[Inspirational story] I did not have the college entrance examination, but later provided an excellent test question for the college entrance examination ‖ Yu Guangqi

Author:Fang Zhi Sichuan Time:2022.06.23

Can't get the college entrance examination later

But it provides excellent test questions for the college entrance examination

Yu Guangqi

Two ordinary college entrance examinations did not enter the examination room

Most of our 68 -level classmates are the same age as the Republic. In 1956, we went to elementary school in 1956, the junior high school in 1962, and the only high -school Longchang No. 1 Middle School in the county in 1965. Shortly after May 16, 1966,

The school and the whole country swept all the cow ghosts and snakes. The college entrance examination in July was canceled until the college entrance examination was resumed in December 1977.

The changes in 12 years are not small! My younger sister and I went to Huangjia Town, Longchang County (now Longchang City), a production team, and performed well. The two communes were recommended by the commune. I failed to go to the Longchang Normal School for some reason.

After the author's retirement retirement, Longchang Seven Lights School will be serialized in the "People's Daily Online" strong country community

Two studies for the college entrance examination for the college entrance examination smoothly

The impact of the "ponytail function", in 1981, my country finally resumed the biological college entrance examination, with only 30 points. In 1982, I became an advanced individual in the Neijiang area. The following year, I obtained the first college entrance examination of Longchang's general middle school biology.

Sichuan Provincial Institute of Education (January 1984, renamed Sichuan Education Institute in the intersection of Renmin South Road and the first ring road of Chengdu City (January 1984; in March 2012, the renamed and renamed Chengdu Normal University), teachers' morality, no sense of responsibility Strong, professional development, and care for trainees. The college also hired Sichuan University and Sichuan Medical College (1985, renamed West China Medical University; in September 2000, Huaxi Medical University merged with Sichuan University to form a new Sichuan University. The site was renamed the Huaxi Campus of Sichuan University) to teach, and went to the two schools to have many experimental courses. Many years have passed, and everyone often recalls teachers.

The Biological Class of Sichuan Education Institute of Education from the author from the Sichuan Education Institute from the Forest Farm for Forestry

I am a study member (from junior high school to university as a study member) at the university, and also joined the party. The improved DNA dual spiral structure model has won the first teaching and research award of the college. During college weekends, I often go to Xinhua Bookstore and Sichuan Library to study the latest progress of life sciences. After two years, professional development is excellent and self -confidence and self -esteem.

Optimize the general review of the college entrance examination with the self -made DNA dual spiral structure model published in the "Biology Report"

Graduation returned to school for years to teach the senior year, and deeply felt the improvement of the position after further studies. Understand the teaching materials system and specific knowledge points, and deeply connected. Which places were ambitious, which places to study, how to read, discuss, talk, practice, and evaluate. It is easy to plan, and the teaching effect is further improved. There were a lot of general middle schools in the urban areas of Da Neijiang City in 8 counties and 1 city. The creatures in Longchang No. 7 Middle School entered the top three several times. The Bios Training Committee of the Neijiang Education Society was re -elected. I became the deputy secretary -general. In 1990, the Sichuan Institute of Education was awarded undergraduate. I did not hesitate. I resolutely chose to study.

Provide excellent test questions for the college entrance examination

Around the 1980s, there was no teaching assistance information. Classroom practice and post -class homework questions were found by the teacher to adapt or even edited themselves. The study of the college entrance examination must study propositions, and deeply feel that the textbook question and answer questions are single, and the difference between the selection questions, short answers, diagrams, or analysis instructions with some disciplines is too large, so I tried to make a new question type.

In 1988, the 9th Publishing of the Biology Report was published in the National Education Commission Examination Management Center. During the Spring Festival, I found all kinds of questions that have been killed for many years, repeatedly studied and scrutinized, selected 110 questions, and copied it with re -writing paper to write a whole copy. Send to "Biology Bulletin". In 1990, the "Biology Bulletin" published the "Summary of the National Expedition". I ranked 7th with more than 100 questions, and 6 people provided 200-600 questions. In December 1990, the National Education Commission Examination Center sent an honorary certificate to recognize "providing excellent test questions for the unified enrollment examination of colleges and universities in the country."

