Clear love is only for the party's educational cause: Remember Liu Li, teacher Liu Li, teacher Liu Li, a teacher of Yantang Town, Xin Shao County, Shaoyang, Hunan

Author:Shaoyang City Daily Time:2022.06.24

Shaoyang City Newspaper News For more than 20 years, Teacher Liu Li has been loyal to the party's educational cause, loves the job, dedicated, and dedicated itself. The work is solid, diligent, and aggressive, take care of the overall situation, be brave, and do not fight for fame and fortune. Seeing students, such as their own children, care about the growth of students, and help students become talents. For more than two decades, he took care of his sick parents, showing a good professional ethics and noble personality sentiment of a teacher. He was deeply loved and praised by students and parents. Teacher Liu Li has taught at Shitang Middle School, Jiangcun Middle School, Simen Middle School, Takahashi Middle School, Yantang Middle School, Yanmen Primary School, Yantang Central Primary School. Always show themselves with practical and serious research, and to show themselves with approachable teachers, which are loved and respected by teachers and students. He has a good teaching effect and has outstanding work performance. He is the leader of the school teaching. In work, study, and life, he always requires himself to strictly ask himself, and he is devoted to education and teaching work, and defends the sacred duties of teachers with practical actions.

Especially in the years of Simen Middle School, the traffic was inconvenient and the conditions were very difficult at that time. The parents who had sickness at home needed to take care of. He was walking between his home schools and never mistaken a lesson. Please take a day off. The simple and real words of parents and the innocence of the children, the eyes of the knowledge of knowledge, so that he had given up the opportunity to enter the city, changed the opportunity to change his career, and determined to take root in the countryside for a lifetime, and did not leave with the school as a home. He feels that the profession of teachers is lofty and is a conscience occupation. It requires a spirit of poverty and selfless dedication. For more than two decades, he has insisted on the front line of education, without complaints and regrets, and used his love and infatuation to defend the glory and sacredness of education.

As a teacher, Teacher Liu Li knows that only if you continue to charge himself, you can win the trust of the parents and students love it. He continuously studies educational theory and professional knowledge, improves business level, and strengthens comprehensive quality. He has won the rookie award of the town, an excellent teaching plan award. The thesis "How to Inspeal the Essentials of Middle School Physics" won the first prize of the city. In the work, obey the arrangement of leadership, take care of the overall situation, and work hard. Therefore, the leader always gives him a job that can not do or do nothing, and he always has no complaints and readily accept it. While he was the vice president of Simen Middle School, he was fully responsible for the school's teaching work and the physical teaching of two classes in the ninth grade. At the same time, he served as the head teacher of the Ninth (1) class. In the face of heavy work, he not only lived with examples. The recognition of leaders at all levels, parents of students, and peers, and outstanding work performance. Due to his efforts, the school's teaching order has been greatly improved, the teaching achievements have been significantly improved. He has received good management results and has been well received by teachers and students, parents and society.

In this way, he always did not forget to perform the duties of teachers. In the silent farming altar, although he has worked hard, he never shouted tired, and used his love, sincerity, patience, and confidence to welcome every challenge in education. Use his perseverance to draw the nutrition in the fertile soil, understand the laws of education, and strive to cast his own world of heaven and earth, and understand the value of life in dedication.

Since teaching Teacher Liu Li, he has spilled all his efforts to his career and students, and gave all his love to his students. It is this kind of love that makes him "with a sense of responsibility, entrustment, and he regards the students as his own children. His salary must not only treat the sick parents and arrange a family of life. It is still for Tang Tiecheng. Li Shangjun and other six or seven students have helped pay tuition and book fees several times. His wife often complains about "the child's worn -out", but he said "clean", his wife said, "You only care about students, you only care about students, Regardless of his own child, he said, "I am busy, the child works hard", and the wife said, "Why are you for this?" He said, "For the future of the children" ...

Yeah, for students! In his heart, he always "everything for students, for all students, everything for students!" He devoted all his love to students. I remember that there was a heavy influenza in the autumn, and more than 20 students in the class had a high fever one after another, and the family was far away from the school. He always uses his love to influence educating students from the aspects of life, learning, and being a person, and encourage students to learn to take care of themselves, self -reliance, confidence, and self -reliance. Therefore, there are no students he can't teach, and there is no student who does not love him. It can bring three classes that no one wants to bring into excellent classes, because he holds the true meaning of "love".

The teacher's career is to have conscience! Teacher Liu Li just had this conscience that he had a selfless and dedicated fraternity heart, so that he had the sincerity of the loyal party's education cause!

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