Heavy!Guangdong Province 2022 The minimum score line of the admissions admission of ordinary universities in Guangdong Province was announced

Author:Panyu Terrace Time:2022.06.24

After research and decision by the Provincial Admissions Committee, the minimum score line admitted by ordinary colleges and universities in Guangdong Province in 2022 is as follows:

1. Undergraduate institutions (including early approval of non -military undergraduate colleges with the minimum score line of this batch)

(1) Undergraduate subjects

Ordinary category (historical): total score 437 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 445 points.

Sports: The total score of 369 points in the cultural section and 203 points for sports department.

Art: 328 points in the Cultural Section, 195 points in the Arts Department.

Music (including music, music performance-vocal, music performance-instrumental music): 328 points in the cultural department, 190 points in music scores.

Dance: The total score of 313 points in the cultural section and 185 points in the dance department.

Director of radio and television: 406 points in the cultural section, 195 points in the radio and television direction department.

Calligraphy: 328 points in the cultural department, 212 points in calligraphy scores.

Broadcasting and hosting category (inter -school joint examination) (including Cantonese): 328 points in the cultural subjects, 220 points for broadcasting and hosting (inter -school joint examination) scores.

Art school test: 313 points in the cultural department, of which the broadcast and hosting class: the total score of the cultural department is 328 points.

(2) Special types of admissions admission control line (including strong base plan, high -level art group, special plan for college, comprehensive evaluation)

Ordinary category (historical): total score 532 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 538 points.

(3) Students in rural and poor areas in key universities (local special programs)

Ordinary category (historical): total score 502 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 508 points.

(4) High -level sports team

Ordinary category (history): total score 479 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 480 points.

2. College of college (including the early approved college with the minimum score line of the batch)

Ordinary category (historical): total score 180 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 180 points.

Sports: The total score of 310 in the cultural department and 195 points for sports scores.

Fine Arts: 230 points in the cultural section, 160 points in the art department.

Music (including music science, music performance-vocal, music performance-instrumental music): 230 points in the cultural department, 160 points of music scores.

Dance: The total score of the cultural department is 210 points, and the dance department is 160 points.

Radio and television directors: 311 points for cultural sections, 180 points for radio and television director surgery.

Calligraphy: The total score of the cultural section is 300 points, and the calligraphy score is 180 points.

Broadcasting and hosting category (inter -school joint examination): 310 points in the cultural subjects, 210 points for broadcasting and hosting (inter -school joint examination) scores.

Art school test: The total score of the cultural department is 210 points, of which the broadcast and host: the total score of the cultural department is 310 points.

3. Military Undergraduate College

(1) In advance of the army in advance (including the Air Force, the Navy's Flight, the Armed Police College, the Armed Police School, the Armed Police Special Police College, the Armed Police Academy)

Ordinary category (historical): total score 532 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 538 points.

(2) Undergraduate colleges of military undergraduates

Army Engineering University (targeted civil air defense system)

Ordinary class (physics): total score 480 points.

Fourth, China Fire Fighting Academy

Ordinary category (historical): total score 532 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 538 points.

5. Order of undergraduate colleges and universities to train rural teachers (special plan for teachers)

Ordinary category (historical): total score 459 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 460 points.

Among them, South China Normal University and Guangzhou University: The total score of the ordinary category (historical); the total score of the general category (physics) is 518 points.

Sports: The total score of 369 points in the cultural section and 203 points for sports department.

Art: 328 points in the Cultural Section, 195 points in the Arts Department.

Music (music science): 328 points in the cultural department, 190 points of music scores.

6. Order direction of rural health talents (special health plan)

(1) Special plan for rural health talents in undergraduate colleges

The total score of the ordinary class (historical) is 512 points.

The total score of 460 points (physics).

Among them, Shantou University School of Medicine and Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The total score of general categories (physics) is 518 points.

(2) Special plan for rural health talents in colleges and universities

Ordinary category (history): total score 417 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 425 points.

7. Undergraduate colleges and universities ethnic minority classes (recruiting ethnic minority candidates in ethnic minorities)

Guangdong Technology Normal University (Ethnic Minority Class)

Ordinary category (historical): total score of 397 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score 405 points.

8. Preparatory Class

Preparatory Class of Children of the Border Guard of Undergraduate College

Ordinary category (historical): total score of 377 points.

Ordinary class (physics): total score of 385 points.

Among them, Hunan University: The total score of general categories (history) is 532 points; the total score of general categories (physics) is 538 points.

Source | Guangdong Education Examination Institute

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