong, Nanhua University, was awarded "Hunan in the new era to a good young man in Hunan"

Author:Nanhua University Time:2022.06.21

(Xia Wenhui Zheng Haixin) On June 20, the Communist Youth League Hunan Provincial Party Committee announced 50 "Eighth New Era Hunan upward to good youth", and Zhou Yu, a 2020 graduate student at the Second Clinical College of Nanhua University, was awarded the eighth "New Era Hunan in the New Era Hunan Towards the good youth "Chongde and trustworthy youth.

On October 25, 2020, when he was out of dinner, he suddenly lost his consciousness and lost his consciousness. For professional mission, Zhou Yuzhong did not hesitate to step forward to check the specific situation of the elderly, and decisively implement the chest heart compressor to the elderly. After about 10 minutes of rescue, the elderly restored their own breathing and consciousness to win valuable time for the patient's further rescue. Earlier, Zhou Yuzhong won the title of "Most Beautiful College Student" in Hunan Province and was selected as the top ten educational news figures in Hunan.

It is reported that since the eighth session of the theme activity of "Fighting for the New Era Hunan upward to good youth", under the launch of the province's all -level organizations at all levels, it has attracted 1,303 young people in the province and reached a record high. After qualification review, online selection, comprehensive evaluation, review and other procedures, the 50 "eighth new era Hunan upward to good youth" was finally determined. , Dedicated to dedicate young people, diligently enter the young man.

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