"Sichuan Province Longchang County 7th Middle School (1958-2008)"

After being encouraged, he continued to work hard and ordered a lot of test questions: First, he ordered the normal training, unit testing, general review, and special review of special review of your school. The second is to complete the compilation of high school biological knowledge and ability training, teaching auxiliary materials and biomedic education series commissioned by the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Education and the Institute of Neijiang City. The third is network communication. For example, the 2004 Biological College Entrance Examination Simulation Question of the 2004 Biological College Entrance Examination of the K12 Biological Forum, the training questions in the comprehensive review of the photosynthetic and breathing effects recommended by the K12 education network homepage, download 2895 times.

Strive to broaden the college entrance examination channel

With the support of the school and worked hard, he obtained a college and undergraduate diploma at the age of 38 and 46, respectively. The school selected me as the director and vice president. In 1991, he also recommended it to the county and was rated as an outstanding teacher in the country. Teacher Li Kaijian, who graduated from high school in high school, wore a big safflower to sit at Teacher's Day celebration. I sincerely thank his role model for demonstration.

The National Outstanding Teacher Certificate (Part 1) and the honorary certificate for the college entrance examination provided excellent test questions (below)

The college entrance examination was canceled in 1994, until part of the recovery in 2001, and then occupied the end of each discipline of the college entrance examination! There is no status without the college entrance examination, and the biological status at the end of the college entrance examination is also the end. My energy is mainly to pay close attention to psychological education, and the science and sciences are caught up by the science and science. After the recovery of the college entrance examination, Longchang No. 7 Middle School has formed a three -legged triple -footed with Longchang No. 1 Middle School and Longchang No. 2 Middle School. Since 1992, it has been several times the total number of more than five rural middle schools. Cultivated the textbooks to the North Line. By 2004, three liberal arts champions and 2 science champions were trained. In 1995, he founded the Key Middle School of Chengjiang City.

Teacher Yinmei and I made the school strive to become the first batch of experimental schools of the National Education Commission's high school art appreciation class. In 1991, the two teachers were corresponding to the Southwest Normal University (2005, the Southwest Normal University and Southwest Agricultural University were formed as Southwest University). The 1994 Double College was re -enrolled in the undergraduate correspondence. High -quality classes won the National Provincial Award. In 1999, they were criticized as senior teachers and participated in national training. Promoting 4 art colleges and 1 of sports universities in the 1998 Slow Class, and 1 sports college, so that the liberal arts sciences and body sounds are integrated into 8 roads that are suitable for traditional eugenics and differences. The country needs to take the initiative to choose the road, and work hard under the guidance of the school teacher. The eugenics of the Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama were trained at the Longchang Seventh Middle School, and they were the first to send art talents to the university.

From 1982 to 1993, the 10th year of high school was sent, and the per capita graduation scores of the 8th session won the county first. From 2001 to 2005, he led the reciprocal students to achieve the best results in each discipline of our school for many years. Published a number of papers in national publications such as "Biology Report", "Biology Teaching", "Biological Teaching of Middle Schools", and published several discussions in the "People's Daily" strong country community, K12 Biological Forum and Education and Teaching Forum with the name of Yu Qi. The "Research Experimental Experimental Experimental Experimental Experimental Experiment of the Middle School Psychological Quality Education" and the "Research on the Research on Middle School Students' Self -cultivation System", which are planned and hosted and hosted, and won the second and third prizes of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government Teaching Achievement Achievement Award. Invited by the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Education, a special report was made at the 100 primary and secondary school mental health education seminar in the province.

Sichuan Provincial People's Government's Teaching Achievements Two -third Prize and Special Report Certificate for the Provincial Institute of Education

The most comfortable thing is that in 2007, my retirement year, the 12th interactive platform of "Middle School Biological Teaching", the host Xia Xianping carefully organized the K12 biological forum "Biology Teacher Teacher Professional Growth Family" Put it first, and the number of words reaches 1980 words, and it is also posted by a few teachers. Seeing Professor Zhu Zhengwei at the end of the text at the end of the text, Mr. Zhao Zhanliang, the chairman of the Biological Committee of the Chinese Education Society, cares about the discussion, put forward the affirmation and hope of the old teachers and young teachers, and feel that the middle school biological teachers are responsible for shoulders. There is a head!

The 12th interactive platform of "Middle School Biological Teaching" in 2007

Source: Sichuan Provincial Local House Work Office

Text/Picture: Yu Guangqi (Rural Teacher, Longchang City, Sichuan Province, an outstanding teacher in the country, and the psychological education summarized by the design and hosted by the Sichuan Provincial People's Government's Teaching Achievements Two and Third Award)

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