Hohai University held a 2022 graduation ceremony of undergraduate students

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.24

On June 22, Hohai University held a 2022 undergraduate graduation ceremony. Li Jiuhu, an outstanding alumni of Hohai University and general manager of Nanjing Nanrui Jibao Electric Co., Ltd., attended the graduation ceremony as a special guest. Tang Hongwu, the party secretary of the school, sent "Cloud Blessings" to all graduates at the ceremony through the video. Principal Xu Hui, executive vice president Li Junjie, vice president Xu Weiya, deputy secretary of the school party committee Guo Jichao, vice president Zhang Bing, deputy secretary of the school party committee committee committee , Meng Xin, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Xu Feng, Vice President Xu Feng, Vice President Zheng Jinhai, Vice President Lu Guobin, the heads of various colleges (departments, departments) and relevant departments, representatives of teachers, and more than 5,000 undergraduates Participated in the graduation ceremony below. Deputy President Dong Zengchuan presided over the ceremony.

Tang Hongwu sent a message from the blessing video. The party and the country attached great importance to young talents. The water conservancy cause ushered in unprecedented development. The country's "riverside strategy" accelerated, and the graduates of the river sea also stood on the best stage. The times are just right, youth is flourishing, and the struggle is justified. He hopes that the young people of the Hohai will always be sincere, loved, and for progress. They are neither obsessed with the past nor confused the future. In the pursuit of a more high, more realm, and more tasteful life, we work hard to work for the national national achievements, the establishment of the times for the times, and the life of the people.

At the graduation ceremony, Xu Hui delivered a speech entitled "Yang Fanyuan's new journey to fight for the future", expressing the most enthusiastic congratulations to all graduates and students, and growing up to the graduates who have poured countless parents and faculty members. To the lofty respect and heartfelt thanks. Xu Hui said that in the past four years, students have been seeking, aggressive, and innovative, and have enjoyed youthful sweat on the broad stage such as "Challenge Cup", academic games, big art exhibitions, and rural revitalization. It is, with the joint participation and unremitting efforts of the students, the connotation of the development of the school has become increasingly fulfilled, the characteristics of school running are more distinctive, and the social impact is increasingly expanding.

Xu Hui pointed out that in the past four years, we have experienced many important historical moments in the development of the party and the country, and witnessed many great historical achievements in the process of economic and social development in my country. A new journey of marching in a comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country and entering the second century -old struggle. This year, it will also welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. At the important moment after this inheritance, as a contemporary youth, it is necessary to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and build a socialist modern power. The responsibilities.

Xu Hui put forward three hopes for the majority of graduates: First, he firmly faith, and to do far away. The ideals and beliefs are the lighthouses of life. With a firm ideals and beliefs, they can have the right direction. For more than a hundred years, the ancestors of the Haihai have firmly established their ideals and convictions, adhered to their original mission, and practiced the responsibility of "Heqinghai Yanmin's well -being" with action. I hope that students will strengthen the ideal of communism and the beliefs of socialism with Chinese characteristics, use their hearts to harden their faith, use their mission to strengthen their beliefs, strengthen their confidence with hard work, and continue to strengthen their ambitions, bones, and confidence, and strive to be the era of national revival. Newcomer. The second is to be good at learning. Learning is the path of civilization inheritance, the ladder of life growth, and the prosperity of the country. To learn from the historical consciousness of "Based on History, you can know the Xingxing", you must consciously learn from the water with the thoughts of "Shangshan Ruoshui". The empty cup mentality of learning, "Choose the good ones, change it, change it," strive to become a model model for others to learn. The third is to adhere to practice and dare to compete for. "I heard it is not as good as seeing it, and seeing it is not as good as it is." The heavy equipment of the Three Gorges Project, the Yellow River Xiaolang underwater project, the Yellow River Xiaolang underwater project, the South -to -North Water Diversion Project, and the Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge are all major projects. Students should adhere to practical facts, excellence, and improve their knowledge in rich practices, and have excellent skills in practicing. In the unity of knowledge and action, they can realize their ideology, well -developed, and successful. President Xu Hui said that his alma mater will always be a strong backing of every graduate. He sincerely wish everyone a good future and a happy life.

Guests of the ceremony, the general manager of the 1996 Electric Power System and its automated professional alumni Li Jiuhu expressed the most sincere congratulations to the graduates, and extended the most high respect to the alma mater and teachers. He shared his schooling experience in the river and his graduates and his work experience in Nanjing Nanrui Jibao Electric Co., Ltd., and encouraged the students to establish the ambition of Hongzhong, practiced hard skills, strive to be the pioneer of the times, and fist nichoko. The hearts of the glorious life of life.

Professor Gao Yufeng, Dean of the School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, congratulated the graduates to successfully complete their studies. She thanked the graduates for their efforts and contributions to their alma mater. Rendering the main color of "good" and the bright colors of "beauty", and strive to be a "true, kind, beautiful" person.

The graduate representative, Lu Hui, the School of Port Coast and the Institute of Clinic Engineering, expressed the relationship between his alma mater and his gratitude to the teacher, saying that he will always adhere to the characteristics of the river and sea On the scroll of the times, leave a strong riverside blue!

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