Professor of the Capital Normal University gives a lecture on "Innovative Talent Training in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"

Author:Capital Normal University Time:2022.06.22

Professor Gong Huili gave lectures on the "Innovative Talent Training in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" for undergraduates

On the afternoon of June 16, Professor Gong Huili gave an undergraduate lecture entitled "Innovative Talent Training in the Era of Artificial Intelligence" for undergraduate students. The lecture was carried out by corporate WeChat live broadcast. More than 1,200 students from the school participated online. The lecture was chaired by Sun Shicong, director of the Academic Affairs Office.

Gong Huili combined with the achievements of the common courses and research teams taught in recent years in terms of intelligent algorithms, hybrid cloud architecture (cloud platform), and other aspects of international vision, the students of the artificial intelligence are described as the advent of artificial intelligence and the high levels triggered by it. The Education Quality Revolution shared the paths and methods of innovative talents in this context.

The first is equal emphasis on foundation and professionalism. He quoted the general education concept of Harvard University that general education was to stimulate the greatest potential of students. The essence of it and professional education lies in methods rather than content. The second is to conduct cross -disciplinary learning. Steam's interdisciplinary innovation environment helps to cultivate future social necessary skills and innovative capabilities such as scientific inquiry ability, innovation awareness, critical thinking, and information technology capabilities. The third is to develop coordinated development. Based on the long -term "useful", "engineering commercial" as the scene needs, and in the environmental atmosphere of industry -university -research integrated environmental atmosphere. Fourth, in terms of specific learning methods, we must pay attention to deep learning, competition learning, and academic writing to exercise and improve their scientific thinking skills. Fifth, we must have the courage and mind that face uncertainty, and continuously improve the richness and possibilities of their lives.

This lecture is the third session of the lecture on the lecture of the "Principal's Appointment: The Epidemic is a teacher -undergraduate student growth and epidemic prevention and ideological and political courses". Leading students' growth and development with the wisdom of the principals, and promoting students to enhance their beliefs, gain growth, and build a dream future is an important carrier of the school's "three comprehensive education".

(Source: Academic Affairs Office; Author: Yang Meifeng; Editor on duty: Ha Jingqi; Editor Ren: Ha Jingqi; Types: Zhang Mengshan)

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