Political schools and enterprises join hands with each other to win a win -win development forum "full of dry goods"

Author:Penang Mercy Media Time:2022.06.24

On June 24th, 2022 High -quality Development Forum (automation) of 2022 Bincheng Industry was held in the city West Street. Li Yiming, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, and Zhang Huibin, vice chairman of the District CPPCC and director of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, attended the event.

Li Yiming delivered a speech at the event. He pointed out that the 2022 High -quality Development Forum (Automation) of the 2022 Bincheng Industry is another important measure for the construction of political schools and enterprises to accelerate the integration of production and education and industrial innovative cities. In recent years, Bincheng District has unswervingly implemented the "six major strategies", coordinated the "seven major projects", and accelerated the construction of a higher level of Fuqiang Binzhou central urban area. Through the holding of this forum, the channels for cooperation between universities and enterprises will be further opened, so that more talents and projects that meet the needs of enterprise transformation and upgrading are launched, and outstanding university graduates come to Bincheng to start employment.

At the forum, the promotional videos of Bincheng District and Qilu University of Technology were introduced, and introduced the situation and future development direction of Qilu University of Technology and Binzhou College Electrical Engineering College, preached the talent policy of Bincheng District, and carried out corporate promotion.

Subsequently, Qilu University of Technology and the Municipal West Street Office signed the "Agreement on Social Practice Activity Base of the College Students of Qilu University of Technology"; Qilu University of Technology and Shandong Kerry Automation Engineering Co., Ltd. Municipal Taifeng Cotton Textile Co., Ltd. and Binzhou Dongzheng Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd. signed an industry -university -research cooperation agreement; Qilu University of Technology and Binzhou Da Youxin New Energy Development Co., Ltd. signed college students' employment internship and training base school -enterprise cooperation agreement.

Finally, the leaders of the meeting were unveiled for Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Provincial Academy of Sciences) Electronics and Control Department, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Provincial Academy of Sciences), and Binzhou College Practice Teaching Base.

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