Peking University plans to enroll 141 students this year to transfer to the professional without turning the threshold

Author:Mammoth video Time:2022.06.24

Elephant reporter Wang Shaoqing Zhou Lan

Hosted by the Henan Provincial Education Examination Institute and Henan Radio and Television Station, hosted by the Elephant News Client, the "Henan High Recruitment 'Face -to -face" live broadcast "event was held from June 16th to July 3rd. From June 24, the event entered the video interview and the university's independent live broadcast stage. Invite the person in charge of enrollment of well -known domestic institutions and key undergraduate colleges in the province to visit the video interview with the live broadcast room of the elephant news client. Do a detailed interpretation.

On June 24th, "2022 Henan Gaozhao 'Network Face -to -face" live video "activity invited Researcher, doctoral supervisor, national high -level young talent Li Zhongkui, a live broadcast room of the elephant news client, and this year at Peking University Henan enrollment, volunteer filling and other issues to communicate and interact with netizens.

Peking University plans to enroll 141 students this year

It is reported that the total plan of Peking University's admissions plan (including national projects) in Henan this year is consistent with last year, and there are still 141, including 43 sciences, 47 liberal arts, and 51 medical sciences. Stablize. In terms of enrollment policies, the admission rules are implemented in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education and Henan Province.

"Continue to implement a strong base plan this year. The 10 majors we have invested in the strong base plan are basic disciplines and key areas with deep historical accumulation, strong discipline strength, and national talents. The only one. "Li Zhongkui said that in order to thoroughly implement the central government's deployment of the central government on consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation, under the unified deployment of the Ministry of Education, the national special plan and" dream planning plan "continued to implement the national special plan.

"Our school has launched 28 national special programs in Henan this year. It is the highest in Peking University in various provinces across the country. A total of 59 candidates who have passed the" Dream Building Plan "earlier this year have also increased significantly compared to previous years." Li Zhongkui said.

What position is the ranking of the candidates, and the hope of being admitted will be greater? Li Zhongkui said that this batch, 2019, Science 684, Liberal Arts 648, Medical Science 674; 2020, Science 703, Liberal Arts 661, Medical Science 696; 2021, Science 697, Liberal Arts 669, Medical Science 690. "Of course, it is said that this year's mathematics test questions are difficult, and the may change the score line, so it is necessary to refer to the relative admission level of candidates. Generally "Li Zhongkui said.

There is no threshold for switching to professional, and Peking University has the most loose and free transfer professional policy.

In terms of filling in the volunteer, Li Zhongkui suggested that candidates should understand and discover and discover their expertise and the fields they are good at when they choose their professional choices. At the same time, they must also discover their interests. On this basis, go to a professional choice and decide the learning direction of your university.

"The principles of our batch of admission are strictly implemented in accordance with the relevant high recruitment work. This year Henan's batch and national special batches are parallel volunteers, that is, according to the principle of" priority of the "score and volunteer". The rules that are conducive to the interests of candidates should be used well. "Li Zhongkui reminded candidates to pay attention to the filling time of different batches, and the approval (small language, national special) will be reported on the 26th to 28th. Fill in July 2.

How to choose a professional when applying for the exam? If students are not satisfied with their majors after entering the school, is there any possibility of changing majors? In this regard, Li Zhongkui suggested that candidates can consider some basic disciplines that can never be out of date, and can also lay a good foundation for the graduate learning stage. At the same time, you can choose a comprehensive university with complete disciplines as much as possible, so that students can have more choices when they have no clear interest and volunteers.

"We have the most relaxed and free transfer policies. Regardless of the department and the department, there is no transfer threshold for transfer. 50 disciplines. "Li Zhongkui introduced.

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